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AlID tbe 8ai4 partieD of thl first part do oOTe.-t wlth the sa 14 pertJ o~ the
eeoond part tblt the7 are lawtally 8el1ed o~ thl Raid premiaea; that said premiaea ara tree o~
aU; inoUlllbrenoea; and that the7 haTe 100d right and lawful authority to eell the aame; and tbBt
sald partin ot the firet pert do herebJ tul17 w.mnt the title to aii4 lftM, _d will aefend
tbe aa.. againat tha lawtul olaima o~il persons whom.oeTer.
IIf WI'flfBSS 1JHBRBOP, thl sa14 perUes ot the tIrst part have hereunto aet their
hands and aeala the d.y 88d year firat abOTe written.
Signe'. s~aled an4 deliTered in tbe preaenoe ot:
F. B. lfioke1e
Lewis p, Harder
B. V. D.~
State ot Plorida
County of Palm Beaoh
. I H8RBBY CBRTlrY. ,hat on this d87 personally appeared before _. a n o~fioer clnl)'
----- ...,.~
authorized to adm1ni8ter oaths and take uolmowledsmen\a Louia ". Sarder, aM Gertrude Harrie
Harder. hie wIfe to JIll well DOlIn to be the persons deeoribed In _d who exeouted tbe foregoing
instrument sad they aoknowledged betore me tbat tbey exeouted the same freely aDd voluntarily
tor the purpoees therein expressed.
Gertrude Harris Harder
JlfD I PUR'fH8R OERfIPT, ,he tthe s81 d Gertrude Herri s H,rder known to me to be tbe
wife of the said Louis P. Harder on a eepante and prhate exemlnation, tsken ad IIIIlde by aM be-
iore _. aeparately and ...rt :frOIl her uld buebaDll, did aomowledge that she exeouted the fore-
gOing Deed fOr the purpoae of relinquishing. alienating aad oonTeying aU her rigbt. title ana
Interest. whether ot dower, homestead or ot separate property. statutor,y or equitable, In aDd to the
land8 desoribed therein and that she exeouted said Deed freely and Toluntarily and without aOT
constraint, apprehension or fear of or troll her said hU8band.
IIf WITNESS WHBREOP. I bereunto set my hand and official seal this 23rd day of De-
P. B. BiokelS
1l0ta17 Publ o.
llorlda at large.
MY commission axpiree June. 8th.
state ot
this Kar. 6, 1926.
P. C.
-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
J. S. BAILBY....
COUll!y 0' S,. LUCIE )
THIS AGREBYE1f'1' made end tntered Into this the 2nd day of ),(aroh. A. D. 1926. b7
sad between E. W. Lacke. widower. of Sebastiar, St. Luoie Connt7. ~lorida. party ot the first-
part and J. 8. Bailey ot Port Pierce. 9t. Luole Co., norlda. party o't the .eooOd part.
That It the sal d part7 of- the 8eoond part shall'1IIIlIt. the paymente and parfom the oovenants
hereinafter exp~8Bed on his part to be made and performed, the 881 ~U'ty ot th. first pert here..
by ooyenant and esree to conTeY and assure to tbe said perty of the 1800nd part, hie heirs. ex-
eouton, adminlstrato?s or 88818118; in fee siJllPle.' by a good and safflolont ..rrant7 d..d, that
4ert&1~ pi~~e, paroe1 and lot of 1IDd situated In the Ooun~ of St~ Lucie, state ot Plorida, aDd
baln, more partlou1a~ly de80rlbe~ 8S tOllow., to-wit:
Being that pert ot the South .est one-quarter ot the South weet one-quarter ot
Seotlon 1. in 'o.uehip 31 South.Range 38 !alt. whloh 11.s west o~ the Sebaetlan River. oontaln-
1113 36 aores aore or lesa. Belq ths 8ame property bClug~t trom Sarah L. Uertln aDl Geor,e B.
~uartln on Jan, 21, 1924.
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