HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1324 1.24 ..........."........,-..,-- -..-- - -; ." .....-..'.,.. -.;...~ kt18ton. rsalty oONpODJ to .. O. Olan II COlf'fRAC'l POR DEED " If HIS AGRERMEN*l. Kede and entered into thi8 9th day of 7ebruaJ7 A. D. 1926, by .--tand between XeY8tone R.alt7 Company, a oorporation du17 organise<< IIId eneUng under the laws of the State of Plorida, per\7 of the fbst part a_ 7. C. Olark. of 70rt Pieroe, Count1 of Saint; Luoie and Stat. Of Plori,. party of tilt s.oond part. WIlfDESSMH, Ifbat if the 8aiafartl of the 8eoond Part. shall first ..Jee the P87m8nts and porform the ooyenant., as h.re1nbttor. speoifi.d on his part to b. UBde Nad performed the 8ald part7 of ~ht first part h~reb1 covenants and agr..s to oonYty and assure to tht sald part, ot the 8eo06d part, by good ani suffioltnt war1"8nty deed aDd in fee 81mplt, free aDd olear of aU inoumbraOOt8 other tbon 8uoh as may haTe been plaoed thereon by or through edd seoond pert, subjeot how.ver to the oonditions, limit.tlon8 and restriotions, hereinafter set out, all that lot, pieoe 01' par- ael of ground, situat., 17ing aud -,lu& and being in tbt County of Saint Lucie and State of Plorlda, and More partioular17 desoribed as followa, to-wit I LOT 37 Block B, in YaraTilla H.ights Subdivision of Seotion 28, Township 36 South Range 40 East, 8coordlng to a plat of said Subdivlslon reoorded in Plat Book 4, at Pag. 89, of the Saint Luole Count, Record8. THE part7 of the second part agrees to purchase and dows purohase, the above mentioned property for the sua of 7ive Hundrea Dollars on the following terms and oonditions, to~ wit: One hundred Dollars paid this de" the reoeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and Pour Hundred\ooll;;S Dollara aooording to the terms and tenor of one promissory note of eTen date her,wlth, until the said purohas. prioe 8ball haTe been fully paid, together with interest 88 speolfied in 8aid not., 'he party of the seoond part also agrees to P87 all taxes, and other assessments that may be levied or Imposed upon 8aid land subsequent to the year 1924 and rea80n- able attorne,'8 fees oo08s1oned by default hereunder, and further agre.e to keep the bul1dings upon sald pre.lees insured in 80H OOmp8D7 satisfaotory to tba party of tm first part. in a sum fill not less than reasonable value, Dollars durlng the term of thA. a~eemlnt. . 400.00 Port Pieroe 710rlda, 7ebruar,v 9 1925. . POR VALUE RECBIVED I promis. to pay XBYSTONB REALlfY OOMPANY, 01' order, the Bum of 70ur HUndred -----Dollar., at the offioe of tm KKY9'lORB RKlL'fY COllPANY in Port Pieroe 7lorld8, in monthly InBtallmente, payable as follows, to-wlt 71fteen Dollars on the lst day of Karoh, 1926, aDd Plfteen-----Dollars on the lIt day of ..oh suooeaaiDB month thereafter, until the whole sum named is.fully peid, with Intere8t from thia date at the rate of eight per oent per annUlI. 'fhe interest on Moh installment, and the intereet on the unp~id balanoe of tllt prin- Oipal sum are to b8 paid at the meturlt, of 8soh installment. If default i8 made in tht payment of 8D7 Installment when due, then all the remalning in8tollments shall become due and payable et onoe. Prl'tllege is ginn to pill two or more installamts at any time. (SIGBD) 7. C. Olark CSBAL) IIf 18 JlU!UALLY AGREXD, 'fhat tMS. pns.nt. fire made Bu),jeot to the followlng ex- press oonditione, restriotiona ID4 limitations, whioh oon4ition., r..triotions and limitatlon8 art intended to be ~n4 shall b. aooepted .a oovenants runnlng vi th the lend herein oonveye4 all4 .bloh shall be binding aIlk. upon tho heirs peraonal:. r~re.entatlves and aSligne of the perty of seoond part, ,,~ by his aooeptaooe of thieYuttllJ\trtt.'; acr..s to abii. by and pft'fol'l:1 aald restrio- t. ' tione, 11mltatlona aDd oonditions .. one of the ezpres8 oonsiderations of thl.e presents, 1. Bo re81denoe .~11 be ereotod or oonatruoted OD sai4 land of a lese ooet tban . . C4V'-~" .2,600.00 aDd aU rnid.noll iu saia Subdivision ahell be oonetru"ea of eOJ'lll roOk, ..........&.n ~~~rJ.fii~~~l.i J . . .' I , l .. l ',' <' :;;:.~'~~i*ftk4J~~