HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1283 ~;i; ~- . , I I i' l I( .- ~~~. ..."\"....... -', -.... ._;-. .'. -.. '.-'-'-', .......,-..... --.-:.,..":Y....-\.."T""--.:"'r.'a.~...J':;..r-....., ...,.................. ...,..~_...._,~...~,~-._~_.~..~,.~.,. '"'1'''~-{-c.-Y'1IT >~ ,"''''-!,'_'''''~ ......".... ~_' - '_.~--~-- -- ~.._---' _...-----..._--~-~..._------~--~---- ......--.....:-..-._-----_._-.-~_.._._------ -~ ---- ._.~ -.:..-_--_._._----~._------ --- - ----~.. -..--..--..--.- -~,- r,_:...._,~......_-:...'"'-_ _~_.'.~.._-.....~.. ......... ~..._..._~........ .~ ~." _'._, the said Luoy T. Prioe the wife of the Baid E. L. PrioQ on 0 8~arate and private exa~lnation taken and ~de by ond before me. ond eepsra~oly ond aport from her said mlsband. did ooknowled~e that she ~do hlJTself a party to the said deed of oonToyonoe for the purpose of renounoing, re- 1inqui8hin~ and oonveying all hor rirht. title end intorest, whether of dower or of separate property. atotutory or equitable, in and to tho lsnds therein des~ribed and that she oxecuted said deed freely ond voluntarily nnd without sny oonstroint, fear. apprehension or compulsion of . . or from hero8aid husband. sif1lature and offioia1 soa1 at Port Piel'oe in the \.iount:,' of ~t. tucie and State of this nar. 4. 1925. , ~ I~ J. U. Durden (qZAL) liotarJ Publio. St'.lte of :!o'lorida !fy cODmlssion ox~ires 4/16/2~.. and year last of ores old. P. C. Court) --L D.C. --------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- irILll..!,.:: HI3313D A~iD I~::!lE ~!I33.t.ffi) TO JO~:::'>H HA1~KI!IS ~:n A!J3:::~T HEJJ~On. " G:::r::au :'I!:~;t\!lTY DE::D " THIS F:-l>:~;rTu~E. Uade on the 3rd da~ of Pebruary A. D. One thousund :line :!llndred and twonty five by ond between 71il1ian Hibbard and Irene Hibbard his wife of !!onni bal. I!arion County. ;:issouri, parties of the :'irllt Part, ond Joseph :!ankins and Albert ~te1~on----TradinP.' 9S :rankins and i:e180n, 30rough of A1lento\'9n of the County of ;.:onmouth in the Sta'.;e of ::eVl ~.erse:i------. parties of the Seoond part: :vr:'ISS~E:'H. ':'hat tl:e suid portias of ths Firs'; Part, in considor3tion cf '.;he SlL>:! of ':'wo 'i'110118- [ and ondno/1001itr~011ars, totl:em paid by tha said parties of the Second par~. the recei?t of whioh i~ hereby actnowledfod, do by tl:ese 9resc"ts, Grant, 1Urgain and ~e1l, Con_ey ar~ Confirw unto -::r.o said parties of the ~econd :?ar':; their heirs and assif!ns, ";1:e follo.r.inf described Lots, ~racts or }arce1s of Land. lying, beinF and situate ~n tho County o~ ~t. Iucie and ~tute of ?lor- ida, to-wit: All of the ~est ten (10) acres of'~ract fi,e (5), ~ection ele~en {lll. ~o~r.sl:ip th:rty-~hree (33). ~outh, Range thirty-nino (29), ~ast. as the soco is designatod on the last generol ~lat of lands of tr.e Indian ~iver :'8lT.lSCom'lan:,., ~ilod in the Office of ~to Cler:: of tte Circuit Court of Qoint L~lcie County, :'lorida. ~2.00 Doc. Stamps Cane. '1'0 .~-~ T!. Ar-n '1'0 -r('ID the premises aroresai d, TIlth all end sinfUlar the rights, privileges. appur tenancos and irr~unitie8 tnoreto belonging or in anv~ise appertaining unto the said parties of the Qecond p~rt. and ~nto their heirs and a8signs. ?O~'lER, the 8eid ---- ~illiam Hibbard and Irene ITibbar4 his wife-------- hereby oovenanting that they ara lawfully seizeu of on indefeasible ~st!lte in Pee in the prer.::lses herein conveyed; tr:at they hayo -good right to conve~ tho sa;..e; . that tho said pro~i8es are free and alear of ony ~ncur~rance done or Buffered by them or those I under whOrl tho;,' clai!:} and tr.at they will ':YA?:ll!;T A11D D~!-'?nD the title to tho soid !>re~.ises ,mto the said lJort1ea of th, Second part. and unto thei r hai 1'8 and assigns. ;'O?BT~R. agains t t he lawful claims and de08nds of all perBOnG whomsoever. Taxes and all 808e8scents for the year 1925 aSSUMed by said seoond parties. IU WITnESS :nZREOP, the 80 id parti.e8 of the First Part have hereunto set their hands tho da;{ and yoar first above _rl"ln. 81enl4 Dn4:Delivored in the presence of us. 'It'gliac Hibbard Irene !Ubbard v~ v- Z. 1.:. rat01&. 'Yn.a.1f\ . Ruth li. Vand8~en.~ State ~t H1ssouri, County of Harion S8.