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the sum of Ton Dollors and other valuable Considerations Dollare to theu In haM paid Ule reoolpt
whereof is hereby aoknowledged 118ve granted, bargained. sold, olionod. Noised, released, en-
feo/fed, conveyed ond oonflrmed and by these presents does grent, bor~oin. ~el1, alion, remise,
relesse, enfeoff, oonvey onI oonfirm unto the saId party of the oecond part and its sucoessors
and assirns forever, all that oertoinparoe1 of lend lying and being in the County of St. Lucie
and' State of F10rido rnore par~iolller1y described aB follow 8 :
All of ~outh Regina Palms Being all of ~10ok8 One (1) Two(2) Threo(S) Four (4)
Five (5) Six (G) 'Seven(?) Eifht (8) nine (9) and Ten(10) being all of ~outh Regina Palms ~ub-
division in ~eotion ?hreo (5) Township (36) Ronge (40) East Plat Book.(5) P~ge 5, St. Luoie
- ~ ._:-~.~.-:'-~::;':~"~~'.~~;:-.:-6 ~-:::7:~;:;:-':~~::.:-":'~.~~.- .....:::::_:::::;.:;:;..-~::-:~=::~:_:::::::;::;~..::-~~..~.:-:-::.:::~ . ~,,~:.. :~_- ~-:;.-::-~ ::-_~~~ .::. -_:-
County Records.
Subjoot to i:ortgage of $1,000.00
$'3.00 ~.R. St.-.fvLC1~.....,.
~OG~T~R with 811 the tenements, hereditomenta ond appurtenanoes, with evory priviloge, right
title, ~ntorest and estnta, dO~8r and right of do~or, r.~ersion, re~ainddr and easenont thereto
belonging or in an:"16se oppertoining. TO!f.A v::; '\!lD TO HOLD. t[l; sane in feo sinple forlJver.
AIlD the sm d parties of the first psrt dbes oovenant wi th the 'ssid part~: of the
second part that th'JY lawfully seized of the suid prer1ises; that they)ue free of all incu!:ll:ranc'os
and that they have good right ond lawful authorit7 to ~\).~he soce; and that s5dd pre~iseB of
the first part doth hereby fully worrant the title to s~id land and will defend tho same oroinct
the lawful clair..s of e 11 ~ersons whonsoever.
17r ',7IT!8~!'l 'm~J:::OF, the SGdd parties of the first part have r.erennto set their
hard and seal the day and year above wr:tten.
J. I. Ke11ens
Signed, Se~led and de1'yerej in our presenc~:
dOhn n. .Baysinger
Jennie E. Y.ellerns(S~AL)
'7enry C. Horat
State of ?lorida
County of ~t. Lucie
I E~:m' C~RTI?Y, That on this 24th day of l:arch A. D. 1925, before r:le p.use ......~ 1]
appeared J. I. }:el1er:ls and Jennie ... Kellens to I:le kBOwn to be the person doscribed in o!!d who
exeouted the Ioregoin~ oonveyanti8 to ~rie Land & Investcent Co, and severally acknowledged the
execution thereof to ~e their free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein m9ntioned
and the Elaid Jennie :::. Kellems, the wife of the said J. 1. i:el1E1::is .:n a sep9r~te and priv'.lte 07.-
8oination t5~en and r:lade b~ and before r:l6, and separately and apart from her sald husband, did
acknowledge thot she r.~de herself a part~ to ~he said deed of Conveyance, for tho purpose of re-
nouncing, relinquishing and cOllve;ring all her right, title and interest whether of dower or of
Eopar6te proporty, s~atutory or equitable in and to +'he lends therein described, and that she
executed Baid deed freel:r am vJluntarily and wlthollt any constraint, fear, apprehension or
co!;.pulsion of or fr.Jr:l her sadd husbund.
.I/ITII~9!=C my sip-nature and offioial 8801 8 t }'ort Pierce in the Count~,r of ~t.
~t~te or ilcrido the d~l ~d ytar lust aforesaid.
~ ?reak Y-. Stetson
... Hotars Publio' for the State of ?lorida at Inrge
8corded this Uar. 24, l~~. "" c{lf.".r.Iission exoires J1ec8r.lber 22, 1925.
~. "J L!
1. 'E' P. c. E1dred(C1erk of the Circuit Court) ~
~ Iff dark 3~~AP~ _-' g
---------~------------------------~------------------~---------------------------------~:~: -
~LADYS }:ELJ..=~!!g TO :mOl: IT COHC':!l!:~
I, Glsdys t. Kellems, ~eoretary of the ~r18 Lond and Inv~~tnGnt~onpany, a cor-
po.ati0n a.1Y orfanized-ana ~xiotlng under'.nd by virtue of the lows of the g~8t8 ot Fl~rida,
, ,
~!_bnDil1dRR in ":ha (~it:v of 1-'.ll'~ P'fl:r~9_ P'n.~.