HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUBSOIL INVESTIGATION REPORTGroundwater .table elevation .was. measured. immediately at the. completion :of each :boring and. was .found . at an . average
depth .of six (6) .feet below: existing .ground surface: Fluctuation in water level should .be anticipated due to 'seasonal
variations and.run off as well as varying, ground 'elevatiori,-construction dewatering.and.pumping activities.ni"the area:
Siie.contractor. must .familiarize himself with site conditions in the, event: groundwater controls :arid. dewatering. is needed.
Surface,flooding may .result under :hurricane condition and: should be taken. into :consideration in the - design of the
project: The contractor shall make sure that. groundwater, levels on- adjacent properties are not affected by the contractors
dewatering 'activities. -Specialty groundwater: contractors shall be consulted:for all. work below the groundwater. level..: .
Allowable Tension.
Approximate Depth
Allowable Lateral
Compression Pile
Pile Capacity in
Capacity In Tons
Capacity in Tons .
Pin. Piles/ Push Piers
30''- 35'. or'Ref isal .:
3'Incli .
10. Tons :.
1.'Ton. ::
Helical•Piles ::
30'.=.35' or:Refusal .'.
3:inch :
�.. 12 Toris .. ; -
: 6 Toris .: •
N/A ..: .
*BEES = Below Existing. Land Surface*.
Estimated Lateral. Load. for: a: Pile Top" Deflection.' of /;:inch.. Proposed. pile., length based.-on'the existing ground
elevations:at the time:of drilling.: Pile'length, may vary depending on proposed grade beam,elevations: and inconsistent.
soil profiles. In the case of pin; helical and precast piles a mininitim of :four (4) test piles shall be driven to determine -
production pile length.. All. work .shall be inaecordance� with the :local: Building Code and.•Coastal.'Zone Construction.
Requirements .(if required).-' ;
Helical. pile bearing. capacity is. dependent on helix. numbers,' size, and spacing: The foundation :contractor. will be able. to .
provide the most cost effective combination. of -helix: de i igns.'-The'above depths: are, the minimum depths required to...
achieve design capacities. Predrillin" might be required to achieve design depths:
All slabs for'tlie subject structure shall be' designed 'as structural :slabs spanning between supports. and' designed by a.'
Florida Registered Structural Engineer.arid placed. -under. the.'supervis on of a Geotechnical.Engineer. All work shall be .
conducted -by an experienced Florida Licensed: Specialty Piling: Contractor:: All -piles: shall- be designed by:a professional::
engineer and shall be placed, under the .supervision of our Geotechnical Engineer :to verify compliance with our
recommendations: If the pile is not reinforced. over the entire.length; we recoinrneiid a• single #7 reinforcing. steel bar be :
laced the full Ten h of the ile to veri ile continuity.
P P _ .' p.
In case of existing structures in the vicinity of the pile driving operation; care shall be'taken riot to create excessive
vibration. Vibration levels shall: be monitored to verifY-compliance'.witli county regulations;: Steps must be. taken.to
prevent excessive vibrations. hi the event_ excessive vibrations are experienced during construction,- alternative driving:.
methods shall.be implemented (i.e.: predrilling, jetting, hydraulic push, etc...).
Monday,:March:l9; 2018 .
12198 SE Riyerbend Lane
Pore Saint Lucie; FL 34984_
Page 3
Any underground structures such as: grease traps,_ septic . ysteins; etc: must b6sUDported.'ori pile. foundations,. unless the
deleterious material (i:e.i silt- muck; peat' etc::.) is excavated in its entirety. and replaced:with compacted:washed gravel
such as pea rock:or #5:7 stone below the water. table elevations.arid clean granular materials above the water table:
Excavations "shall not extend within :one; (1) -foot of the angle' of repose next to existing footings or structures :unless
underpinned.- Trenching shall •be. in .compliance 'with the Florida .Building.:code, OSHA and Trench Safety Act :.
.requirements. Shorings shall be designed aril inspected b, . a Florida, licensed professional :engineer::
Provisions shall :be made: by .the architect, engineer`of ecord: and :contractor: to address differential.' settlements .when
tying in new .'to existing structures. • : Mixing of different. foundation :types .'shall. not be' •used unless provided. with • ..
expansion joints to address; differential settlement.
All• outside ground surfaces must be sloped away• from th�ll e structure to -avoid water accumulation and ponding: All rain
water s shall be discharged away fro all buihdmg.foundations:.Verify all water; sewer; plumbing;sprinkler.arid•drainage
lines are properly functioning. with no leaks in the:vicinity of the. foundation;
Regardless of the .thoroughness of a. geotechnical exploration; . there _ is always the "possibility that . conditions' may be
different, from those 'of the test locations; therefore,.Fed ral Engineering & Testing,• Inc:, does not guarantee any subsoil'
condition between.the bore:test holes. A site plan:showing the, location of the:proposed structure.was :not provided at the
time the soil borings were performed.. Once plans :and specifications have been finalized and drawn; Federal Engineering
& Testing,' Inc. shall . be provided. a copy . of the'. finalized plans and specifications for: review: For . a more . accurate .
portrayal -of .subsurface conditions, the, site •contractor. shl uld perform test pits. If different conditions, are encountered; .
Federal Engmeering & Testing Inc-.,' shall .be.iiotified to review the findings and: make any recommendations as needed:
In accepting thisyeport the ,clie.nt understands that all dati .. from the soil borings is intended. for foundation analysis only Y.
and is:not:to be:use&for_excayating,: backfilling or pricing estimates.. The. site'contractor.must.familiarize. themselves •
with the job site conditions.:.
Environmental analysis .of the. soil. materials is. not .part of.the scope of services.. If environmental analysis of the soils is
required, we can provide a. - ' * osal- for performing an a vironmerltal. analysis of the. soil• materials...For.Environmental
due diligence; a Phase: Land/or Phase HEnvironmental-Si Assessment is. -'recommended.. -:
As,"a mutual.'protection. to clients;. the .public: and ourselves,: all reports -are: submitted as, the: confidential :property of .
clients; and,authorization for. publication 'of statements,.coriclusions or. extracts -from or regardiiig.our:reports is reserved
pending: our written approval:.
Federal: Engineerihg'=&,Testing, Inc.' appr' iates'the opportunity to be of service: to. u,• at :this phase of. your project:
: Please; feel free to:contact us if we may be of further serviceto you.. .
Keith,:Lgl.3Iapc, F E: 3_ f
Fe deral.F;ngiiieeTmg'& Testing; Inca
Florida Reg: Ado.'.:59394.;.; `>
Certificate of Authorization # 5471
� Phone: 954-784-29.41. '.
.800-84814 910-'
$ TESTING:INC.: .. •: : :: ..
Fax 9.54-784-7875- .
250 SW 13th Ave Pompano Beach; FL 33069 :: ; : ::
fed-ykM oni .
SPT Test
Boring Report
Client::: N.Square; Inc:
.'.'Date of Test:'March:16;.2018
- .'.
Project:.. .'.'Pro osedSettlement Repair;.:. ::
:: •
Hole No.:.'.:
Address:. : • 12198. SE Riverbend'Lane : :
See Attached Drawing
:. :. Port Saint Lucie; FL 34984 . . • . :.
: ;.
Depth (FT)
::: ; :: • •::. Soil Descriptions
Hammer Blows
01�•: 8�� Topsoil &Vegetation :
:.. :...
: • 7 . •
....8 . .
- 2.
8" - 3' - - fight Brown. S and
5 •'
- 6
... 3
31.-4 :: - : Gray. Sand . - .' :: ..
:: : ' .'
•- 6
A _
::.. :..
:. 9.::
. 4' 1'0' Brown
: ..: ::. :
10':- 13' : 'Gray'.Sand" :.
: :
: A • :
-1.2 rA'•:
16 . ' .
131:- 20' . ' - Muck.(19.7% Organics):
A :.
... •
:• ..
. •
:11� .
: -.:12
22 :
201.- 25' Gray Sand
: -.15.'.:
- -
23 :
.: A-
24:• ..
::. ;:: ; .:
'25 :.:
: • ::
25' ; 2.7' Bluish Gray Clay
A :.
A- . .
26 '.'
'. A.:
-- -38: .
2T. = 30' . Bluish Gray Sand. with S
ell . �.
18. �
31 ::; ...
; : A :
:: :: :
A :.
33 ::
- 30' 35' G"ray Sand with.Shell'
10 ; .
34 ::
• . .. • ..: ..
l5 .:
:16 .:
A. _
A ..
Water Level`. - : .. 6'0" .. - � � Below Land'S
- ace '
-A=.Auger ::: • : ;:
Phone .954=784-2941.
- .. - • .
8 OQ.848 191.9-784-7875
aX 954
- 250:SW 13th Ave.Pompano Beach, FL 33069 ::
Test: Boring
. ' . .
CIient:, ::
-N.Square; Inc:
.'Date U Test: Marc h=16,,2018 ' .=
Proposed: Settlement Repair'.
Hole No.:.:
Address: :. _
12198. SE Riverbend-Lane =
See Attached Drawing
Port Saint Lucie; FL 34984 ... :.
-Depth (FT) '
:. :. Soil Description's
Hammer Blows
0" _ 4" Topsoi1 & Vegetation
; •
11 _: . .
4 : ,16.1Gray Sand..
10 .
_ 3' . '.Light.Brown Silty Sand
9 ' ,
:: 9
3'.-.6' : ..Brown Sand : :..
::. • '.'
23 •
.6 7. ' Brown Sand with Organics:
-'T6° ..Light Blown Sand :.
9; .9
. ..
2 - ".
.1 .
T6" - .15' :.Muck (22,6% Organics)
• '
:. :.
: 3 ' :.
2 ..:.
. ..'
- 4
. . -
... ,23
Water. Level: :.:. ..6'4"; : Below Land.Surface
A = Auger.:. .
z \
p y�
y� •
C 2018 Google
Soil_Boring OCatiOn.Map
Particle Size
'Boulder :
:. .. > 12: iri
• Cobble::.:.. ,
; . ; : 3. _12 .in;
-.4.76: grim _ .3
::..0.074 mm - 4.76:mm..
:.'0.005 mm.'= 0.0.74 mm.
Silt: - Clay Quantity.Modifer-s.-•-:.
: .: _ :.0 - 5 % ..: :
Silty /. Clayey .
:: 5 ._ 30;
Very Silty / Clayey:
_ :'.' 30 - .5:0.%.'
Lunta io I s: o Liability
Analysis and Recommendations cont.
We warrant 'that. the.'services peiformed.by. Federal Engineering and Testing, In accepting this report.the clientunderstands that all data'from the soil boring.
Inc. ,(F.E.T.)' are ,conducted in a'manner consistent with the level ;of skill and : , isintended.for foundation analysis, only and. is not to be; used for excavating,
care -ordinarily exercised.by members :of the. piofession currently.Oradticing.: backfrlling or pricing.estimates. In aeceptirig.this report the client understands.''
under' similar, conditions: No.. other warranties, expressed. -or implied; are that all data from —the soil"boring is intended for foundation analysis only And -
made. While the services of F:E.T. are an integral,and valuable part of the mpot to -be used' for excavating, backfrlling or pricing' estimates.'The.site'
design and -construction process; we do not warrant; guarantee, or insure the • contractor must' familiarize themselves: with. the job site. conditions.: Soil
quality or completeness -of services or satisfactory. performance provided by : boring(s) on. unmarked. vacant" property 'or. existing • structure(s)• to . be
other members of the construction process. and/or the construction plans and : • demolished is' considered preliminary with further borings) to be'perforcired
• specifications which.We. have•not prepared,.nor ,the:ultiinate.pe.rforniance of. • after proposed building pad is staked out. •Report recommendations are,based .
building site materials: :As mutual .protection to . clients, ' the :public and :primarily on data, from test borings :made at the locations shown bn :the test.
ourselves;. all reports are- submitted as -the confideirtial property'of.clients, and :: boring' Yeports... Soil'. variations may exist .between' borings and may not
authorization for publicafion"of:statements, conclusions or'exti.acfs from or ; become'eviderit'until construction: If. variations are then:noted; F.E.T: must:
regarding,our.reports is. reserved :pending our',written approval. Reports'are' b8 contacted so' -that field conditions :can be: examinedand recommendations.
not intended:for9rd paerevised •if. necessary: The Geotechnical report states our understanding as to: "
the. location; dimensions, -and structural features proposed of.the site: Any .
Subsurface Exploration: significant changesin the nature, design; or location of the site improvements -
Subsurface exploration is norinally accomplished'bytest"borings. The soil must, be. communicated to'- F.E:T.: so that the. Geotechnical analysis,_
boring :.log includes sampling information, description . of the:matefials' " : conclusions,:and_recommendations can, be.appiopriately adjusted:::"
recovered; approximate depths 'of boundaries between soil and rock strata and
groundwater. data..The'lpg represents conditions specifically at the. location
and time the, boring was made. "The boundaries between different soil. strata COi1StYUCti0n �bSeYVati0ns :
are indicated at.specific depths; however,; these depths are'in fact approximate Construction observation and:testing is an important element,of Ge'otechnical
and dependent.upon the frequency:of sampling: The transitions- between soil services., The Geotechnical Engineer's Field Representative:(Field Rep.) is the,
stratum are often gradual. 'Water:level" readings are made: at, the time the "owner's representative" observing the work of the contractor, :performing
boring was performed. and -can change: with time, precipitation, canal levels, 'tests; "and:reporting data.from such tests:and observations. 'The Geotechnical
local well drawdown,.and other•factors.Regardless of the thoroughness of a' :: I :Engineer's Field' Representative does -riot direct the contractor's construction-
Geotechnical exploration there is always a:possibility that condifions.may be means,:meihods, operations, or personnel. The Field Rep: does not interfere
different: from those of'the.test locations; therefore F.E:T. does hofguarant.qe.:. : with"the relationship between the owner: and the contractor, and .except as" an."
any subsoil condition surrounding-the"bore.test holes:.For a more accurate' observer; -does not become.a substitufe owner on site.:.11ie Field Rep. is -only.
poitrayal.of sabsurface.conditions; the'sitem contractor should performtests. collecting data for -our. Engineer -to review. The.Field Rep. is responsible for:"
pits. If different conditions are: encountered, F.E.T. shall be notified to review.' :. ` his/her safetyonly, buf has no responsibility.for the safety of other personnel.'
the findings and make any recommendations as needed, and/or the general public" at the site: ' If the Field Rep: does not feel.'that- the .
. • site is- offering.a;safe environment for him/her, the Field Rep: will stop his/her;
sting un d.Rep:.is a .observation/. to til he/she deems. the site is safe: The. Fiel n
important member of• a team whose responsibility is.to observe the test and .
Laboratory and Field Tests. work being done and report to the client whether that work is being. carried
Tests are performed 'in accordance with specific ASTM- Standards unless. out in' generat conformance with.theplan's-and:specifications..
otlierwise.'indicated. All criteria included ,in- a given ASTM Sfandard'are not
always required and. performed. Each test ieport indicates:the measurements
and determinations actually:rnade..
Limitations of Report . .
Ownership of Tests./Reports "Federal Engineering'&:Testing, Inc, shall '.have no liability, incontract,:torf or
All. test results'and/or reports prepared byF.E:T:.purspant to this agreement otherwise, for any inaccuracy, defect;. or onrission:in interpreting this report'.
and/or Addendum(s) thereto,: shall "remain the property of F.E.T. 'until all and shall not -in "any event have •any liability for'.lost.profits or any. other
:monies due and'owing'to REM under this.Agreement'and/or'Addendum(s) : indirect;.§pecial, incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive;daniages: In -
thereto, are paid in full: the event of future conflict between owners. and contractors: the : following
applies:legal and/or company representation" and preparation •for• .
representation fees will be billed on an hourly rate, i.e.. deposition, expert
Analysis and Recommendations: :. �.... ; .
witness; etc: F.E.T. has no "obligation to amend its. concl'usion's or
The Geotechnical report is prepared. primarilyto aid in the design of site work � .
and structural foundations. Although the information in the report: is expected.
recommendations after the date of this, report. Any alterations or; changes in .
to 6e sufficient for:these oses, it is not intended to determine the cost of the' location of the project should be brought to our attention at the earliest:
PAP applicability, Convenience' for review and: a
construction or to stand alone'as construction specifications II PP ty of this report..
Phone -954-784-29.41-. ".
Fax -954=784=7875, .: "
.' ..'250SW 13th Ave Pompano"Beach; t, 33069 " ; - • :.
: . fed -en :Coii'f1"'.'
PartialList of::Se.rvices:..
G:edtechnical. Enainearina: Services:::
Soil :/Aggregate, Tests :: ' "..:
' .:: .. • . 44
Field Inspection Services:
Asphalt Services. •' ''.. : .. '
Soil Borings'.:: - : ' = :
:: .Fill -&.Quality Contro� :Inspections ; :: "" "
. • Backscatter' Density'Tests . ' . "• . : '
Density. Compactlon:Tests
''pernucking.lnspections' "
Extractions & Gradations'..
Grain Size:Analysis :.
Building In :. ". : • ::.
Marshall Limits'' ..
Moisture Q6ntents .spections
Soil Classifications
File Driving. Lnspections :.....
Bulk Specific:Gravity •
Limerock-Bearing-Ratios' ::' ".
:Steel Inspection
Cores for -Thickness -Determination-
Florida. Values.
Threshold Inspe'di
Specifc:Gravity- . '
: ".Bolt:lnspection;.' :..: ::: - : :• ;"
.. : ; : :: :: ::. :.
- . Gar�bonate-Ahailysis . .. " : ; ;.
Hydraulic. Conductivity. '-
:: Weld:Inspection
Concrete •Tests
Organic Contents: : '. " ::. ..
• • .: Vibration :Monitorin
: Concrete Strength Testing
Slump Tests
- :Windsor Protie:Testing
-FDOT Inspections :. " ': ._ • .
Foundation:Engineer'ng. . ' - ' ."
. .: -
. Foundation: Design & Recommendation
: Schmidt Hammer Testing .
: Coresting
QC 1lllanagement..Subsoil
Earthwork Inspections
Pile Load�Calculations.
- Air Content.'
:Concrete Unit:Wei ht .
QC :Concrete.Inspections '
QC.Asphalt Inspections:..
Piling In stall ation;Mo poring :
exual -St rength.Testtng:.
a _ ces nq": ervi ..
".En vironmental 'En ineelri
Phase -I'Site Assessments
Phase •Il Site.Assessments'.
Lead Base'.Paint"Surveys
Site Inspections ".. " : - "
Ptiase•l .Follow. Ul5 on Contaminated :Sites : _
Report and Analysts'.
Research'of Property Recotds.::'
: ' ': ' ' 'Installation of'Monitori g Wells' :." ' ::
Air Monitoring'.'.'
Solt Borings .. � _ •• : .
. '
Soil and Grourid:Wate�Analjrsis:.:
- .:'
Roof T6Min A. Inspection :Services
TAS 105 Field'Fastener Withdrawal Test
TAS 106 Tle Uplift Test ..
TAS 124 B011 'Chamber.l Bond' POI Test-_
TAS: 126 Moisture, Survey ..
Windload: Calculation ' " :
Drainage Calculations
Lightweight- Concrete; placement -Inspection
: Rovf.Assessmeht l:Evaluation
Fastener Spacing' Inspection
Tile'/ Shingle/ Standing. Seam Inspection • , . ' .
Base -Sheet Installation Inspection'
Insurance: Mitigation. _- ::
:. �. �"
a ►
Retraft•Mitigation/ C:ertification.
:: " .: - " ::" : •
Roof Drainage :Calculations
- {
Engineering Council.' :.
American Concrete: Mlarimf Dade .
' . Institdte ' : County. ' :
Florida Department • '
of Transportation .