HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1280 ~u Jomes T. Vooe11e J ...,. -- :=;:::,::::---..~:--"""7'-'~~,::::~ ::-.~::..::-. -;~:::;.:~:.. .;.~~-::~~:: -:~:-,:-: 7-:~. :;:~~:~ ~..;':-.=-::::::_-':: :':-".:-::-:":~,~.~.-:-~., .~~.:. .- - -~_. -~~~~:~.-:.:~:.-..-._~~-"_-.---: :::-:::-;:-:. -:---:.---:-- Attest: John LeRoy lfutohison ~eoretal'Y--; J7.00 Doo. Stamps Canol ~igned, S$!.lled and Delivered in our prasenoe: C. A. CunninRham State of Florida County of St. Luoie I HE~~3Y C~~TIFY, That on this 25t~day of FebrUQry A. D. 1925, before me personally - appeared A. H, 'Ull and John LeRoy Huto~1son respeoti valy President and ~eoretary of '1<< Q Fi- nanoe & Improvement Oorporation a corporation uder the laws of the Stnte of ?lorida to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing oonveyance to C. R. Fay, R. A. !~artin, Pat Roberson and !t. C. Seaborn and sevora11:,' acknowledged the exeoution therlJo:f to be their free act and deed os suoh officers. :for tte useR and purpooee therein mentioned; ood that they offixed thereto the official seal of said oorporation, ond the said instrument is the act Bnd deed of said corporation. lYITllBS!)fpy"'signature and ofi1cia1 seal at Vuro in thJ County of Rt. luoi e am ~t~te of this Har. 4.. large, Uel1ie H. Rabb. Uotary rublic. S~ate of Florida ot !~y co::u:!ission ex!>ires l~ay 9.1928.... P. C. Zldred(C1erk of Circuit Court) ~'<'~/ 9/";Ac1,...1 , . D.C. .,. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. ~1A~~HTY m:;D " ] '.':::RO ?I!TiC:~ &. :n2RO'E~:;.mT CO]PO]A";'!C~r ~O C.~. ~';'Y. R.A. ::A~n:, ?AT ~O~:::;~~O~;. ond !~.C. Seaborn T'IIS !!ID::~:TUR::, nade this 25th day of :i-'ebruary A.D. 1925, <~7.""~::'r Vero Finance ,~ I::lprovement Corporation a c01"!loration existing 1;nrler the laws of the ~tate of ~'lorida. hlving its prir,ci!)a1 p10ce of business 1n the Count~l of Qt. J,licie and ~tato of :'lorida partl of the first rnrt. and C. R. Foy. !~. A. !laTtin, Pat :1obeTson, and I~. C. ~eaborn of the Count~! of ~t, Clair and ~t8tO of Alabama part-- of the second part. nT;1::~<>::1H, that the said part:; of the first port, for Bnd in consideration of the ml~ of ?en Mol1ars and other ~aluoble consider3tions. to tt in hand paid the Teceirt whereof is hereby acknowledfod, has granted, bargained. sold. a- li&ned, re~ise4, released, c~nvosed and confir~ed. and by tr.ose presents doth gront, bargain. - , 8011, alien. romise. release. CO:'1...e:l, and confirm unto the sm 1part--- of tho socond oort and heirs and assifns forever. all that certain parcel of land lying and boing in the C0unts of <>t. Lucie and Qtato of ?lor:da, corQ ~art:iCClIBr1y described asfo11o\'ls: East ten acres of the west twenty and 70/100 of tract sixteen, section ~hroe, township thirts-throe south. ~ange thirty-nine East, as the sarno is designated on the last penerol plat of lands of the Indian !Uver Yams Conpan:,r filod in the office of tte Clerk of the Circuit Court of Q.t. Lucio Counti, :'lorids, 3y the acoeptance of this oonveyance the grar.tee herein aSsumes a certain indebtodness represented by threo notes giv~n by Vero Flnonoe & Improvenent COT9orution to Claude A. ~oodward and Minnie 3. ~oodward, each for ~500 and each ~ated D&ce~ber 10. 1924, and eaoh due on or befoyo ono, two and three 7eor8 respeotively from date and all secured by r.ortg9ge on herein doscribed prooertj", with intl)rost at B% por annum. rayable serni-annuall;" Subjeot to all taxes or aep.essments if any be lO'lied for the year 1925 and all s]:boe- 1 'pent ;loars. ?Or.::T~ER with oll the tonenenta, heredi t!ments and appllrtononcoo with evary prl vi1e~e, right. title Intere~t and esto~e, reversion, re~8inder and oasenont.thoreto belonEing or in anj~iBO 8pportalni~r '1'0 "'-A~ .\If]} TO "O!,D i:ho BOrne in fee oimp1e forever. H, -.. . -,