HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1288 ~~ , thoir heirs and o8signs. sholl and nay at nIl times hereafter. ~eooo~ully Of~ ~uletly hove, hOl;1, ~~ce. ooc1lpy. p08S68S and onJoy the obQve granted prOtl1eo8. ond evory part and paroel thorQof, with the oppurtonances. wi~hou~ any let. suit. trouble. coloetation. eviotion. or disturbance of the soid parties of the first part their heirs or oBsirnc. or of 8~' other ~IJrson or persons law- fully c10lning or to cloim the saJ:le. And tl'.!1t tl:e some ore new free, olear, dlsoharged ond un- incumbored of and :;.'rom all fvIT.'ler and other grants. tl tIes, oharpos. e sto tes, Jlld('?:l.lnts. toxoo. ( ) .: l . . t i , i , : , .- . '_'__~'_",_,__ _4 ,__ _____________....: .._______._~~._'__. ____ ___~_- _~__'._.______ 4.._..____......___-~.-____...4.~_._.__.__...____~_______...__._ ._.__._ ...._._.. _ _ _~. _.___ . . ''''---''' ~...._-. -;'. -'='"-_.... - . "'.-- ,'. ,"~ ~- -...., '-.. -.- -_---:.(' ':~ . .~''\:"':-'_ -..,...... .....e'"~_cV............- ~............. ....,."..-....._..~'r'"., ._.--,. ... .......~,. , . ..... .....:...... ...: .. ,"....... _:or-- -- ~,. -..,.~ ,- -... :-'~ ....- ""'I ..;-..-. -'...... -....... - -. '" '- "-. _". . '" .... .- 1. !:lsseSS!!lents and incumbranoes of wl-e t nature and kind soever. A~d the said parties of the first ~rt, for themselves and their hoirs, the abOve describo/} and heroby pranted and reltased pre!!llses and ever:, par" mid parcel thereof. with'the apourtenanc~s. unto the soid porties of the second ,part theIr heirs and assigns. afainst the said parties of tr.e :first port and their heirs. and a~oinst. all and ever:.' person or persons whoJ:lsoever, lawfully cl~i!!lil'ip or to c1ain tb1 sone shall and will w!lrrar.t and by these presonts forover dor'.)[.d. Ili :7!'.?:r-~~~ "1:t::;~':.:OP. The said parties of ';h'3 ~'irst !l8rt hovo horeunto se'; thoir hands ond soals t~e day orrl ~eor first abcvo ~ritten. SifUOd, Soale~ and Delivered in Presence or' ~s: ? C. ~tetson (~ZAL) ------~. c. T. HoCorty ~:auJ.e 'I. Stetson! S:-:A.!,) w"i C. l.~." ~Jort~n ~tate of ?lorido. ~ounty 0: ~revord ::no':l all nen by these ,rosents,l'hat !, ~~oud V. Ste':son 71i::.'e of the above naned :'. ~. ~tetson no by these presents, Dado and 'executed by oe, seporate and 8!>art fron fI:J seid hus- b9nd. alid In the presenco of c:f'. HcCarty a !:otor'j" Public of the St~to of :'lorlda, ac.:no\'lledf,"o and purpose of Releasing !fl.y dowe'r, right of Dower and Qepar:;.te :::8';...';e in ao::1 to the 10nds in said ,) declare that J did oate L.yse1f 8 part:t to, and executed the foregoing deed of conve:r~nce. for the conveyance therein deecribed 'and granted. and thut I did tte S9r.10 froely am vOluntarily. and withoat an:;, coop;llsion, ccnctraint, a~f'rehensi()n or :ear, of or .:r':>r:\ ~ said husband. T!i i'TI?7:~QQ 71~~~r:O}', ! horel.lUto su~scrl be r:l:f m.~ 'lod o:-fix J:l:' ['0)81. th: s 16th do:; of Ap,rll A. D~ one thollsand nine hundred and :'i...e. !~olld V. Stetson ( ~:SAr.) State of Plorida ~ounty of 3rev~rd 70 ALY. ...r-iO!: I~ l~Y CO:;CZ?Ji: 30 it known that on this 1Eth dal of April A. l>. 1905, personall:; appoared bo::::ore'r:Je a I<ot!lT'1 ?ublic: of the ~t!lte of i'loride. the above naned j!uud 'I. Stetson to ::Ie well known 95 t::o 7.1 fe of ::'. C. ~te';son and as one of t1:e persons desori bed in and who exe- I. cuted the foregoing Deed of Convuyance, who boing at ~ho tine s6parate and apart fro~ her hus- . . b'lnd. the s81 d i.:aud 'I. Stetson did t!-.en and ~horu cake and eXecute the 1'oregoinf: oc;:r:.o:'lledgment her own hand subsoribed, and her seal af:ixed in my presenoe. _Witness my hand and seal, at Pt. Pierce. Florida, the day and yeor abovo ~ritten. C. T. ,HcCarcy (SEAY.) Uotny Publio I:y cOmJ!llesion expires novo l~. 19Gf. State of Florida, I County of 13revard. On this day pereonolly appeared before I:le F. C. Stetson and Houd V. Steteon. his wifo. to J:le well known as the pereona described In. and who exeouted the foregoing Deod of Con- veyanoe, snd acl:nowledred that they executed the S!l"e for the ~Ur1}08e theroln expressed; where- , \ . :... 11pon I t ill praled that the saIne may be reoorded. IU iYITHESS 'lrH};r:;.~ ? r have hereunto affi xed D;J hand and seal thi slOth doy of 113 C. rr. lloCarty (SEAL) 11otor,r Publio . 00r.m108ion exPires llov. 12/1905. '. '.. 't"::;;~~:;:i;~~f~il~j ""