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~lf. IS tmDERS'fOOD 'fHi! the puroMae prioe tor 8a14 land8 it on 'fROU!AlfD AM> Plm DOLLARS
CtlO&O.OO), wbioh aum tbe .ald perty ot};he ..oond ptaft e,,,'Bill,fth ...A .".......t. PI... 't....~ ..u.
,.,_."" \11.. a...lit part oovenant" and a81'ee. 10 pel' to the ..id part, o~ tM f11'8t part in the
~01'll and menneI' ~011OW1D81 01f~ mnmmm CtlOO.OO) Dollar8 o._h. the reoe1pt whereof 18 hereb,
acknowledged; RtRB HUIIl>RED AIfD fiftT Ct960.oo) DOLLARS to be pa14 30 daya after ab_traot ba8
been appre,.ed by the attoroel' of the part, of the second pert.
Ylf IS lURrBBR AGREED that this contraot shall be exeouted in Duplioate and .hall be plaoe.
with S. ~. Draa.ell, of Seba_tian, St. Luoie Oount7, 710r1.a, 1& ESCROW, to be held by hi. un-
til the option heroin gran~e. i_ either exeroiaed or deolined, tbat in the eyent thi. oontraot
. aDil the option herebl' 81yen 1_ not 8xeroi.ed OD or before thirt1 de'8 after the abatraot baa been
approTed b7 the attorney o~ the part1 of t~ .econd pert, aa hereinbefore stipulatlcl, then the.e
oont1"8ot. are to be returnea to the partie_ o~ tbe firet pert, otheJ'W18e to remain in full ~oroe
tinct flrtue.
I'! IS lUR'rHBR UlfDERS'fOOD Alfl) AGREED between tbe partie. to tbla oontraot that 11 the pllrty
of the eeoond part do.s not perform tbe..oonnant_ on hi. pert made and entered Into, then tbe
amount that haa been pa14 to tbe party of the filet part by .aid porty of the 88000d part .he1l
be retainea by tbe part, of the f11'st part a8 11qu14ated damages; And if the part, ot the tiftt
part oan not C\liYer merchantable title, the party ot tbe fit8t pert must return th. 8ald tloo.OO
reo81T84 at thls date 1lo the party of the _eoond part.
I'! IS WflJALLT AGREED, by aAd between the perties U hereto that ~be time of PQm8Dt shall
be an 88sentlal part of this oont1'8ot, .Dl that 311 ooyenants and agreements herein oontained shall
extend to snd be obligatory upon the helr8, executors, administrators and 8!lslgns of respeotiTe
IN WI'flIESS 'KHEREOP, the DD partin IX to these present. baTe hereunto set tbeir haMS end
s8al. In DqPLICATE the day and year abOT' wri~ten.
B. W. Laots
Slgned, Sealed and deliyered in the presence of:
Howard 7. Sll1th
J. S. Balley
Wll11a. A tten
State of Pl01'148
County of St..~ole
I HBHEBY CER'rln, 'fJBt OD this tbl 6tb day of Karoh 1926 before me personally appeared E.W.
Laoks, a w1dower, to IDI known to be the person 48801'1 bed In a nd who exeouted the foreg01ng 1nst:ru
ment to J. S. Balley, and aoknowledged the ex.out10D to be hi8 free aot and de,d for. the uses
and purposes tb6reln 'xpree~ed.
S MY s1gnature ao4 offl01al at Vero in the OoUD~ of ilf. Luoie and state of 'lorlda
881' la.t afor_ald.
~ Wl11iam Atkin
,g Wotar" Publio
~ . Jq OOlllC18816n 8%pir'Js Sept. 7, 1926.
.&.nIDI. n'1'
8tate ot Plor14a )
. )88
Oount7 of 8t. Luoie)
On thi. day penonalIT appeared before.. an offioer duly authori..d to adminI8ter oatha,
.... .
eto. Ilary W. lqaU, who being f1rat duly s.on:.. depos'8 aDd sq..
'I'hat she 1s the IIOther ot 'a11l88' B1a1\, one ot tM I"otors ill a oer\81n Deed troll tbe hel"