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Lucie County, Permitting Home Compose <— Back « <4% * R.Archive I to move -ff Delete Spam X 0 OR tropicdocir— 999+ FDEP ERP Self -Certification Receipt Yahoo/Inbox D> X fishcommitment no-repIy@depstateAus <no MarWat4.43PIVI -reply@dep.state.fl.us> To: tropicdock@yahoo.c om IInbox 999+ Unread Starred Drafts 164 Sent Archive Spam Trash Less views Hide fq Photos EI Documents ,0- Travel Coupons Tutorials Folders Hide + New Folder Notes Cc ROBERT.B.BARRON@USACE.ARMY.MIL, . ki- ERP.SELFCERTS@DEP.STATE.FLUS, NMFS.SEP,PROGRAMMA'nCREVIEW@NOAA.GOV, FDEP-SP@USACE.AR.MYlVlIL Florida Department of 4L Environmental Protection Carle • Bob Martinez Center 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32.399-2400 Receipt, for Submission SELF CERTIFICATION FOR A PROJECT AT A PRIVATE, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE 0313012018 Self Certification File No.: 016644102EE File Name: 7 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 - Self Certification Boat Lift (Aquatic Preserves) Dear David Barker. On, 0313012018, you used the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's electronic Self Certification Process to certify compliance with the terms and conditions of the Federal State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP) Self Certification Process for a project at private, singid-family residence located at: LAT - Degrees: 27 Minutes: 17 Seconds: 14.2306 LONG - Degrees: -80 Minutes. 13Seconds: 38.1889 SITE ADDRESS: 7 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 COUNTY* St Lucie For. Jose Fuentes 165I.W 37 St Suite 406 Hialeah, OIL 33012 You have certified that the project you propose to construct at the above location meets all the conditions of the Self -Certification Process.' A project that is built in conformance to those 'conditions (attached for reference) Will: 1. Qualify for a regulatory exemption under Section 403.813(1)(b) of.the Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Chapter 62-330, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). As such, it is exempt from the need to obtain a DER Environmental Resource Permit; 2. Qualify, for Consent by Rule or Letter of Consent (as applicable) under Chapter 253, F.S. and Chapter', 18-21, F.A.C. (and Chapter-258 F.S. alk and Chapter 18-20, F.A.C., if applicable), when the project is IcArRew submersed lands owned by the State of Florida.: riL Cup y r SEA TURTLE AND SMALL The permittee shall comply with the follov a. The permittee shall instruct all persom these species and the need to avoid col construction personnel are responsible these species. b. The permittee shall advise all con harming, harassing, or killing sea Endangered Species Act of 1973. fty' UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Southeast Regional Office 1P 263 13th Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33701 SAWFISH CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS g protected species construction conditions: associated with the project of the potential presence of .ons with sea turtles and smalltooth sawfish. All - observing water -related activities for the presence of m personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for or smalltooth sawfish, which are protected under the c. Siltation barriers shall be made of material in which a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish cannot become entangled, be properly secured,) and be regularly monitored to avoid protected species entrapment. Barriers may not block sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish entry to or exit from designated critical.habitat without prior agreement from the National Marine Fisheries Service's Protected Resources Division, St. Petersburg, Florida. d. All vessels associated with the construction project shall operate at "no wake/idle" speeds at all times while in the construction area and while in water depths where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four -foot clearance I rom the bottom. All vessels will preferentially follow deep -water routes (e.g.,,marked channels).whenever possible. e. If a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish is si construction/dredging operation or vess implemented to ensure its protection. 'I any moving equipment closer than 50 fi mechanical construction equipment sha seen within a 50=ft radius of the equiprr has departed the project area of its own n within 100 yards of the active daily movement, all appropriate precautions shall be -se precautions shall.include cessation of operation of . t of a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish. Operation of any cease immediately if a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish is it. Activities may not resume until the protected species f. Any collision with and/or injury to a sea Iturtle or smalltooth sawfish shall be reported immediately to the National Marine Fisheries Service's Protected Resources Division (7277824- 5312) and the local authorized sea turtle stranding/rescue organization. g. Any special construction conditions, required of your specific project; outside these general conditions, if applicable, will be addressed in the primary consultation. I Revised: March 23, 2006 O:\forms\Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions.doc ( Nd�+rmras I Additions to the "Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish .Construction Conditions" for SPGP V a. Any collision(s) witlh an/or injuries to any whale, or sturgeon occurring during the construction of a project, shall be reported immediately to NMFS's Protected Resources Division (PRD) at (727-824-53, 2). b. Reports to NMFS'sl Protected Resources Division (PRD) may be made by email to takereport.nmfsser@noaa.eov. I c. Sea turtle and mane ine mammal stranding/rescue organizations, contact information is available by region at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/health/networks.htm. d. Smalltooth sawfis i encounters shall be reported to http://www.flmnh. ufl.edu/fish/sharks/sawfish/sawfishencou'nters.html. e. All work must occur during daylight hours. 0 1 Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or over Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV), Marsh or Mangrove Habitat U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service august 2001 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation: 1. Avoidance. The pier shall be aligned so as to 2. The height of pier shall be a minimum of 5 feet the size of the footprint over SAV beds. - MHW/OHW as measured from the top surface of the decking. 3. The width of the pier is limited to a maximum of4 feet. A turnaround area is allowed for piers greater than 200 feet in length. The turnaround is limited to a section of the. pier no more'than 10 feet in length and no more than 6 feet in width. The turnaround shall be located at the midpoint of the pier. 4. Over-SAV bed portions of the pier shall be oriented in a north -south orientation to the maximum extent that is practicable. 5. a. If possible, terminal platforms shall be placed in deep water, waterward of SAV beds or in an area devoid of SAV beds. b. If a terminal platform is placed over SAV areas and constructed of grated decking, the total -size ofthe platform shall be limited to 160 square feet. The grated deck material shall, conform to the specifications stipulated below. The configuration of the platform shall be a maximum.of 8 feet by 20 feet. A minimum of 5 feet by 20 feet shall conform to the 5-foot height requirement; a 3 feet by 20 feet section may be placed 3 feet above Xff-IW to facilitate .boat access. The long axis of the platform should be aligned in a north -south direction to the maximum extent that is practicable. c. If the terminal platform is placed over SAV areas and constructed of planks, the total size of the platform shall be limited to 120 square feet. The configuration of the platform shall be a maximum of 6 feet by 20 feet of which a minimum 4-foot wide by 20-foot long section shall conform to the 5-foot height requitement A section maybe placed 3 feet above MHW to facilitate boat access. The 3 feet above MHW section shall be cantilevered. The long axis of the platform should be aligned in a north -south direction to the maximum extent that is practicable. If the Meet above MHW section is constructed with grating material, it may be 3 feet wide. 6. One uncovered boat lift area is allowed. A narrow catwalk (2 feet wide if planks are used, 3 feet wide if grating is used ) may be added to facilitate boat maintenance along the outboard side of the boat lift and a 4-foot wide walkway may be added along the stern end of the boat lift, provided all such walkways are elevated 5 feet above MAW. The catwalk shall be cantilevered from the outboard mooring pilings (spaced no closer than 10 feet apart). 7. Pilings shall be installed in a manner which willnot result in the formation of sedimentary deposits("donuts" or "halos") around,the newly installed,pilings. Pile driving is the preferred method of installation, but jetting with a low pressure pump may be used. 8. The spacing of pilings through SAV beds shall be.a minimum of 10 feet on center. 9. The gaps between deckboards shall be a minimum of %Z inch. i I i i Grid Specifications and Suppliers Section modified in October 2002 to add an additional vendor of materials. February 2003 -Vendor name changed from ChemGrate to FibeiGrate Marsh: 1.. The structure shall be aligned so as to have the smallest over -marsh footprint.as practicable. 2. The over -marsh portion of the dock shall be elevated to at least 4 feet above the marsh floor. 3. The width of the dock is limited to a maximum of 4 feet. Any exceptions to the width must be accompanied by an equal increase in height requirement. Mangroves. 1. The width of the dock is limited Jo a maximum of 4 feet. 2. Mangrove clearing is restricted to the width of the pier. 3. The location and alignment of the pier should be through the narrowest area of the mangrove fringe. Grid Specifications and Suppliers The following information does noticonstitute a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers endorsement or advertisement for any particular provider and is provided only as an example for those interested in obtainingthese materials for dock construction. A type of fiberglass grate panel is manufactured by'SeaSafe (Lafayette, LA; phone: 1-800-326-8842) and FiberGrate (1-800-5274043). Plastic grate panels are also available from Southern Pine Lumber Company (Stuart, FL; phone: 772-692-2300). Panels are available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses. For safety, the grate should contain an anti -slip texture which is integrally molded into the top surface. The manufacturer or local distributor should be consulted to ensure that the load -bearing capacity of the selected product is sufficient to support the intended purpose. Contact the m,� anufacturer(s) for product specifications.and a list of regional distributors. Grid Specifications and Suppliers Section modified in October 2002 to add an additional vendor of materials. February 2003 -Vendor name changed from ChemGrate to FiberGrate . i Key' for Construction Conditions for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or Over Johnson's Seagrass (Halophila johnsonia) National Marine Fisheries Service[U.S..Army Corps of Engineers October 2002 Ia. The construction site is within the known range of Johnson's seagrass occurrence (Sebastian Inlet to central Biscayne Bay in the lagoon al systems on the east coast of Florida). Go to 2. lb. The construction site is not within the known range of Johnson's seagrass occurrence but submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) is present.at the site. Use "Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or over Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Marsh or Mangrove Habitat" - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, August 2001. lc. The construction site is not within the range of Johnson's seagrass and SAV is not present at the site: No construction conditions for SAY are necessary- 2a. Seagrass survey for Johnson's seagrass is performed at the proposed site during the April 1— August 31 growing season. Go to 3. 2b. No survey for Johnson's seagrass is performed at the proposed site during the growing season, or a survey is performed at the proposed site but is outside of the growing season. Go to 4. 3a. Johnson's seagrass is presenrat the proposed construction site. Go to 5. 3b. Johnson's seagrass.is not present at the proposed construction site. Go to 6. 4a. The construction is in an area designated by the National Marine Fisheries Service - Protected Resources Division (NWS-PRD) as critical habitae for Johnson's seagrass. Use "Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or over . Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Marsh or Mangrove Habitat" -U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, August 2001, except that light -transmitting materiaw (LTMs) shall comprise 100% of all pedestrian surfaces waterward of the mean low water (ML 99 fne- 4b. The construction is not in an area designated by NMFS-PRD as critical habitat for Johnson's seagrass. Use "Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or over Submerged Aquatic Vegetation; Marsh or Mangrove Habitat" - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, August 2001, except that LTMs shall comprise at least 75% of all pedestrian surfaces waterward of the MLW line and a minimum I - inch spacing shall be maintained between all wooden deckboards used waterward of the MLW line. 5a. The construction is in an area designated by NMFS-PRD as critical habitat for Johnson's seagrass. Use "Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or over Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Marsh or Mangrove Habitat" - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, August 2001, except that LTMs shall comprise at least 75% of all pedestrian surfaces waterward of the MLW line and a minimum 1-inch spacing shall be maintained between all wooden deckboards used waterward of the ML W line. 5b. The construction is not in an area designated by NMFS-PRD as critical habitat for Johnson's seagrass. Use "Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or over Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Marsh or Mangrove Habitat" - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, August 2001, except that allpedestrian surfaces directly over Johnson's seagrass areas shall be constructed of LTMs and a minimum This key was modified in October 2002 to change i he percent light transmittance requirement of the grids from 46 to 43 as stipulated in Note 0. I -inch spacing shall be maintained between all wooden deckboards used waterward of the MLW lines 6a. The conon'is in E n- area designated byMAWS-PRD as critical habitat for Johnson's seagrass. Use "Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or over Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Marsh or Mangrove Habitat" - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, August 2001, except that a minimum I -inch spacing shall be maintained between all wooden deckboards. used waterward of the MLW lines 6b. The construction is not in an area designated by NAIFS as critical habitat for Johnson's seagrass. Go'to 7 1 7a. SAV other than Johnson's seagrass is present at the site. Use "Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or over Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Marsh or Mangrove Habitat" - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, Aug�at 2001. 7b. No SAV present. Xo construction conditions for SAV are necessary. Notes: '- This key is meant to complements but not supersede the "Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for Docks or Other Minor Structures Constructed in or over Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, Marsh or Mangrove Habitat - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, August 2001. Docks incorporating light -transmitting materials shall not exceed the dimensions recommended in the Guidelines. 2. Federal Register 65 FR 17786, April 512000, Designation of -critical habitat for Johnson's seagrass. 3. Light -transmitting materials are made of various materials shaped in the form of grids, grates,. lattices, etc., to allow the passage of light through the open spaces. All light -transmitting materials used for dock construction in the known range of Johnson's seagrass shall have a minimum of forty-three (43) percent open space. This key was modified in October 2002 to change the percent light transmittance requirement of the grids from 46 to 43 as stipulated in Note #3 . pePQrt_ Florida Department of Environmental Protection Martinez Center Blair Stone Road e, Florida 32399-2400 Rick Scott Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera Lt. Governor Noah Valenstein Secretary .......... ----- - CONDITION FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY SELF -CERTIFIED STATE PROGRAMMATIC GENERAL PERMIT FOR A PROJECT AT A PRIVATE, SINGLE FAMILY Self Certification File No.: 0166441002EE General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized on July 26, 2021. 2. You must maintain'the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to- cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized' by this permit, you mustl immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and State coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property 'associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner on the enclosed form and forward :a copy of�the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water, quality certification has been -issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. Further Information: 1. Limits of this authorization: a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, State, or local authorizations required by law. b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges.. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This. permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal projects. 2. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit; the Federal Government does not -assume any liability for the following: a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities i. undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. c. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d. Design or Construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 3. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 4. Reevaluation of Permit Decision: This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the (terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (gee 3 above). c. Significant new informatio surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. 5. Such a reevaluation may resul in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained -in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive,. this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CER 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise' and bill you for the cost. 6.. When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conaitions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date the enclosed form. 7. The Permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structures or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure -or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the Permittee will be required, upon due notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstruction caused terlby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on aot f any such removal, relocation or alteration. Manatee Conditions: 1. All personnel associated withI the project will be instructed about the presence of manatees and manatee speed zones, and the need to avoid collisions with and injury to manatees. The permittee will advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. 2. All vessels associated with the construction project will operate at "Idle Speed/No Wake" at all times while in the immediate area and while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a fourfoot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will follow routes of deep water,whenever possible. 3. Siltation or turbidity barriers will be made of.material in which manatees cannot become entangled, will be properly secured, and will be regularly monitored to avoid manatee entanglement or entrapment. Barriers must not impede manatee movement. 4. All on -site project personnel are responsible. for observing water -related activities for the presence of manatee(s). All in -water operations, including vessels, must be shutdown if a manatees) comes within 50 feet of the operation. Activities will not resume until the manatee(s) has moved beyond the 50-foot radius of the project operation, or until 30 minutes elapses if the manatee(s) has not reappeared within 50 feet of the operatioi leaving. .5. Any collision, with or'injury to a manatee 1-888-404 FWCC. Collision and/or injur Service in Jacksonville (1-904-731-33'36; south Florida. 6. Temporary signs concerning manatees w activities. All signs are to be removed by signs that have already been approved foi Commission (FWC) must be used (see N be posted. A second sign measuring at lei Speed/No Wake" and the shut down of it visible to all personnel engaged in water - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Conditions: t Animals must not'be herded away or harassed into will -be reported immediately to the FWC Hotline at should also be reported -to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife for north Florida'or Vero Beach (1-772-562-3909) for I be posted prior to and during all in -water project he permittee upon completion of the project. Awareness this use by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation �FWC.com). One sign which reads Caution: Boaters must st 8 %a" by 117 explaining the requirements for "Idle -water operations must be posted in a location prominently elated activities. l . Avoidance. The piling -supported struc a will be aligned so as to minimize the size of the footprint over SAV beds. 2. The height of piling -supported structure will be a minimum of 5 feet above MHW/OHW as measured from the top surface of the decking. 3. The width of the piling -supported structure is limited to a maximum of 4 feet. A turnaround area is allowed for piling -supported structures greater than 200 feet in length. The turnaround is limited to a section of the piling -supported structure no more than 10 feet in length and no more than 6 feet in width. The turnaround will be located at the midpoint of the piling -supported structure. 4. Over-SAV bed portions of the piling -supported structure will be oriented in a north -south orientation to the maximum extent that is practicable. 5. Terminal Platforms: a. If possible, terminal platforms will be placed in deep water, waterward of SAV beds or in an area devoid of SAV beds. b. If a terminal platform is placed over SAV areas and constructed of grated decking, the total size of the platform will be limited to 160 square feet. The grated deck material will conform to the specifications stipulated below. The configuration of the platform will be a maximum of 8 feet by 20 feet. A minimum of 5 feet by 20 feet will conform to the 5-foot height requirement; a 3 feet by 20 feet section.may be placed 3 feet above MRW to facilitate boat access. The long axis of the platform should be aligned in a north -south direction to the maximum extent that is practicable. c. If the terminal platform is placed over SAV areas and constructed of planks, the total size of the platform will be limited to 120 square feet. The configuration of the platform will be a maximum of .6 feet by 20 feet of which a minimum 4-foot.wide by 20-foot long section will conform to the 5-foot height requirement. A section may be placed 3 feet above MHW to facilitate boat access. The 3 feet above MHW section will be cantilevered. The long axis of the platform should be.aligned in a northsouth direction to the maximum extent that is practicable. If the 3 feet above MHW section is constructed with grating material, it may, be 3 feet wide. 6. Pilings will be installed in a manner which will not result in the formation of sedimentary deposits ("donuts" or "halos") around the newly installed pilings. Pile driving is the preferred -method of installation, but jetting with a low pressure pump maybe used. 7. The spacing of pilings through SAV beds will be a minimum of 10 feet on center. 8. The gaps between deckboards will be a minimum of 1/2 inch. Marsh and Mangroves Conditions: 1. Marsh: a. The piling -supported structure will be aligned so as to have the smallest over -marsh footprint as practicable. b. The over -marsh portion of the piling -supported structure will be elevated to at least 4 feet above the marsh floor. c. The width of the piling -supported structure is limited to. a maximum of 4 feet. Any exceptions to the width must be accompanied' by an equal increase in height requirement. 2. Mangroves: a. The width of the piling -supported structure is limited to a maximum of 4 feet. b. Mangrove clearing is restricted to the width of the piling -supported structure. c. The location and alignment of the piling -supported structure should be through the narrowest area of the mangrove fringe. Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish Construction Conditions: The permittee will comply with the following protected species construction conditions: 1. The permittee will instruct all personnel associated with the project of the potential presence of these species and the need to avoid collisions -with sea turtles and smalltooth sawfish. All construction personnel are responsiblefor observing water -related activities for the presence of these species. 2. The permittee will advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing sea turtles or smalltooth sawfish, which are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. 3. Siltation barriers will be made of material in which a. sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish cannot become entangled, be properly securedJ and be regularly monitored to avoid protected species entrapment. Barriers may not block sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish entry'to or exit from designated critical habitat without prior agreement from the National Marine Fisheries Service's Protected Resources Division, St. Petersburg, Florida. 4. All vessels associated with the construction project will operate at "no wake/idle" speeds at all times while in the construction area and while in water depths where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four -foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will preferentially follow deep -water routes (e, g., marked channels) when er possible. 5. If a sea turtle or smalltooth sawf sh is seen within 100 yards of the active daily construction/dredging operation or'vessel movement, all appropriate precautions will be implemented to ensure its protection. These precautions will .include cessation of operation of any moving equipment closer than 50 feet of a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish. Operation of any mechanical constriction equipment will cease immediately if a sea turtle or -smalltooth sawfish is seen within a 50-ft radius of the equipment. Activities may not resume until the protected species has departed the project area of its own volition. 6. Any collision with and/or injury to a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish will be reported immediately to the National Marine Fisheries Service's Protected Resources Division (727-824-5312) and the local authorized sea turtle stranding/roscue organization. 7. Any special construction conditions, required of your specific project; outside these general conditions, if applicable, will be addressed in the primary consultation. . 8. Any collision(s) with and/or injuries- to any whale, or sturgeon occurring during the construction of a project, shall be reported immediately to NMFS's Protected Resources Division (PRD) at (727424-5312). 9. Reports to NMFS's Protected Resources Division (PRD) may be made by email to takereport.nmfsser@noaa.gov. 10. Sea turtle and marine mammal stranding/rescue organizations' contact information is available by region at http://www.nmfs.noaa�gov/pr/health/networks.htin. 11. Smalltooth sawfish encounters shall be reported to http://www.fhnnh.ufl.edu/fish/sharks/sawfish/s'awfishencounters.html. 12. All work must occur during daylight hours. Special Conditions: 1. For concrete piles installed by impact hammer: a. The piles will be less than or equal to than 24'inches in diameter; and = b. Not more than 10 piles -will 'be installed) per day- if in open water; or, c. Not more than 5 piles will be installed per day in a confined space. A confined space is defined as ' or structure within 150 feet of the p pile any area that has a solid object (e.g., short line, seawall, jetty) p' installation site that would effectively serve as a barrier or otherwise prevent animals from moving past it to exit -the area. This does not include objects such as docks or other pile -supported structures that would not stop animal movement or significantly reflect noise. -2. Metal piles will NOT be installed by impact hammer. 3. The Permittee is responsible for obtaining any 'take'permits required under the U.S. Fish, and Wildlife Service's regulations governing compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The Permittee should contact the .appropriate local office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine if such 'take'permits are required for a particular activity. 4. The Permittee is responsible for compli yards of a right whale, with limited exc 5. Special Conditions Related to All Revie with 50 CFR 224.103 prohibiting approach within 500 ws and Authorizations are available at: ins/ReLyulatorv/_Source-Book/ and must be followed.. Self Certification File No.: Construction Conditions: Boat lifts are subject to all of the fa 1. Is to be installed in an existing, 2. With other mooring will not 3. Will be built without adding no catwalks;. 4. Will not be located in areas pro. authorization issued by a local 1 5. Will not substantially impede tt hazard; 6. Is used ONLY for recreational, boats and boat paraphernalia; 7. Cannot be placed in waters that 8. Will accommodate the propos provided between the deepest ordinary low water; lorida apartment of Environmental Protection Bob Martinez Center 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 S AND CONDITIONS conditions: -Rick Scott _... . Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera Lt. Governor Noah Valenstein Secretary p or, at or adjacent to the waterward end 'of the dock; t in the mooring of more than two vessels (including jet skis); surface area to the dock, such as walkways, gangplanks, or for mooring by a previously issued permit or other form of flow of water, cause water pollution; or create a navigational activities associated with the mooring or storage of ire deeper than -4 ft MLW; boat use in order to ensure that a minimum of one foot clearance is i t of a vessel and the top of any submerged resources at mean or 9. The dock, together with the boat lift, cannot extend waterward more than 500 feet or more than 20% of the width of waterbody (or 25% in Boca Ciega Bay or Pinellas County Aquatic Preserves), whichever is less; and 10. Mooring areas cannot be materials. General Aquatic Preserve Cond Private residential single family in whole or in part with walls, doors, screens or any other in Aquatic Preserves are subject to all of the following criteria in accordance with Chapters 253, F.S. and 1. No dock will extend waterward of the m percent of the width of the waterbody at 2. Certain docks fall within areas of si require special management consid( site specific conditions to minimize avoid vegetation or altering configu Part H, F.S. or ordinary high water line more than 500 feet or 20 particular location, whichever is less. it biological, scientific, historic or aesthetic value and . The Board will require design modifications based on impacts to these resources, such as relocating. docks to to minimize shading. 3. Docking facilities will be designed to ensure that vessel use will not cause harm to site specific resources (mangroves, seagrasses, corals, etc). The design will consider the number, lengths, drafts, and types of vessels allowed to use the facility. Aquatic Preserve Dock Criteria: All private residential single family docks in Aquatic Preserves will be subject to the following criteria in accordance with Chapter 18-20 Y.A.C. and Section 258.42(3)(e)1., F.S.: . 1. Any main access dock. will be limited to a maximum width of four (4) feet; 2. The dock decking design and construction shall ensure maximum light penetration, with full consideration of safety and practicality; 3. The dock, including mooring areas, shall'extend out 'from the shoreline no further than to a maximum depth of minus four (4) feet mean. low water;. 4. When the water depth is minus four. (4) feet mean low water at an existing bulkhead, the maximum dock length from the bulkhead shall be 25 feet, subject to modifications accommodating shoreline vegetation overhang; . 5. Terminal platform size shall be no more than 160 square feet; 6. In areas with the presence of any natural resource attributes (as determined during the spring -summer growing season) the following criteria shall apply: a. Wood planking used to construct the surface of the dock will be no more than eight (8) inches wide and spaced no less than one-half (1%2) inch apart after shrinkage; b. When the dock surface is to be constructed of material other than wood, the dock shall be designed to provide light penetration which meets or exceeds the light penetration provided by wood construction; c. The main access walkway shall be elevated a minimum of five (5) feet above -mean or ordinary high water; d. If a terminal platform terminates in an area with the presence of any significant natural resource attributes, the platform shall be elevated to a minimum height of five (5) feet above mean or ordinary high water. Up to 25 percent of the surface area of the terminal platform is authorized at a lower elevation to facilitate access between the terminal platform and the waters of the preserve or a vessel; and j i e. The ,dock to be constructed will have adequate existing water depths in the boat mooring, turning basin,: access channels, and other such areas which will accommodate the proposed boat use to ensure that a minimum of one foot clearance is provided between the deepest draft of the vessel and the top of any submerged resources at mean or ordinary low water. 7. Roofs may be constructed over; boat- slips if the following criteria are met: a. The slip must contain a boat (lift or davit that does not float in the water when loaded; b. The roof must not overhang more than, one (1) foot beyond the footprint of the lift and the boat stored at the lift; c. No walls shall be d. Roofs meeting these requirements are not included in the square -footage calculation of a terminal platform. However, the roof area is still counted in the square -footage calculation of the entire dock structure (access walkway + terminal platform + roof shall total 500 square feet or less); e. Roofs shall not be 8. All of the dock and moorir line of the upland property 9. -The dock will be designed to General Conditions for Any use of sovereignty/st-, that are binding upon the F.S. over slips without lifts or davits. is will be set back a minimum of 25 feet inside the riparian rights which.the dock is constructed; and no more than 2 vessels. ed Submerged Lands Authorizations: submerged lands is subject to the following general conditions and are enforceable under Chapters 253, F.S. or Chapters 258, 1. Sovereignty/state-owned submerged lands may be used only for the specified activity or use. Any unauthorized deviation from the specified activity, or use and the conditions for undertaking that activity or use will constitute a iolation..Violation of the authorization will result in suspension or revocation of the applicant's use of the sovereignty/state-owned submerged lands unless cured to the satisfaction of the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (Board). 2. Authorization under Rule 18-21.005, F.A.C., conveys no title to sovereignty/state-owned. submerged lands or water column, nor doe it constitute recognition or acknowledgment of any other person's title to such land or water. 3. Authorizations under Rule 18-11.005, F.A.C., may be modified, suspended or revoked in accordance with its terms or the remedies provided in Sections 253.04, F.S. or Chapter 18-14, F.A.C. 4. Structures or activities will be constructed and used to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to resources. 5. Construction, use, or operation ;of the structure or activity will not adversely affect any species which r harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. 2. All vessels associated with the construction project will operate at'Idle Speed/No Wake' at all times while in the immediate area and while m water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four -foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will follow routes of deep water whenever possible. 3. Siltation or turbidity barriers will be made of material in which manatees'cannot become entangled, will be properly secured, and will be regularly monitored to avoid manatee entanglement or entrapment. Barriers must not impede manatee movement. 4. All on -site project personnel are responsible for observing water -related activities for the presence of manatee(s). All in -water operations, including vessels, must be shutdown,if a manatee(s) comes within 50 feet of the operation. Activities will not resume until the manatee(s) has moved beyond the 50-foot radius of the project operation, or until 30 minutes elapses if the manatee(s) has not reappeared within 50 feet of the operation! Animals must not be herded away or harassed into leaving. 5. Any collision with or injury to a manatee will be reported immediately to the FWC Hotline at 1-888-404-FWCC. Collision and/or injury should also be reported to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Jacksonville (1-904-731-3336) for north Florida or Vero Beach (17772-562-3909) for south Florida. I 6. Temporary signs concerning manatees will be posted prior to and during all in -water project activities. All signs are to be removed by the permittee upon completion of the project. Awareness signs that have already been approved for this use by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) must be used (see MyFWC.com). One sign which reads Caution: Boaters must be posted. A second sign measuring at least 8 1/2' by I V explaining the requirements for'Idle Speed/No Wake' and the shut down of in -water operations must be posted in a location prominently visible to all personnel engaged in water -related activities. Self -Certification Requirements: The user agrees to the following: 1. The information provided herein is true and accurate. 2. Construction of,the project must be completed within one year from the self -certification date. If the project cannot be completed within that time frame, or the project is to be modified, the Department must be contacted for authorization requirements. 3. Any substantial modifications in the plans for this project must be submitted to the Department for review, as changes may result in a permit being required. 4. This self -certification will automatically expire if site conditions materially change; if the terms, conditions, and limitations of the self -certification are not followed; or if the governing statutes or rules are amended before the project is completed. 5. Department personnel will be allowed to enter the property for purposes of inspecting the project for compliance with the terms and conditions of this self -certification. is endangered, threatened or 68A-27.005, F.A.C.; special concern, as listed in Rules 68A-27.003, 68A-27.004, and 6. Structures or activities will not unreasonably interfere with riparian rights. When a court of competent jurisdiction determines that riparian rights have been unlawfully affected, the structure or activity will be modified in accordance with the court's decision: 7. Structures or activities will not create a navigational hazard. 8. Structures will be maintained in a functional condition and will be repaired or removed if they become dilapidated to such an lextent that they are no longer functional. 9. Structures or activities will be purposes. 10. The applicant agrees to indem all claims, actions, lawsuits ar sovereignty/stateowned submi sovereignty/state-owned subn any and all liabilities that are or taxes that are now or in the authorization. 11. Failure by the Board to enforc provision of the authorization failure or waiver prevent the l of a future violation of that yr 12. Applicant binds itself and its forth in the authorization. If U the provisions and conditions after written notice to the app applicant or its successors or ; Failure to correct the violatioi authorization. operated, and maintained solely for water dependent fy, defend and hold harmless the Board and the State of Florida from demands in any form arising out of the authorization to use red lands or the applicant's use and construction of structures on ged lands. This duty to indemnify and hold Harmless will include ,ociated with the structure or activity including special assessments ture assessed against the structure or activity during the period of the any violation of the authorization or waiver by the Board of any ill not invalidate the provision not enforced or waived, nor will the and from enforcing the waived or unenforced provision in the event ccessors and assigns to abide by the provisions and conditions set applicant or its successors or assigns fails or refuses to comply with 'the authorization, the authorization may be terminated by the Board :ant or its'successors or assigns. Upon receipt of such notice, the Signs will have thirty (30) days in which to correct the violations. within this period will result in the automatic revocation of this 13. All costs. incurred- by the Board in enforcing the terms and conditions of the authorization will be paid by the applicant. Any notice required by law will be made by certified mail at the address shown on page one of the authorization. The applicant will notify the Board in writing of any change of address at least ten days before the change becomes effective. 14. This authorization does not allow any activity prohibited in a conservation easement or restrictive covenant of record that prohiliits the activity. Manatee Conditions: The following conditions are intedded'to protect manatees from direct project effects; THESE CONDITIONS APPLY ONLY * WATERS THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE TO MANATEES: 1. All personnel associated with the project will be instructed about the presence of manatees and manatee speed zones, and the need to avoid collisions with and injury to manatees. The permittee will advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, r Find messages; documents, phoitos or people Compose tropicdock... 999+ fishcommitment Inbox Unread Starred Drafts Sent Archive Spam . Trash Less Views ' Photos Documents Travel Coupons Tutorials F Back « « * iY Arc FDEP ERP Self -Certification no-reply@depstatefl.us 'i Y To: tropicdock@yahoo.com Cc ROBERT.B.BARRON@US 999+ I CrtraarLznialvv.aini NMFSSERPROGRAMMATICI FDEP-SP@USACE.ARMY.M I L 164 0, ,n r Hide Folders Hide + New Folder Notes 1 v - 57. David Home ilia Move ® Delete 0 Spam ... - X � r „* Yahoo/Inbox I p X Mar30at4A3PM Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bob Martinez Center 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Receipt for Submission SELF10ERTIFICATION FOR A PROJECT AT A PRIVATE, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE 03/30/2018 Self Certification File No.: 0166441002EE File Name: 7 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 - Self Certification Boat Lift (Aquatic Preserves) Dear David Barker: On, 0313012018, you used the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's electronic Self Certification Process to certify compliance with the terms and conditions of the Federal State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP) Self Certification Process for a project at private, single-family residence located at: LAT - Degrees: 27 Minutes: 17 Seconds: 14.2306 LONG -Degrees: -80 Minutes: 13 Seconds: 38.1889 SITE ADDRESS: 7 Nettles Blvd. Jensen Beach, FL 34957 COUNTY: St Lucie For. 1 Jose Fuentes 1651 W 37 St Suite 406 Hialeah, FL 33012 You have certified that the pr Iject you propose to construct at the above location meets all the conditions of the Self -Certification Process. A project that is built in conformance tol those conditions (attached for reference) will: 1. Qualify for a regulatory exemption under Section 403.813(1)(b) of the Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Chapter 62-330, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). As such, it is exempt from the need to obtain a DEP Environmental Resource Permit.;. 2. Qualify for Consent by 12ule or Letter of consent (as applicable) under Chapter 253, F.S. and Chapter 18-21, F.A.C. (and Chapter 258, F.S. and Chapter 18-20, F.A.C., if applicable), when the project is located on submeraed lands owned by the State of Florida.: :�M