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~ '-, , .
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On thi. day pe1'8onall1 appeared before me, an oftiolr duly authorized to adminiet.r o.ths
R. G. l!ara.. who, being tira' duly nom depona .nd .a,'1I
'fbat he i. 62 ,.ar8 ot a!l ana bae been . re8.dent of St. Luoi. County for 33 le8rB.
Ifbet he ie per.onal17 aoquainted with V.1'7 B. Rountree, Robert B. ~.ll, William R, lqaU.
Katherine Booth, !al~D. ~all ani Augna\a U. Ry.ll, the Daid deeoribed per.ons beine oertain
. .
grantors In a Deel tro. all o~ tbe heir. o~ Oharles W. ~all, decea.ed, '0 John L. Smith con'ny-
ing oertain land. in Seotion 36 lfownsb1p SO South. Range 58 Iolt ond 8eo 31 'fp 50~ South Ran<<e
39 East, as shown by plst of J. .1. Hudson'8 nrvey reooJ'd8d in Deed Book n, Page 600, Publ10
Reoords ~f St. Luoie Count7, Plortda, s.id Deed being datod the 2nd da, o~ Deoember A. D. 1924
..d not yet fUed for 1'8oord and affiant knows ot bis own knowledge that the sa14 J.{a1'7 E. Rountree
one of the 8J'8I1tors in sa14 De.d in the 811me penon named as Ett. ~all in It Pe.t1tlon fo7' .lmln-
. istration in the astate of Cberlea W, Ry.ll, d.o...ed, .s reoorde4 in .dminiatration reoord 1,
paga 149 of the County Judge'8 Oourt of St. Luoie County, 'lorida; that R. B. Ryall ODe of the
gl'IlDtors in .a14 Deed 18 the a81lle per80n nam.d a. Robert B. Ryall in eald Pett tlon; that the
a.i4 W1111.. R. Ryall n.led in 8.id Deed i8 the e.. person as William Ry.ll DBmea in .aid Peti-
tion; tbet the 8aid Katherine Booth named In said Deed is the same person es Kittle Ryall in
s.iel Petition; that .1118Uata II. Ryall named in said Deed i8 the ~'rll8 pe1'8on a8 Gussie Ryall named
. in did Peti tton.
. ';
R. G. _r4ee
and sworn to before me this 4 day of Uaroh, .A. D. 1926.
(i lfotaJ7 Publ10
6, 1926. t;l.'
/. y'I...
C. ,. Se..ione
Wot.1'7 Publlo 7101'141 St.te at large
for the State of J'lo1'1do at large,
My oommlseion expiree 'eb. 6, 192..
P. C. BLDRBDCClerk of the Clroult Court)
{;In <: .d:~;>"<I{'~ ./'
.. . .', .MICnS.op AGR:Jm1IEB1l II
AR'lICLES 07 AGR~, Jl8de th18 ~ day of JanuaJ7 in .the ~e8r of our L')ra one thousand nlne hund
red and eighteen Between Bank of Port Pieroe, . oOlporatlon. of Port Pierce. in th. oounty of
St. Luoie, St.te of 71~r14a, part7 of the tlrst pert, and. Luoile Cre'l7 aM B. !. Cre817, her
husband, of the ooun~ o~ St. Luoie, State of rlOl1d., p.rtie. of the 8eoond part,
WI'fBESSE'fH, Ifhat if the said partles of the BeOOM pert stall fi rat make the p8:JlD8nts and
perf01'lll the oovenantl herelmfter mentioned on thei l' part to be made .nd performed, the a81 d -
party of the fi t'8t part hereby oo'Yen.nt,..an4 agree to ooD'Yey .nd assure to the salel parti.. of I
of th. seoon4 part, in feo .1mple, ole.~ of all inoumbranoes whate'Yerp by . good and suft1cient
deed, the lot., pieoes or paroels o~ ground situated In the County of St. Luole, Stete of
rlorid., known and aesoribed sa followa, to-wit:
Lota one end two of blook two of the townal te of Roseland, oountr of ~t. Luoie, State of
'101'14.. whioh 18 . 8ub4i'Yialon ot .eotlon 21, townsblp 30 aouth, range 38 e8et, 71e.ing G1'8Dt.
and the saId partie. of the .eoond pen h~rClby ooyenants snll .gr.e to ~ to the .ald panT of
the fi1'8t part the n.a o~ On. tbouaan4 DoUara, in the -.nner ~ol1owiq One hunel~ed doll'r8 in
olll8h, the noeipt whereof .18 henb7 aoknowle4ged, fte balanoe to be paid In .onthl~ install.ent.
of ten elollars, due on the fir.t ot esoh a~ e'Ye1'7 month b8s1nning Peb. lit, 1918, and oontin-
uiq until full 81110unt toblll hay. been pdd, wi th in\4tre.t at the rate of eight pel' centua per
annum peyeUe semi annually .on t~ whole aaa remaining fro. tl"e to ti_ up.id, and to p8~ all
,~.:;: .~.. -):l?5:~if.