HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL. for di 3iuilet xg Coda t t n� littp.il�vavwrfloridabuil" org'prlpr_ap� ziil asp:'?purFu=wxEV'C�3rtDc"u2aBC"pTpQQe :. l/8/'O:C Florida Btfilding, Code.: Onlip'o, .Nge'2 6f-4 Pr'bduct.Appro.VaI.M6Ujod' Metihod i *on D DaW Su.bmj* ,°'08J1BJ2037 - Date Vallftfiii" Dete:Pend1ng:�46:ApprQ'yal 0i4/�017 13 W..Approvo ."W10`/2017 um'M`ajry:ofP1*ddur6i-, 'Model,' Number or:Naiin6 Description, 26 Gauge sfeelj.319" rib-fielghtj 24" wide lapped roof panel niechatilcally'Miziehed plywood. or W00ti b6ck with fasteners J . . . ......... ....... . . ............ installation instructions L mils t lif W. -. + Approved for use in ij,d­ "Bi "Approved i6i use outside Hwa. yig, Verified, Sy: LbcW Bovidpn;, P. E. 49704 - Impact R46istant' No' Created by Independeht.Thlrd Party.". Yes ' besl'issi. EyaluatiP11. Reports Other:'Pressure kefbr'to conditions, Jnstall the imm, Iz R7 'AEf tLAZQ22,1 '$ V CRIMP ENYA01 assembly, -In tbrnpllance'Wth theInstallationmethod listed in cixiitid'by'lhdooi3n,00nt,Th!O'Party: , Yes se� or. t, Elijis , P�arid app116bl8�6da: " bo6s.'WFBC, R re -u tions iinufaftr6t4ifista" " inst c Ilation r ............. ..... .. . . . ...... vozz& 2 0. 032'-A U mirty M, x. attached 615/3'yfjiVdCid,oi,Wood p6rtil;� mechanically pet; k,,#tWex0osed fasteners. Limits af'tlse Installation. Instructions A"riove44��.,,6sq.ft! HVHZ-. No Appi­6Ved,iror.uqe Verified By.'Locke Bovideh', P,E49704 ImpackResistant: Na Cre6ted,byindfipend4ntThird 'PaaY"Yei, -El. 7=12 Al ��"2 with the assembly1n,comp lanes e installation ritidtheid'llsted In —4L �! . this report dn&6pplidable ebd0i,se�tions of.FBC, Re ret�tbr Independent Third Pa rty. Yes ns' manufacturer,kinstali6tion.i­ true. ons. 17022.1 3'� 1� wide, 24-§�Ug� sieeI,,ztandIhg scam 1%S'MechanIcalSeb 1-.51 rib height, 16" wic roof oAnel'iiiechafilcally �mttacfied to ts/3Z­pIywood:dr,?iood ps; L 1!5�1 Limits 6UUse 40ibyrcljo'�'tjse in.HVHZ-: No Installation Instructions Approved for us.e'"iqide HVHZI-Yes Impact Resiobrii;'No Verifled'By: Locke.B.Pwden, P,E. 497Q4 , , , , 'Design Pressure- �A�4/;Tbble'k 0 Cie endent, y. iatvd,b y.,Indep Third Part Other :' Wer to"ewbluatlon',r�oori for c66d M964 iipd- Evaluation Relm.rts XPU_1 A limka666kof tion methodllsWj pllcable,,, the Ins" Ilait ri this report and ap * ��e�ectionp6f.0k�,�'�f6r'to,�nianufa6W r`ilnstailatlon C-Teated by.Ind6pendent Third Party::• Yes. instructions, .. .... . ... i7022i 4, Aporoved'For use1*h'HVHZi'Mq�-;` Appr 'foriuSo,oUtside IIVHZ. Ve.s oL i,-0,032" bluiiiinum, standing seam attach ed'pD I 5132" 0) yV,iood..or'W_6.o.d eners,., 3ns dbfi; P,E. 497Q4 I't 'Th instrurtions in'. Strip�1:(g)5), 13 rib height,-16 Ggauge steel, standl!ng seam roof r ca y Atach' j5j3 _ 61yMod'or Vjood �Paijer nec ani ill eq W. ick with fastenels.' dL .1mits,of Use Approved for useAn,HVI+Z:. No. initallAion Instructions il PL 17dii,5, A o ftAIL5TWO K, �;,ETIM56 ��Opi:ov,41ori use''Ciiiiii1cla-WAV Yes" id By:.Ldcke iioWiii X�np.?ci lr(esis6fit-,; 06 cfi6kiid bq,;Indepbndont'ThIrd Party; Yes Design Pressuie: -+'JAYTab'e �k, poti (ij66'e,'Ref er to,evaltiation i-e 16i%cctndltlons�and Evaluation Reports -7 . ..... EtV'.��Z . of. Us�. I 4fistall"th 99's"8mjbIY)h complIa'Ace Oth� Cr4a I t'ed by Indepen 'd e 11"'hird Paqy.l 'Yesr http-//vi1wW:flofidabui . 1dffig,.org�,jpT/pr, app. -dfl.aspx? armn=wGE:,VX D(jV2aB()J)HPQQe-,. 1/8/-2018 0 QM_t I x :Product Report r7 7 7 7 7 7 7r .Y 11g0 SW PoM Dd e PaimJCity, FL 94990 r. 77I " �872, 8034 Compliant with Fldridi Building Code 2017 {6� Compliant withFiorida�Product Approva(RRule # 61G20 Com liant. Keystone Certlfkatlons P P"roduet: 5; V'Crlmp 26GA Steed Roof -,Panel FBC'Sec.1507, :2 '2"plywoonosinAttacheldstrengh 50 kWdoYie F r Deck wJ'min 0.42 specific geavIty'with screwt, .2�" ,Cdverage 4 s J I Rlb�Welght 3J8" -} Af Corrosion Resistant Complianti FBC Sec.15074.3 3%s1tGe"n`-meriwnl.(.tthVlreuthdoudck"1 oArt5taJc�6hmenty #9 :=wodscrewo rFax11/2",HexWashrHead ate,.. " ehibemen- into woos plank. (*or. sufficient length to meet Fastener 2 ■■)1111ethod 2,3, 8`t 4 Attachment): #10,x 1J2" WexwWasher Head wood screw*, to.. penetrate 3%1C" min. thru deck or 5J8"Membedment into°wood plank. {*or<sufficient length to meet requirements) Underlayment: To becompiiant with FBC 5ec..Chart 1507.1.1 Siope:'Shali be in compilancewith f0C Sec.1507 ,See Fastener' atta+rrhment spec��icat�ons above , r 2 e :. Insta110etay s r Tab1e,,A, _ : ;Allowable Liiads `METHOD 1 METNt1 s; NiETH00 3 ..f._ MET"Qp , DESIGN_ PRESSURE"` ,,; _.', $6 P5� 93�5 PSEx' -So PSG ROW.SPACING. .`.... h.. 16":d8„ o,c 6" o c. FASTENER SPACING (AONG_Panel"wdtit) 32"o c. , , r , ..=1Z" o c '-`'12" dic 12" o c. FASTENER SIZE #10 . Reference Data: ARCHITECTURAL,TESTING'r, INC TST ID# 152 ; UL 580=06 & 1897 04"Test' Report Ot5893.fli 450 8 05/02/2A 'rest Report 43366 fll 4Sfl 18 /i$/15 i TAS 125 03 Test Report D058 , 3 02 450 18 a7/22/�111w Ito 14: *Ei?glVAIEMCY UL 1$9i 04 !s equivalent o test stantlarrl. UL i85►7 r r'� *Desrgt pressr�+�e marghi of safety 2:1 Wcke'Boimden, P:E does not have, not will acquire a rinanclal in yq 11 Rc� iq ip�facturingor distributing products,' under this evaluation. �. Locke 8owder% P:E r� not owned, operated, nr'corttrulled by.a cornpautnLflfsbture�, or Wstributing products under this' �•• report. M g E • J, FLI7022.1, 5V (,rf rip (266A tieel), 24" '4iVide Roof Pao,,uJ - Details _ Limitations: 1. Underlay"rr ent.tobe compliance with,current Florida Building'Code (FBC)2017 61" ed. 2. Minimum stape to be compliant -with Florida Buildirag•Code 2017 6th ad., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products .are compliant for.rState of,Florida product apprvyal per Rule, 61 G20-3. 'Compliarice (Method: 1-D 4. Engineering analysis for, "project specific, approval. by local °authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is notpari of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this;report, 6. Support framing in compliance w/FBC 2017 66 6d'.., Chapter 22 for Steel, -Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Structural Loading. 7. This report does not.irnply warranty; installation, recommended product use outside of this report., 15132" ar greaie� PlyvMd;.Or, . yWod plk O.C.. Y Fatten e -1/2" Min. or #10 k 1-1/2" Min, per `Table' Hex - Washer Head Screw Spaced 12" o,c.;:across,the Panel Wdth Panel Refer, to Table"W' for SpacingAlbng Panel Overlap, Length; T Qeck-1"5/32" for greater Plywood, or ftod plank,