HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1319 119 ~'-'-"..--' -....-..-.....- -~------..I......... ,.--'-..:-....__.......___...~'*_.____ __.._....___..____.._..._.._.....__ __...._._.~,.....____. ._.. __. .... ,_.~ __.U___ ..._ ,..'.___ J ,. be. ;~~.i~~~; ,.~~~._~~;.~.l.d .~~~-~~ -~.(J.~~~n~ '~r~on~' the title the 88me agalnat the lawful olailDs o~ aU perlone whomsoner. WI'fIfE~S the bend and seal o~ 8aid grantor the day and ,ear fi1'8t abOTe written. ... . .". ,,-,..- to 8aid ]a nd and wUl detend Signed, Be~led and d.liyer.d in th. presenoe of A. R.Amunc1Bon A, E. Xelsbr SUa.ft B. Lorenzen,[,cccuil'ix. ".e Clark. Of ~ Will end testament of E. p, Clark, dooeased (SBAL) . Stat. o~ Wieoonsin County of Dan. I HERBBY CBRl'II'Y 'fblt on thia a87 pereonally appeared before. me an offioer duly author- ized to administer oath8 and take aomOltledgment. Susan B. Lorensen C"ee Olark) !:ecutrU, of Last w111 and 'festement of K. f. Clerk. Deceased. to me well mown 8Dd mown to me to be the indiTidual desoribed in and who .oxeouted the foregoing deea, and be. aoknowled~ed before me that she exeouted tlw 8811lt freely and Toluntart17 for the purpoaes therein expressec1. .urn I PlJR'rHER CERTII'Y 'fHA'f THE SAID mown to me to be the wife of the aaid..------------ on a separate and prlnte examlna':ion taken and ua~e ~ and befcr e lie, separately Bnd epari .,. trom LeI' 8a1d husband, 41d aomu.l.dge 'Ulat sbe uade hersel~ a part, to sal d deed for the pu)'ose of renounoing, reUnqui8hing aDll oonTeyil18 all her r1pt, title ID d interest. wtsetber of dower. homestead or of separate property, statut01')' 01' .qultable. in and to tbe lands desC1fbed thereln and tlaat 8he exeouted the Baid d.ed . free17 ana Toluntsril7 and without my oompulBion. oonstraint (i apprehenB1 on or fear of or from bel' . ~S my band ana ~ffi01al 'th day of Kerch A. D. 1926. 8aid husband. aeal at Cambridge. Wls, County of Dane aDd State of His. this l~. 1926. ~~ ~ ~ ~o 8 ~flj A. R. J.mundson .- Wotar,J Publio. Dane CO..WIB. MY oomm18alon expires Oct. 30. 1927. P. C. EldredCClerk of Circuit Court) } k' 9 . i V /' BY (o' ,'A./. -,. - ..4:./7 ~/ . /' ' D.C. ,/ ---__________________________________r.~__________________________________________ 'f() FRED' SAlIBORlI .&lID KATE P. SABBORN 0' DEm!J.RK. . WARRANTY DEED . €- ~. THIS JNDZN'flJRE'> Klide tbls 7th day o! March A. D. 1926. between Royal Park Company. a oor- poratlon existing under the laws of the State of 'lorida. baving its prlnoipal place of business at Vero, St. Luoie CoUDty. j'lOricla. party of tbe first part, hereinafter termed the Vendor. and Pred Sanborn. and Kate I. Sanborn of neJ1JlJBrk of the Oounty of Oxford and ;;:tate of Malne parties of the seoond part. hereinafter termed th. Vendee I Witnesseth. that the sold party of the fil's~ t I ~ , , [i part. for sad in oonsideration of the sum of T.n Dol1~rs ani other TBluable oonsideratlons Dol- 1arB..; to 1t in land pa14, thl reoelp\ whereot i. hereby aoknowledged, bas granted. bargained, . 801d. allened, re~lsed. released. oonveyed and oonfirmed, and by thee. present8 doth grant. bargain sell, alien, reml.e. releas" oonye7 and oonflrm, unto the aald partles of tbl seoond'part. and their heirs and aselgna forever, all thet oertain parOel ot land lylng and belng in the CcunV of 8t. Luole cd State of nOri4a, 1D0re pertlcularly desorib84 as t'ollowe: Lot Bo. llof blook 14 of Plat Ho. 2. of Royal Park. aocording to plet reoordea on page '19 of Plat Book 4. in the offioe of the Clerk of th. Circuit CoUrt of St. LUGi. Oounty. Plorlda '!OGE'lHEB. with aU the tenements hereU*tuD8I1t8 and appurteuano... with eV9!7 prlTilege. right. title. interest. and 'Btate, revereion. ~m1ander and e8~elDent thereto belonging or in enywi8e appenaininl: '0 HATE AJm 'f0 BOLD the ,.am8 in fee 8impl. foreyer, sUbJeot howner. to the -;:~ i ~ . . following restrictions. aonditiona end limltatlona. / ~ It iB mutuallY a81'e.d tlat theat pruentti are mad. .ubJeot to tlw tollawiDl expres8 oon- . \. .,/ dl~lonB. restriotion. and limitations. and which Dre intended to be ao4 eblll be aooepte4 .. Goy'nante xunning wJ tb the la~, a04 .bloh ahall b. 'bin41.. alll1. ~qon". hein, 11881 rep~..nte- j' If. I ~1~i~~I~l~~4ft~: ,',,',' ,',... ':U~:f~~~tfil