HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1307 ~ '-, , . -.. .....-..- _.. -...~_. - - - --,- _.___~.____._..__. _,___ _..____.__0_. I, ~!ATE OP PLORIDA ) )S8. OOUllTT 07 SIf. LUCIE) On thi. day pe1'8onall1 appeared before me, an oftiolr duly authorized to adminiet.r o.ths R. G. l!ara.. who, being tira' duly nom depona .nd .a,'1I . IU 1. 'fbat he i. 62 ,.ar8 ot a!l ana bae been . re8.dent of St. Luoi. County for 33 le8rB. ".. 2. '[I Ifbet he ie per.onal17 aoquainted with V.1'7 B. Rountree, Robert B. ~.ll, William R, lqaU. Katherine Booth, !al~D. ~all ani Augna\a U. Ry.ll, the Daid deeoribed per.ons beine oertain . . grantors In a Deel tro. all o~ tbe heir. o~ Oharles W. ~all, decea.ed, '0 John L. Smith con'ny- ing oertain land. in Seotion 36 lfownsb1p SO South. Range 58 Iolt ond 8eo 31 'fp 50~ South Ran<<e 39 East, as shown by plst of J. .1. Hudson'8 nrvey reooJ'd8d in Deed Book n, Page 600, Publ10 Reoords ~f St. Luoie Count7, Plortda, s.id Deed being datod the 2nd da, o~ Deoember A. D. 1924 ..d not yet fUed for 1'8oord and affiant knows ot bis own knowledge that the sa14 J.{a1'7 E. Rountree one of the 8J'8I1tors in sa14 De.d in the 811me penon named as Ett. ~all in It Pe.t1tlon fo7' .lmln- . istration in the astate of Cberlea W, Ry.ll, d.o...ed, .s reoorde4 in .dminiatration reoord 1, paga 149 of the County Judge'8 Oourt of St. Luoie County, 'lorida; that R. B. Ryall ODe of the gl'IlDtors in .a14 Deed 18 the a81lle per80n nam.d a. Robert B. Ryall in eald Pett tlon; that the a.i4 W1111.. R. Ryall n.led in 8.id Deed i8 the e.. person as William Ry.ll DBmea in .aid Peti- tion; tbet the 8aid Katherine Booth named In said Deed is the same person es Kittle Ryall in s.iel Petition; that .1118Uata II. Ryall named in said Deed i8 the ~'rll8 pe1'8on a8 Gussie Ryall named . in did Peti tton. . '; R. G. _r4ee and sworn to before me this 4 day of Uaroh, .A. D. 1926. CSEAL) . !~/\ ',(,) (i lfotaJ7 Publ10 o n 6, 1926. t;l.' /. o /. y'I... ~. (9\ ~ C. ,. Se..ione Wot.1'7 Publlo 7101'141 St.te at large for the State of J'lo1'1do at large, My oommlseion expiree 'eb. 6, 192.. P. C. BLDRBDCClerk of the Clroult Court) {;In <: .d:~;>"<I{'~ ./' D.C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlBK 07 lOM PIERCE 'f0 LUCILE CREABY AND B. '1'. CREARY. '( / .. . .', .MICnS.op AGR:Jm1IEB1l II AR'lICLES 07 AGR~, Jl8de th18 ~ day of JanuaJ7 in .the ~e8r of our L')ra one thousand nlne hund red and eighteen Between Bank of Port Pieroe, . oOlporatlon. of Port Pierce. in th. oounty of St. Luoie, St.te of 71~r14a, part7 of the tlrst pert, and. Luoile Cre'l7 aM B. !. Cre817, her husband, of the ooun~ o~ St. Luoie, State of rlOl1d., p.rtie. of the 8eoond part, WI'fBESSE'fH, Ifhat if the said partles of the BeOOM pert stall fi rat make the p8:JlD8nts and perf01'lll the oovenantl herelmfter mentioned on thei l' part to be made .nd performed, the a81 d - party of the fi t'8t part hereby oo'Yen.nt,..an4 agree to ooD'Yey .nd assure to the salel parti.. of I of th. seoon4 part, in feo .1mple, ole.~ of all inoumbranoes whate'Yerp by . good and suft1cient deed, the lot., pieoes or paroels o~ ground situated In the County of St. Luole, Stete of rlorid., known and aesoribed sa followa, to-wit: Lota one end two of blook two of the townal te of Roseland, oountr of ~t. Luoie, State of '101'14.. whioh 18 . 8ub4i'Yialon ot .eotlon 21, townsblp 30 aouth, range 38 e8et, 71e.ing G1'8Dt. ~~1~~~'}!~~~~\1 and the saId partie. of the .eoond pen h~rClby ooyenants snll .gr.e to ~ to the .ald panT of -co the fi1'8t part the n.a o~ On. tbouaan4 DoUara, in the -.nner ~ol1owiq One hunel~ed doll'r8 in olll8h, the noeipt whereof .18 henb7 aoknowle4ged, fte balanoe to be paid In .onthl~ install.ent. of ten elollars, due on the fir.t ot esoh a~ e'Ye1'7 month b8s1nning Peb. lit, 1918, and oontin- uiq until full 81110unt toblll hay. been pdd, wi th in\4tre.t at the rate of eight pel' centua per \ annum peyeUe semi annually .on t~ whole aaa remaining fro. tl"e to ti_ up.id, and to p8~ all \ '- ,~.:;: .~.. -):l?5:~if.