HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1290 tJu ~_._-----~------ -----..---.--- _..,,'_~..-:,...___.. ~-_~_~__ _.-:-________.:.-._....... _.~_~__--:._ ~.___ ;----..--.."-.-_---0..-.- _..____._ _____ _..__. ___.._.. - .......- '.~r~-. _h --, -, . ,-. ,--~ ". "~'1" .'-.' ''''-,''' ".-..'CO-' -..... r.~'_'..O -., ...~.~-~, ..,......_ <O;..-_..'_'!" .....~_!"'~.... ~l-~- -~ .. .,...-- l:~'" "'," ~ '!::." __._'" '<""("'".' _..:""."...~ .....- . ::""'" ':' ,-'.-' ....~-_... . -.. ~ ..~-.. _,__," -.. :" '1""-' -. .-:_ ..:_ .._ .'~"-' - '-. And the e~l1-d partios of the first part. for th&r.lselvoe ond thoir heire, oxeoutors end ndr.linistratore, Jointly ond Beveral1y, oovenont, ~ror.liee and ogree to ond with the B~ld p~rty of the socond part, his helr~, exeontors, adninistrotors om aasiroo. toot tt.e add ~)!lrthB of the first part, at the time of ~he sealing ond dolivury of these presonts, were la"~\lly eeized in foo sir.lple of 0 good, absolute and indefeosible llsta~e of inherit!lnoe of ond in all end sin- gular tl:il above descr1 ~ed pre~18ee, eaoh ond over:." am hod €,ood r1~ht, full !}owsr a 00 lawful author1 ty to convoy the same in !:',anner and 1'onl a:'ores8id; that the 6:'id party of the socond part, his hoirs er~ oss!~ns, shall ond ruay at all tl~es hereafter peaceably ond quipt1y havo. hOld,11ee. occupy, possos and enjoy the above dO~cl';bed preI:llses and every part end parcel thereof \\1 thout any let, suit, trouble, r.:olostotion, eviction or diaturbonco of the said !lartioa of ~he ~I first !la.t, thoir hoirs or uBsie-ns, or of any othor !lerson or porsons lawfully clair.ling or to cluim the S'jt:iO; that th9 sa~o, all o:-rl singular, ore f'roe, cloar, d i8c:l0r[od a~d unincur.lberl.ld of and fro:::! all :;;onnor.6nd other titles, clouds and incunbrances o-r' what natare and l:ind soover; that the s~id parties of tho f1 tst part their heirs. exocators and ad'~lnistra~ors, ea::h or-d -every llhal1 !.'.8ke, eXocl1te om 8ckno\'ilede& such further find o'::her deeds 'lnd ossnroncoo as b,~' oounsol learnod in tho 10',., [,ay be considered reasonably propor to of~'ectuoto I:ile ~'1l11 intent and r.loau- into of this !nstnlmont. ~his doed Is f'iven subjoc~; to !:10rtf!lfO dotod October ::rd, 1~::4, in ::tg. 3oo}: :~l 'l '; Pore ':'4 01' tho l"OCor.1s 0': ~t. I.ucio Connt~.., Ylortda, ri\"on by thiJ part! os ot the :ii rs~ part noreinabo7o nO::1od to ;;. ~. ~uu~:!3r to secnre t~;e snn 01' .S~312.aO eyidonced by t\VO prOr:1iSEory no':es #- of even dote 8ach in the su~ of' ~115~~g,payablO Gno ~~d ~no ye~rs a~~or da~e; f'3go ";i1o Tl!irt~! o~. the soc,)nd part, ~T. I:. '9urston assumes and 6grees to :10Y. which soid nort- This dead is subject also to all t~xes as~essnents or 1:::!pasitions 1evioi or in- ) !losed .&ttO '1'!Hlt'!8~ subsoqnent to :)oc9nber 21st, 1?2t.. And tr.e sn~d parties of the fi~Gt ,art for tho~solvee orA their heirs, tr.o above 'i.:scribod vron:scs. and e'.-er..: po~.t and 00rC(;] thoreof, unto tho s;:id oort:: of ":;1-:0 seCt'nd :Jor!;, l:is hairs am I)s~~gns, Bfninst the E3id 1d1rt os of th'l firE"; flfirt and their heirs, ond all11nst !}ll and C-.-I'H,,' 'larson c.r ~H!rsons !!IT .'_' ~8~ ,"lhonsoc-.-or 10 ':,full;y- cla1:-.1ng or to clni!'; tr.e S!l:-o. B~!lll and will warrant b~' theso prF;sents for;;"or da:'ond. This alienation is ':lith t::e joint 00(.80nt of hnsband ~'ld w!.fe, whero that rola- tion exists. ., :7::::~~ 'T-:R::m', the said po r~i os of the :f11:8: po rt have i:orennto sot thei r hands snd ~eals each in tho presence of two Bubscribing witnosees. H Sifnod, soaled and deliverod in prosenco of U8: ~ardinor 1. ~rottingham.(S:;',L) #-. E. ;:. ~on"r:rson .. Iouo'.; to :::. !~o_t~lngha}:1_,_J ~eel} 1;el110 3nFh, Elw:tn ThC'r..os ( ~::.'. ,-' ) a.t to all ?;vo Tho:'1!ls ( ~::'\I} ~tate cf ?lor:da, S~ Count~ of ~t. Lucie I !!"~:~?'3'{ C::;-.:'lIFY, That on this 3rd day of i7arch, A. D. 1n5, bof~re ne. a ~r'_hr.1 .. ?lJblJc, porson&lly appofJrad ~ardinor R. riottingh8r:1 an:l Ionet':e H. irott;inghar.l, his v/i:fe and -;:lwyn ?hom&s and Eva Thor."Illf', his wife, to me well' known and ~~no"n to mo to be the indi ,'idualE do scribed in and who exacnted the forogoing oonveyano8 to 1.1. J. '9urflton am severolly aoknowlodf'od the ey.- ~1 ecution thor~of to bo tholr free oct and deed for tt.e USOE and ?urposes ~herein mentionod; and -\.1L.. ~ ~Lf,.., ~ ~~~ ~. ~rJ;;..r- w ~ ~ tte said Lou.t~o H. Jrottingoor:t !lnd :-:va '.dIOr:'.n8~ respectively, eaoh on u eepol.&te am privoJe ex- -t ar.1111&ticn taken find l~:8do by and before me, om separotelj' and apart fro!!' hor Gul., h',abund, did aCknowledgod that she nade herself 0 party to tho said dped of oonveyanoe for tho purpose of re- nounoing, relinquishing ond oonveying all her right, .title and interest. whethor of dowor or of S(lIJoratlt nron')rty, st!ltutor'J or equitable, in an4 to the lands therein desoribed, end ":h?t Ghe