HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1308 1_I_lJ~ I j i II ! I I i , . tax~., aelelamente or lapo8ittona that me7 \e lega117 leY1ed or impo.ed upon laid lend, BUb.e- q~n' to the ye.r 191' ani to teep tbl buildinga upon laid premia.. ineured in .ome oomo8ny 8atlataoto1'7 to the part, of tht tirat pert in a BUm not leea than aeyen hundred flft7 dollare dur1q the term of thie a81'eement. And in caae of tallure of thl ..aU pertiee of the .10004 . pert to mate e1 ther of tht paymebta 01' aD.J pari - thereo~, or to p erfoJ'll an, o~ the oo...tnaDta on their pari htreb7 ma4ft and .aered into, thi. oontraot aball at the option of th. peril' ot the firet part, be forfeited ant termlnated, and tht partdee of tbe .eOOM part IMll torten 111 pepen" _de b, them on thl. oontraot; an4 .uoh pe;yment. eball be retained by the aaid partJ o~ the fi tat part in tull .at1efaotlon all4 liquidation of 811 da_ree by it eusta1ned, aDd HId P&n7 of the fin' pert 'ball haye tbe rigbt to re-enter and t.ko pos.e.slon of the premi.e. afore.aid without beins 11able to any aotion tMnfor. I~ IS W'fUALLY AGREED, b7 a04 b.twten the parties h.eto, thet thl time of pa,r- ) I- I ! i Mnt shall. be an essential pert of tbie oontraot, end that all co...enant. aDd agreements hereln Gonta ined sha n extend to and be obl1sato1'7 upon t hi hei1'8, exeoutor8, ac1mini.t1'8tors BIld aB- i1tBDII \)f the 1'IepeotiTe partlea. III' wnnss WHEREOI', 'fhe perUe8 to theee presente baTe hereunto .et their handB ani ...le the d~ sad year firet abo...t written. SiIDed, .ealed end I'li...lrld in presenoe Oil seal) PresUtnt. ~atriot Dittmar H. JI. Horton R. ~. I'illd. J. JI. Abtrnat~ S'fAB 01' n.oRIDA, S'f, LUCIE CO~. On t~. lay pe1'8onal17 apptared before me, an offioer authorlua to tate aoknowl- tctJm.nt8 of deeds, tto., Prank H. Pe.. as President of Bank of Port Pieroe to me .ell known, own to be the per80n who exeouted the wi thin it greement, an4 acknowledged that he exeoutecl Luolle W. Orean B. 'f. Crea17 C SEAL) C SEAL) J the purpoat. therein expressed, WI'flfESS lIlT hand and seal this Snenth day of 7ebrp17 1918 ~. J. " " <;'- \t ~ I . H. 11. Horton Noter" Publio, State of 7loriaa, My oocml'8ion explres Ootober 6, 1921. P. O. EldredcOltrt ot the Clrouit Court) .~r.L 9~~Pb.e:- reled thie liar. 6, 1926. B. 7. AYERS AIf]) AIIlfIE AYERS, his wife, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'f() J. W. HIlf'fOW. WJ.R1WIlfy DEBD. I I- 'fHIS IlfDElI'lURE, Kade tke 28th d87 of pelt:.:...:.IJ7 in the ,fedI' of our Lord, One thouB- and line Hundred and twenty-fin. between B. P. Ayer8 .na Annie Ayer8, his Wife of the County of Tolulla and State of Plorida of the tirst pert, and J. W. Hinton of T8ro, St. Luoie Counv, llorlda. of tM BeOOM oart: WI'fWESSMH: 'fhat the '8f4~rti" of the tiret part, for taad in I oon81deraUon of tbe BUm of !en Dol1ar8 and other 8004 ani T8lll8bl. N>nslde1'8UODB---Dollars, lawful money of the United State. o:t A..rica, to the. in banll paid lq ~be said party o~ the .e- ooDl part, at or before tbe ene.allng and del1...8J7 of the.e p"sent., tht reoeipt wMreof Is hutb7 aoknowledged, ha.... grantea, barpined, .old~ aliened, rmleea relea8ed, oonye7ed aDd oon- f1~d, aDd b7 the.e pr..ents ao srent, bargain, stll, alien, remi't, relt88t, oon...ey and OOD- fin unto the sald pert7 of thl saoonA pert and hill h.in _d 8..1811a tore...er, all tbat lot, pieo. 01' paroe1 o:f 18nt 171. and bting in thl County of St. Luoi. and State of norlda, de" ..rt'bel .. follow.: - 'fhe 8outb.10 Aorte of the )fonbeal' ClU8rter CRt) C!f tht )forthweat Quarttr, CBWt) 11 ~~~JJ~~i{i{{I~~ ~- , _: .,::'<>'~~illJ~