HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1306 -LUtj . . - -. - --. .-- -. -- - - u_ -. .<o____ .-.-:-: ---,.: -: :- ~~._'-:. -'--:- .:.-: -:~.:-; -:- .~~:-::: -~--:-,. - -:: _:.-_~-.~ _~:-..::_ :---- --. -: ~~-~-'__.-~':;'~.~ . ~' ~ .-: - -:- - -r----~_-_..._ _ ~ l- ot Cberlo~ w. ~ll, deceasta to John L. ~~ith, a.tla the 2nd da, o~ DIO, A.D, 1924., whioh been lai4 Deed'has not ,et/tiled tor recora, oonye,ins o.rtaln landa in Seotion 36 !ownehip 30~ Ranse 38'. ancl Seotl0lJ3l lfp. 80, S, Rlnp 3t Eaat. St. Luoh Countl' P101'1d6. 2. . 'It , I I . 'fbat the 8a id 'fa1mage 17811 18 t"entl'-one 7e,,1'8 0 f ... ba'Yi~ been born on the 4 d87 of June, .... D. 1903. Jlan w. ball _CSEAL) Subeorlbel and .wom to betore me thIs . 27 d87 ,. > 'f! o (J V 0:: . C. 'f SelaloDB 1'0taJ7 Pu\Ua nor14a Btate at large... Wotery Publ10 for the State ot nor14a at large.. ., oommisBion expirls 'I., 6th, 1929. Court) of ,.bruaJ7. A.D. 1986. -----..-- oorded thi8 Mar 6, 1926. w. 0, BRADDOCK JR. -------...------------------------------------- --------------------------------------. " 'f0 .,'IDJ.VI'f lJHOU Ilf lllY COlfCERlIS " S'fA'.PB 0' 7LORIDA ) )SS COUllft 0' M. LUCIl!U OW thi8 day P11'8Oaa117 appeared before JIll, an ottioer dul7 autho1'1aed to admln1eter oethe W. C.Bradaook Jr. who, being fil'st duly .wom depo8es antl 8ays: 1. ., .. 'fhat he 18 47 ,ears of age aDd has been a resident ot St. Lucie County for 30 years. '-'. 2. 'fhat he ,. personall1 aoqnalnted wi th Jla17 8. Rountree, Roblrt; B. B;yall, WilUam R. Ryall. Katherine Booth, !a1mage D. R.yall and Augusta U. R1all, the sa14 deso1'1bed person. be1n@ oertain poantora in a Deed from all of the heiJ'fi of Cmrll8 W. R1all, deoe8sed, to John L. 8m1 th OODYe7ing. oertaln lands in SeottOll 36 'fownahlp 30 South, Range 38 Eest and Seo. 31, 'fp 30 S. Ran@e 39 &a.t. alf.:lh6wn li' IIbll;b~~J~.A~.:Ild.Oil~S811~eJ reoorde4 in Deed Book BE, Page 600, Pabl!o Record8 of St. Luoil County, north, aa14 Deed !MIDB dated the 204 day of Deoember A. D. 1924 aDlt not 7et fUed for reoord aDd affiant knows of his own knowlldge tbat the z814 Ua~ in a petition for adm1nistration in thl eetate~t Charle8 w. B7all.----------------i~ I E. Rountrel one of the ~ntore in .ail deed i8 the .ame person named a8 &tta R7all~deoeaBed, l ae reoorded in adminlstratloD IBOOB>> ~~...a...a~....m.I~..J..III.I.E~ -1, Page 149 o~ the Count, .7nclge's Court of St. Luole County, 710ridai tlIet B. B. Ryall one of tM grantors in Baid :Deed 18 the same person nameel ae BoIrert B. lqall in eaS4 pe~tioo; tbat tM Baiel W11118m R. R7al1 named io laid Deetl iw. tJaa .... person ae W1llha lqall named in sal4 Pet! tion. that the eaid Katherine Booth namld in 8aid Died i8 tM same person 8. Kittie R1all in .ald petition; ,bat..... Augusta M. BI'all DBJIlIcl in .aid Deed i8 the e.1 perso8 ee GUS8ie R1811 named i. Bald ea this Ilar &, 1926/ W. C. Braddook Jr. to be1'ore me thia 4 d87 o~ Jlaroh. A. D. 1926. ~ o. ~. 8e881o~s ~r I'otary PaUio norida Stete at large 8 Jrota17 Publ10 tar ~e State ot norida at larg.. f.l M7 oommi8slon expirle 'lb. 6, 1929. (Seal) .:::- (! ::! -. It .::l P. CJZ::.7k ~lna1' tou1t BY ~.h h t7 6:...4 /.- ~ D. . ] -------------------------------------------1R)-------------------~~~u~u~-------------- R. O. BlRDD _ ~~i~~~I~~~~:;i;;1~ . ARIDA VI'f .