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to ~ well known &8 tbe per.one aeaoribed In and who exeouted the fore80iny a8elgnment, atd they
aOlcnowled8e4 before !II tha' the, exeouted the a8ll. for the purpalle tbenln expreesed.
I JDmEBY CEMIPT, 'fhat the .ald Lillie Dinkine, 1m01fll to me to, be the wife of the .ai4 O.
L. Dlntlna, on a aeparate ani pri.ate lzaainatlon taken ani made by and before me, separate17
ana spart fro. bel' aaid hU8band, did aoJmotrled8e thAt she exeouted the fore801n8 Ae81gnment
for the purposes therein ezpre.eed without *lW oollPdaipn, oonetraint, apprehension 01' f'ar o~ or
from bel' ea" hus'b8ld.
ana 8.al .t 'ort Pl.roe, St. Luoie County. Ploride, this the 28th day of
. 1926.
~m~~ Hall
o 1'7 f'u'b1io
My oommlesion 82:plras 8/12/26.
ARTICLES 01' AGRBEIIElfT, )(ade this 87th day of JanuaJ)', in the year of our Lord. one thous-
aDd nine hundred ani twenty-fiye, Be~een O. .. Killer ani Anna E. Killer. hls wife, of St.
Luoie Count,. 7l0r1da. partie. of the first part, and O. L. Dinkins, of St. Luole County. Plor1da
panT of the aeoona pan,
WI!RES~&'fH, 'fbat i~ the aald part; ox the 8800nl part aball firet make the paJlD8nts and
perform the oovenante hereinafter mentioned on hi. part to be uade and performed, the sald par-
tiee of the tirst -..rl hereby ooyenant am agree to OOnY'l and assure to the sala part, of the
aeoond part, bi8 heirs, "eouton, administrators. 01' a8s1gne, m fee sll1Ple. olear of all In
cumb1'8noe. wbateyer, by a gooa aDl saffioient deed, the lot p1~oe 01' parcel of 81'otnd. situated
in the County of St. Luole State ot 710r14., known am desoribed a8 follows, to-wit:.
LO'! I'our (4) of Block ~B" of C. A. Killer's plat of Et of ~ of SWi of.JB! of 8eotlon 9,
'fWp. 3& South, Ranp 40 Ra8t acoorcl1n<< to plat filed Uaroh 16, 1924, ad rocorded in Plat Book
4, pege &0, rt'cords of St. Luoie Oou.nty, 'lor~4a.
ani the 86id pari7 of the 8tcond pan hereby OOTeD8nta and agrees to PQ' to tbe 8ald part~B of
the flret part the'aUJlr:t'f' ~:bre.'-lfub4re4.Dollars in the manner followlng: All of the saiel 8um
of Three Hundred Dollars to be paid on or. before :five years from date hereof. r,
with interest at the rate of 818ht per oentum per 8nn11lll,paya~le semiannually on the whole sum
nmainding fro. tilDe to tiJDt unpaU: a Dl tr all. taaee, ass"8!ll8nta 01' Imposi t~o.nB that me,
'be legally leYled 01' impo~ed upon said land aubsequent to the year 1924
And In oa88 of failure of the eal d party of tbe second pert to ualee either of tlae P81-
ments or aD,Y part thereof. or to perform any of the ooyenante on hla part herebl made and eu-
tered into, this oontrRot sbBll at the option of the parties of the first part be forfeited and
terminate4. alM! the party ot/the seooo4 pi rt sball forfeit all PVMnte made bl him on th1lr oon-
traot; and suoh PIVIDents 8MU be ret&lned by the sa14 partles of the first part in full sat-
hfaotion and liquidation of all damages by them 8ustained, and s81d parties of the tint-..rt
sha11 bay. the right to re-enter and take possession of the premlees aforesaid ~ithout belng .
liable to any ao~lon therefor.
If 18 ~ALLT AGREED, by aD! between the partieD hereto. tlwlt the time of payment shall
be an essenUal part oftbla oontraot and tbat a11 coyenant" ad agreements herein oonteined
aball extend to and be obligato1'7 upon the heirs. exeoutors administrstors and alsigne of the
resp.otlye partiee.
IW . 'f1fB88 "lHBBBO" Ifhl ,aJ'tl.. to theae present. baTe benunto set AeiJ" banda _4 a..la
the day _4 Ylar fir a' aboye writ",en.
Signed S.aled aoa Delivered in P~'s'noe of:
H. B. Lub
c. A. Killer cSeal)
.. C. l'Inett
8'fATB 0., PLOkIDA, 8'. LootB OOUl'lft
OW this d&T plreonallJ appeared before .., an, otflo~r authori.ld to take aokno.l.d~n'e
Arma B. KU1er cSBAL)
E-t. Dlntine (SUL)
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