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unto th. 8ai4 party of the 8eOOM part and his belra aDd s..igna for....l". aU that oertain par-
,0.1 of land lying aDd being ia th. Oounty o~ st. ~uoil aad Statt ot 110ri4a. more partioular17
desorlbed a8 tollowal
Lot fl~ty-ont (61) in blook ten CIO) and Lot twen~ (20) in b1tok Jlne (9). All in Regina
Palma Subdivi8ion.Seation tbrel (3) Township Tbl~'7 uix (36) Ran~e 40 E. St. Luoi. ~o. Reoorda.
1.&0 Doo. ~t.mp8 Cano.
'fOGETHER Wi th all the tenementa. htr.c1l tamtuta and etppurtenanoes, wi th ne1'7 !>ri Y11ege. right.
titll, intereat ana '8tate, rlveraion, 1'Im6inder and ea81ment thereto belonging or In Sqywi81
appertaining: '0 HAVE AID 'fO HOLD the saml In 1'el SImple forner.
AID thl sald part, ot th. tirst part doth ooyenant with the add party ot the seoond part
tbat it ie lawfull, seised ot the aai4 premi8181 that they al'l free of ellinoumbrenoe8, sad
tbllt it Me good right. ani lawful suthor1t7 to sell the Bame; snd thl 8ald party of the first.
pert does hereb7 fully warrent the title to s81d land, and w111 defend the same against the law-
ful olaima of all persons whomsoever.
IW WITNESS WREREOP, the 8aid part, of the first part has oaue.d these presents to be slgned
in its name
t,he day a al Ylar
. Corporate S.al.
its oorporate seal to be affixld, attested b, its Seorets1'1,
~rie Land & InYes~m8nt Co.
BY J. I. Xellems
!igned. Sealed and DeliTered in our Presenoe:
R. L. 7allls
Il. E. ~,.a"-b.
State ot Plorlda
Count7 of St. Luoil
I HEREBY CBR'fII'Y, 'fbat on this 20th day at Februa1'7. A. D. 1926. before me per80nally ap-
peared J, I. Xelieu an4Gla47s Kellems, re8p8otiTIly Presldent and Seoreta1'7 o~ Eri. Land and
Investment Co. Ino. 8 oorporstlon under tba lawe of the State of 710rlda to me known to be the
persons desoribed in and who exeouted t~ foregoing oonve,anoe to L. A. Xnight 8Dd 8eTorally aot-
nowledged thl execution therlof to be their free aot and d6~d a8 suoh offloers. 1'01' the uses 8Dd
purpOSIS ther.in mentioned; and that they .ff~xed thereto the offioial seal ot 881d oorporation
and ~~!aid instrument ~ the aot and deed of 8Ald oorporation.
/ WIlfllESS my 81snature and offloial seal at 'ort P1eroe, in thl Count, of St. Luole and State
o~ 7101'1d. the dq and year last afore8al~~?l
. ~ / PlWJK X. STE'rSOJl C SEAL)
JI.,P. Seal.- <;) . lfotar;v Publio 1'01' thl State or Plorlda at
" ;;; Large. ~ oOllllliasion expires D.oember 22. 1926.
Pil.d -~: ;eoorded tbls Peb.a? ,~926. ;:
Ct. Ct. Seal.' -
P. O. BldredCClerk
BY (}~~L_
ot the Cirouit Court)
9d-':X/VtO--A ~
A. B. DABrOlr}a SSl'g
FA~ C!~"rl 0.". Co.
WHO)( I'f COlICDlfS..
.' .
A'f a rlgularly oalled me.tlng of the Board of Direotors of the Baet Coast Development
Company hlld at j1o~t Pl\rOI, 'lor.lda, at ten o'olook A. )(. January 23. A. D. 1926, the follo.ing
re80lution, upon motion dul7 made and eooonded. ..8 duly adoptod:
Be 1t re801nd tblft all deeds ctnoutla by the Bast Coast DIYIloplDlnt Co..,.~ oonyeying
'* Ii 8'~r:.-. U 1I"'- <J.,~"<lJ-I...lAf(i,.. , .
the So~thwest QuartoI' ot th~ Southwest Qatrter10f Slotion 27, ~own8bip 34 South, Range 39, be
. \ J... .
and thl eeml ere hertb, ratit1ed. app1'ftTed.8J!4 oonfimed.
\ ,
I HEREBY CER'fIPr 'fhat the abOYI i8 a true aid exact oop#, of 861d resolution adoptl' ,t th.
afortsaid .uting o~ tla BoaN of Dil.otora of tbe _at Ooaat DlTllop*nt COIlp8D1' b.ll '~t. 'on'
. >
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