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desoribed as fol1Qwe:
tot mu:;ber Eleven (11), in :3look nu~bor ThirtY-8i~ (36) in the Orl1!'lna1 ~own 01: Vero,
~lor~da. os tho lH:mo is dositl1atod on the the !>lat of euoh town, reoordod in tho offlcQ of tl:e Clot'/.
of tho Circnit Gourt in ard for soid County, !3eing the Da::le property or promisos that 1I6S COflYo~:ed
. --.~ -~,:~.:;::; ~:-:~ "..-: .:;;:.::.;:----::~~~::;..7"~-~::-~:.L ~': ,::..,__~:::-;.:-;~.:,:~-:-: :-7_-_~~::~':::~:~::;:::=:.~::-;,.~-:'~:::':;;::::;:'~~~:;"::~~ -,!-::::::;:"-.~~-;;. ~. ~-':..:
gain. ~oll, olion,romIse, 701011se. enfeoff, oonvey anl oonfirm unto the aaid gr9nteo, and hie
heirs heirs and !lfloitma, in ':00 81nple, t}N 10n1e situate in St. tuoie COUrlty,.'~tut;e of Florida,
b;r the Indian !Uvor Farr:a Company to '!annah A. cravens by deod dsted De')~mb.r 14th, 1917, and re-
cordod on Page lu4, of lJook 3~ in tho publio records 01: St. LuoIe County. This deed baing subject
to 011 the rostrictions contained in llnd Dado a ),ort of said deed frOM the !ndion ~iYor F9rms
Conp~ny M~ntioned above.
TO !lOYO And ':'0 :!old tho S!l!3e togethor \,i th tho toredi tomonts a [ld apv'rtemlOoes, unto
tho said .grantee, and his heirs and assigns in ~eo sipple.
And the said franto~G for tte~eelveB and their heirs SId 1ernl re!>resentotivec. covenant
with soid grantoo. his heirs. 10ral reprosentatives and ns~ifns: That said grsfitors oro indefosS-
ib1y soized of said land in ;00 sinple; that said grantors have ~ull power and 1~fu1 rir~t to
convoy said londs in fee sir.;ple, ss aforosoid: that it 8"all be lawful for soid grantee, his ::eirs,
10[91 rer-rosentatives and assifns, of all ti~es po':,coo~ly and quiotly to ontor upon hold, OCC!lpj" ':rld
onjoy said land; tlBt said lar.d ts Iroo fr0n 011 oncur.;brances; that s9id ~r!lntors their heirs a:1d
lefal rO!lrelO"ontotlYes, .,il1 r.la~:e such furthor assnrancas to per~'ect tho teo Cil:l,:>lo title ~o suid -
land in said rrantoe, his heirs. laral re?resentatl'lCS and assigns, os no:; reasonably be requirod;
and that said gr~mtors do hereby :ful1J \'tarrmt the tl tIe to said Iond and will dofend tho S9Ul !}_
fainst tho lfnii'ul c~a l:::s o~; all persons ....ho~:soevor...
~os. 1:. :~9n}:ins
t!annah A. '{ovens ("'2AT.)
"'lIT!~~S the .h!ludc and soals of said grantors ~he doy ood ;{ear first obeve wri tten
~lfned, sealod ~nd do1ivered in the 9res~nco of:
."os. Canp Jr.
$6.00 Doc. S~anps Canc.
Charlos R. !rovens (~-'LT.).
Joseph Coop Jr
f."'06. i.. ~!8~:ln8
State of :ew JQrsey
County of !ionnouth
I :E:~Z3Y C:;:l?IFY ?hat on ';hi8 daJ persollall;; ap}9!lred before ne, aG of1'icer dul~ au-
thorized to administer oaths and take oc::nowledfT.:en ts, ~!3nnah A. Hs\"ens and Ci:arles R. Ravons,
r::er '{usband, to> Me ,;el1 ~:no.".n and ~:nown to l:le to be the individuals described in or.d \tho executed
~r.e foregoing deed, .and the;,- oc~~no"11edge before me that they executed tho s&:.:e freely and vo]unt!)r-
i l~ :for the purposes theroin oX:'l'"essod.
.mn I F0~7rER C:;~ITH'Y, That the said Manall A. Ha..-ens known to r;je to be tho wiIe of the
said Char10s R. Ravons on a sep.rate ard private exsclfiation token and Dado by and beforo ~O,
S9!)arately and apart from her soid huabond. did aokn:)wledgo trJ1t ahe !:lado fiercolf 0 partJ to ss id
doed for the purpose of renouncing, rolinquishing and convo:ling all her rl~ht,. titlo end interest.
\.tether, of dow8f, homestead or of SepaT!lte !>ro!)<.lrty, statu+:or;r ot?Qllitoble, in and to the lads
desoribed therein, nod that she e:\:ecute.i the said dood freeq and voluntarily and _"i thont any
conpulsion. constraint, apprehen slon at fenr of or r.on her soid husband.
'71 tns8s my hand and offioiol Hoal ~t Allentown COllnty of :rOn.'!lOU tit end ~tBto of ~rew Jer-
toenth day 01: ?ebruary A. D. 1925.
County of Honmouth..
Jos. n. Hankine
notor.f ?ubBo. 11e.', Jeroey
l~ oommission ox~tro& Ootober 1at, 1926.
I, Joseph UoDennott. Clerk of the Co\mty of Uonmouth and also Clerk ot the-Circui t
Court and Court of Comoon Ploas, the 8'lr'ie being a Court of Reoord 01 the aforos!lid CountJ ::avinf