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!HIS DEED, )(ad. the .~b day of lfaroh A. D. .1926, by O. J. Oyt1'8tr..t, a sln81e man
of the oounty o~ S'. Luole Stat. o~ 1101'148 hereinafter oalled the srantora, to Loui. Hildebrandt
and 710r.noe Hildebrandt of the Oount, of 8t. Luoi. Stat. of 1lor14a herelnafter oelled the
, ,
ItTBRSSE'fH, 'fbat tbe oald grantor, in oonslderatlon of 'en Doll~rs and other
Taluable oonslderttion8 the reoelpt whereof i8 hereby aoknowledged, does give, grant, bargain.
sell, alten, rem\8', releas., enfeoff, oonTey and confirm unto the sald grantee, and hiB heir8
and .a88igne in fee almple, the land8 situate In St. Lucie Oount, W State. of Plorida, desorlbed
BIll followa:
Lot ~our, blook two, Oaoeola Park Hoaesite.. addition to Vero, Florida, as the
sam. i8 designated on plat recor..d in Plat Book 3, page 68 In the offloe of the Olerk of th.
01rcuit Court of St..Luole Count" 11orida.
SUbjeot to all taxes or assessments if an, be leTied for the year 1925 and all subsequent ,ear8.
11.60 Doo. Stamps Cano.
'f() HAVE AND 'lO HOLD the same together with the hereditaments and appurtenanoes,
unto the sald gra'ntees, and their heirs aDd aselgns in fee simple.
ABD the .a14 grantor, for himself an~ hie heirs and legal representatiTes, oove-
nant8 with 8aid grantees, tbelr heir., legal repre.entati~e8 and a88igne: 'fbat 8aid g1'8ntorl 1e
indefeasib11 seIsed. of Baid land in fee 8imple; that said grantors baTe fUll power and lawfUl
right to conny said ,lands in fee 8imple, a8 aforesaid; tbat it shall be lawful for Baid gran-
tel8~ their heirB, legal repre~entatives and a88igna, at all tlmce peaoeably end quietly to enter
upon, hold, ooouPY snd en30y 88ld land; that 8a14 land 18 fr.. from ell inoumbranoes; that said
grantor, hi8 heirs aDd legal representatlves, will make suoh fUrther assurances to perfeot the
fee Simple tltle to sald land in sa14 grantees, th'i~ heirs le~~epresentatlv98 aDd assigns. as
mal' r..sonably be required: aDd that said grantors. do hereby full, warrant the title to said
land and will defend the 8am. against thl lawful claimB of all persons whomsoever.
lfIlf1fESS the han4B end sells of said grantor, the day aDd year first aboye written.
.SlgPld Slaled and DeiiTered in thl Presenoe of
Hden S. Lub
G. J. Overstreet
W. C. Graves, Jr.
State of 110rida
Count7 of St. Luoll.
I HEREBY OER'l'IlY, 'lhat on this day personal17 appeared before me. aD offioer duly
authorised to aclDdnister oaths and take acknowed~nts, G. J. Overstreet, a 8ingle man. to me
well known and known to me to be the IndIvldual desoribed in and who exeouted tbe foregoing deea,
and he aomowledged before me thet he exeouted the SSM freely and vollintarU, for thl purpo8eo
tbereln expressed.
ADD I PURTHlm CER'fIPT, That the Bal. ---------known to me to be the wif8 of the
sald-------------on a separate ana prlvate examlnatlon taken and made by and before me, separately
and apart from !utI' add hU8'b8D4, did aoknowledg. that she _d. herself a party to sald de.d for
the purp03e of renounoiag, relinquishlng aDd oonv.ying -11 her right, title and Intereet, whether
of dower, homestead o~ of 8eparate property, at_tutor" 01' equitable, in eDd to the land. desoribe4
therein, and that sh. executed the s81d doed fr'ely aDd voluntarl17, and II1thout any oompulsion
oonatraint, appreh.llIt1on 01' fell' of Qr from her 8a4d huban4.
it'llJESS rq hand azul off10ia1 Sial ~Y81'o County of
a7 of Karoh A. D, 1925. A(l
. ,~
St. Luolt tDl State of.71orida
ordea this Kar. 6, 192~.
Cha.. D. 'lool.
Wotar.J Pub110 for the Stat. of 710r1da at
large. Jly oCIIBls.10n explres April 20, 1988.
P. O. Bld!I4C01~" of tb8 Ciroui t Courti
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