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~..,.". - -" ." <, ~ ,..... '''~.--'. '": '-,-
And tho sol d party of the fIrst port doth oovenant wI th the saB part-- of the
lleoond part that It is Iawful1y soiled of the said !lrorliaes; that they aroQ.ti'roo of aU inc1r.l-
l,>'ances. and not it l'.as Food rirht and lawful rmthorlty to solI t:;e cne: om the soid p1lrty of
tJ:1o first port does lloreby fully warrant tho titlo to suid 10nl1. and \';i11 dofol1l1 the suno oroinst
the 10wfu1 claims of all !lorsons whornsoovQr.
III ''fIT:~?SQ 'v:r:~:~"'~o:'. the sa id pa rt:r of the f1 rst port na; cau8o{1 those !wosonts
to bo signod in
its corporate 8eo1 to be affixed. ottested by
ita secretary the day
(Cor~or~te ~o81)
vo written.
'Vero Finanoo & ~Mprovoroont Corporation
John LaRo
BY A. H. '{ill
Sirnod. Souled and Do1ivdred in our presance~
~2.50 Doo. St8mpEl Canc.
Janes T. Vooe11e
C. A. Cllnninfl'!:or.'l
~tate of ?lorida
County of ~t, lucia.
I T-:2:::~Y C-=:RT!!<'Y. ~hat on this 25th c:1!l~' of ?ebruary A. D. 1':l,~5. before ::Ie per-
st'fio11y o!lP8ared A. !~. :!il1 ond Jotr. LeRoj" tiutchison respectivoly Prosident and "o'orot!lry of
Voro }'inon~e'.:. Incro'lenent Cor)>or::tion 0 corporation under the laws of ':he ~tut;e of :,'lorida
to ~e known to be the !lersons doscribod in and who exocuted the ~oreroinf_conveY8nce to C. B.
:!ay, R. A. ~:artin. ~lat ~berson and ;:. C. ~enbOl'n and severally acknowledged tbe exeoution
~hereo-r to be their froe oct and dood os such offioers. for the rses and ~mr!>('so thor~ic: ~entioR-
ad; and ths'; the:! a:::~'i:::od ';heret~ the on'icial seal 01' s!ild corpoT!l';ion and ':~:o soid instrllDent
deed of said corporation.
T:'H:-;S~ ,:.;r signo";ure and offi:lial't9Oall
ido t~e iay and j"oer last aforCS6idt;
- QJ
at 7oro in the Count~ of
1ucie and
this ;:ar. 4, In5.
~:ellie ,'. 3abb (~-:'AL)
Hotary :'>ub1io, ~tote of ?lorido st larre.
!';l_CO::lr:lissicn o)::Jires ::oj"~. 1928..
P. C. ::ldred(C1~ircuit- Court)
31 /l/f:U'~ /7/7~/
(' D.';.
~. 1.
?JI c:: .\J~ I:jC1 T.
:~:-/):::D;. :.:.~~:' C~~.1.~:: ?..:'Tl:1AY CO.
'l':-:I ~ '-f:\;:{?.A';TY n:.;zn 0;;' Cm;'-f:-;'!A?TC::;, ::xecuted t!:is 24th d~~' of ;,'ebruary in ':ho ye~r of our T,ortl
one L.'h:Jus'-. nd
nine hundred and twent:l-five, 37
, ......
.."\.. ,"'-..-J
T-:TG::~: Z. 1. Prico &'1d !,uc:! '~. Prico. his wif'?
of tr.o -:irst 'Jart. and "?he ?lor~da East Coost ?oilwoj" Coopen;;', 0 Corpo-r'~tion orfonized ond exis-
ting under the laws of the Stot~ of ?lorido, of the socond ~srt.
~fl'l';lE~~r:':';{. That the Sl)id partios of the first part. for ~nd in con~ide~.~,tioo of the cum of One
Dollar and Other 7alllsble Considora tion---------- -. lawful r.lOoey. of the :Jni ted ~tates of .\1':":erl'Ja.
to them in hond paid by the said party of the second part. at or before tho ensealing and dollvory
of theso presents, the reoeipt whereof 15 hereby acknow1odged. bj" these ~rosonts do givo, grant.
barfsin, cell, a1ion, enfeoff, reoIse. releose, conveJ and oonfirr.'l lUlto the f::aid party of the
second part, and its suocassora and assigns. that certain pro?erty~n the ~ounty of ~t. 1ucie
and State of P10rida describod 88 follows:
I '
Lots 9$ven (7). ?igM (8), lano (9). ~en (10). :<:levon (11) and Twelvo (.12) o"f
Price's Subdivision of 8 sti'ip of land Five ~undred and !!"inety-fo;1r (5~4) feet '.'lido. 'five hun-
dred (500) feet Horth of the So~th line of Lot\?,our (4). Section 1"iftoen (10).\ Township?hlrty-
five (35) South of Range FortY_(40) ~pst apd estending frOtl-the\:'1est line of Stsid Lot Four (4)
: to ths Indian River. aooording to plat of th~ Cil'ouit Court of st. -Luc1~Ooimty. Y10rida. to- . ... \
. -
:, :,:,~"</'d:!j;~it.