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Sian.d, Sealed and DellT.red in Presence 011
H. V. Morris
J. L. 1I0ntROmeJ7
88 to J.R. Odoll ana Eth.l Uae Odoa.
llar\ha RORere
Paul Pinoh
as to 7.E. Gober and Cora Gober.
.'. ... - ~. - ~. ..- -~. . - - ~ ~_."': ".~-..~... .-,..., --.._.,. '... ..
J. R. Odo. CSEJ.L)
.'"'RtliifMae Odoll CSUL)
r. B. Gober CSRAL)
...2.ora Gobel' ( SEAL)
Eallt Coa8t OTerland Co.
BY L. E. DAv rS!. " ~eot. (SE4,L)
L. A. Knlgh' (SEAL)
. .
-----.........-..-..-.-----. ..--..----.------- ..- -~- ---....-'-..--..,--..-...-----.--....--. ---.--
I HERBBY CER!IPI tblt on this day personall, app.ared before m. J. R. Odom: F. E.
Gober. and Cora Gober. known to me to be the persons deBorlbed in and who executed the within
oontraot for deed to East Coaet Overland Co" Ino,. A: 1.. A. Knl8ht snd uTerelly ftoknowle4ged
the exeoution thereof to be their free aot ond deed for the uees and purp08e tbereln mentioned,
and the sa1d Core Gober, known to me to be the wire of the 8ald P. E. Gober. on a separate and
privet. examination taken and qde b;v and befon .., 8 nl aeparately and Ipart fro!ll her said
husband. did aoknowledge tlat she trede herself a part, to the 8ald lnstrum.nt . for the purpose
of renounolng rel1nqu19hing and conn,lng all her right. ti tl. ..'~ Interest, whither of dower
01' of s.parate property. 8tatutory 01' equitable. in and to the land thereln desoribed an4 that
ahe exeout.d laid deed freel, and Toluntarlly, ani without a~ oonstraint. fear, sppreheneion or
oompulelon of or from bel' 881d husHn^.
WITRESS m7 signature ODd offiolal seal at 70rt Pi.roe., in the County of-Saint
L~h, State
11'. P. Seal. .
'--- /
S'fA'fE-Ol'" GEORGIA, COUll'fi or BIBB:
of Florida, on th18, the 25th a., of February A. D. 1926.
paul Pinoh.
., oomadseion expiree Yay 8t~. 1926.
I HEREBY CERTIn that on th18 day penonally appeared before me Ethel Vae O!om,
known to me to be the w1fe of J. B. Odom. and a8 one of ~he partie,to the wlthlu instrument
who on a e.parate and prlTota examlnatlon taken b1 and before m., and s.parately and spar~ from
her sald husband. did ao~owledg. that she made hers.lf a part~ to the 8aid instrument. for the
purp08. of renounolng. relinqu18hing and COnye1iog all her right title a04 intere.t. wh.ther of
dOlleI' OJ' of separate property 8tatut01'1 01' equitable. in and to the lands therein deBorib.d. and
that she .x.outed sald deed free11 and TOluntaril, and without any constraint. fear, appreh.n-
8ion or Qo~ulsion of or from her said husband.
/--_.~ .,
i Geo~a. on this, the 26th day of Peb. A. D. 1926. It
B. P..geal. ~
/, ~
~~ed ,Dd recorded this Pab. 27. 1926. r P. Cr Bld~d(Clerk of the Ciroult Court)
C;:-;;. Seal..: g- BY t?n ~ ~ ~/?t"n/)o~~
\........ /' :; C/ D. ·
WITNESS IlI1 sl8D8ture and offiolal seal at boon, in the Count, of Blbb. State of
JOtLL. Montfomeq
111 0011. ST.. 4- 6 - 7.
L. I.. XlfIGHT.
'fllIS Ilf'DElfTtJRE, Made tbis 19 day of lab. I.. D. 1926, Between grie Land and Invo8t-
ment Co. Ino. ..~ oorporaUon 8x18t1D1 under tbe lawe of the State of Jllorl4a, laYing its prin-
olpal plac. of buslDoe88 in the COUll' of St. LuoU a~_State of 710r1d.. party of the f1 rst part
ana L. .... Kni~t of the County of .-- and State of----- part)' of tbt ..oond part. 1rIftfBSSEflI
tbat th. sa14 party (\~ the firet part, for and in oonelderation of the ft. 01 !eD Dollars and
other .,.lueble Consid.ration. Dollan, to it in band peid, the l'foeipt wbenof 1a Iltreby .ok-
nowledged, ba. granted, bar181ned, 801d, allened. r~i8.d,_JW1.a8.d, oonTe1.d .&d oonflrse4,
.114 by the.. prte.nte doth grant, b81'p1n. "811, aUen, nala..- rele8ae, oonTey an4 ooofi1'll
.... :":",;fr*~'i.