HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1310 [ ..l_'.. '.1 ..-,. i ~_"':;""';~""_"':::'_"_n__"~___ "-'-"~-'.."--._----'---~_.-_~_-Y'_._''''_ ~._ _.._._...._._.....___._____.._.___._......_.._.__.__._.._~ ....__..__ ___.._..__..__~._.______..._. _____ ...._ ___ _. __,,_. ...__~..._'_... ..._.'.__. _ _'__,~-,,__ ;"....._. '0_ _;-'.~~ _'.~"~ ......'"_...."._.. ,._._~._.._.._...'-'.._'_..~__~......-.....-~...~_.'".. ........_...... __."._'.'_ .. .._ S'fA'fB OP PLORIDA, OOUftty of V'lulIa 'f0 ALL WHOV YIf JUT OOBOED, Be It tnown that on thI8 8eth, day o~ Peb. i. D. 19~& p.nonally; aPpeared betoro .., a Ifotar, Publ10 of the Stote o~ Plorth, the aboye named !nnle qers to D1t well tnown .. the wife o~ B. P. qera and .. on. of the pn.on8 deeoribed ilS and who executed the foregoing Deed. of Oonnyanol, who _eiq at the U.. .eparate aDd apart fro.. her 881 d hn8ltand, 41d thlD .na there mate end execut. the fore80ins aoknowledgment, h.r wilh her own band aub80ribed ani hiI' 8eal affixe4 in ., presenoe. "Un... ., band and 8eal at W.. Slvrna tbe d87 --tear first aboye I written. ~. a;:'. (L. S.) . wotar" $lio JIy OO_188ion expire8 2/ 12/ 1926. ~.1D OP 7LORIDl, OOUB'fT 07 VOLUSU. On thlo day per8m811y ~ppeared before me .. 7. A7ers, to 11I8 well known ae the peraon desoribea In and who exeouted the forlgoing Deed of OonTe1811oe, am aomowledgecl that he executed the same for the purpose therein expressed; whereupon it ie prayed that thl S81118 ,. Ilf WIflfESS WHBREOP, I han hereunto atfised 11I1' band am ..al thi8 28th, da7 of 26. \ thie Kar. 6, 1926. ~ .0 ""- \~.- /~ JIy colllllillsion tfi Baea Bot81'7 Pub 0 expires 2/12/26. ELDRBDc01e (L.8.) ---------------~----------------------------------- --------------------------------- c. L. DINKIlfS AND LIL'tIA DINKINS. 'f0 H. S. 'fBOYA8. ) · ASSI Gl'flIlm'f 07 AGREE!!D'f " , I ~ !~~l!!!!!!:r.~ Know ~ll men b7 the.e present8: Ifbet we, 0,; L. Dinkins ana Ll1l1a Dinkins. hill I - wife, of the Oounty ot St. Luoie aQ1 Stat. of 710r1da, fOlJ8f1d in oODsideraUon of the sum of 70ur Hundred ct400.00) Dolla1'8 18wt'ul mon.,y ot the United Sutes of .lmerloa to the. in hand paid by B. S. 'fbomas,at 01' before tbe enaealing and deliye1'7 ot the.. present8, the receipt whereot is hereb7 aotnowledged, haye granted, bargained, sold, transferred, aSlign8 and set oYer~ md do by these present8 grant, bargain, sell, 'ranster, a88ign and set oyer unto the add H. S. 'fhoms8 and hi. .heir. and .Deign8, a oerta1D ,lsreement for Deed dated .7anua1'7 27th, .1. D. 1926, betll..n C. A. Killer and Anna ~/til1er, his wif8, and O. L, Dinkina, in whioh Agreement tor Deed the 8aid C !. Killer and Anna B. 0111er, hl. wife, agreed to oonyey to C. L, Dinkina oertllin property 8it- uated in tbe O.unty of St. Luoie and State of 'lorida, desorlbed as follows. ":nt 'our (4) o~ Blook ."B" of C. .1. Killer's plat of Ba8t balt of We8t halt of Southwest Quarter of Bortbeae' Quarter of SeotioD Wine (9), 'fownBbip 'fhirty-fIY. 13&) South, Ranglt Porty c<iO) Bast, aooor41ng to plat filed Ilaroh 16, 1924, and noon\ed in Plat Boot 4, at Page 60, reoont8 o~ St. Luoie 009V. 'lorIaa, whioh sa14 Agreement tor Deed Is hereto att8ohel. Ilf "1'f5B88 WHBREOP, .e. baye hereunto set our hande sad ,eale a t Port P1Iro. 110rid8, this th. 18th day 0"1 7ebrnary, .1. D. 192&. Sl~4. .eoled ana deliyered in Pre.enol of: 'J~.. o' ,:) .o! L. A. Eni,b\ -----------------------------------------0----------------0. L. Dintioe C BUL) I I I , " I: . :: R. H. ~on-----------------------------------------~---------------K1'8. Lillie DinkinsIS&lL) ft.1H 07 n.oJrID.l' COUlf'fY O? '9'1. LtJOIB .... .-~ Panoaal17 a"eard befon .1 thi. c'la7 O. L. D1il.tlu aDl1 Lillis Din.'lclu, bie w11e , . .. ...~..:rAmlll{'!i~ ~~Ij,~~~ri~~i~I{~l