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I1RERBBf CBRlfIlY, 'fha' on this 4a1 persQnal17 appeared betore me, an offiolr
duly authorhed to administer oath8 . nl take tloknowledgmentp, !ROllAS BOO!H SKllfH AND lIe8Bie
Smith, hls wite to me well known and known to me to be the 1bdt?iduale desoribed in and who exeouted
the foregoing deed, and ha.... aoknow~eclged before me that they exeouted ~h. same freely aDd volun-
tarl17 for the purpole& therein expressed.
All]) I ll'URTH&R CER'l'In, 'fhat the 8&1. Bessie Smi th known to DMt to be tbe wite of
the said Thomas >>Ooth SlIlith. on a teparate ana prlvate examloation taken and made by ltlld before
me. separately and apa.t trom her said husband, did aoknowle4ge that she made herselt a part,
to said deed "tor the purpose of ronouncing. nl1nqu1ehing and conve,ing aU her right, title md
Intere8t, whother of dower, homestead or of sepaX'ete property 8tatutOry 01' equitable. in and to the l~ 10
,_.. J
l8lOd8 desoribed theroln. and that she exeouted the said dud "treel, am Toluntarlly and wlthout any c':~..l
oospulsion, oon.t~lnt, apprehension 01' f.ar ot 01' from her 8ald hu.~na.
of Dade, and State of Florida
ay o"t 'ebruar,y. A. D. 1925.
WITNESS ,qland and o~:tloUl 8eal:-&t lUallli Count7
R. V. Watters
. Notal')' Publ1a. State o"t l"lorlda.
MY oommi88ion expires Deo. 2'. 192~.
reoorded th18 Val'. 6, 1926.
P. C. Eldre2rk of Circui t Court)
BY d~- ~~
;::/ ..
On tbis day pereona1l7 appearea before me an o"tfioer duly authorlzed to administer
first '~HH/
oaths, William L. Predrioksen. wbo boing by me dul7/sworn ~~ and Bays that he Is the 80n of
Peter Georg 7redrloksen; tbat t~e wife of the said Peter Georg Predriokeen. the mother ot this
affiant died on or about the l6th day of Bo?ember, A. D. 1908, prlor to the death of the sald
Peter Georg 7redrilksen; that be 18 the William 7redrlJ1,ksen, named In the lsst will and testament
of Peter Georg Fredriksen. a8 eaid will i8 reoorded in Will Record 2,:p.ge 267, St. Luoie County Re-
oord8. Ft. Pierae. 71or1do; tba~ the sald peter. Georg Fredriksen. was at the time of his death
the owner of the following deeoribed lands, looated in the County of St. Luole and State of florida.
All the South port of land lots numoe!ed 1 and 2 in Seotlon 11. in Townehlp 37
South of Ranse 41 Eaet. oontaining 3&. 67 aores of laad. be It more 01' 1ee8, and being part of the
lands formerly the property of )(rs. Jlar,y L. Keok. ae 8hown by a Warranty Deed aate. Uaroh 6. 1908.
exoepting there"trom ho.e?~r. t~ 19.67 aoreD sold at 8 prior date to L. D. Jon~s. !he lane deeorib-
e4 In a strip oontaining 16 aore8 adjoIning the land8 on tba Iorth of the W..I. Allen traot. and
Jones land8 on the ~outb. tm tortb. ani South 11MS to be parallel.
subsoribed before me thls 6th day of
Karob. A. D.. 1926.
w. L. ~r.dzIk8en
P. B. lUokele
llot817 Publio
1f7 00J:D18sIon expire~ June. 8. 28.
.oun~y of St. Luoie.
On this day personel17 appeare. betore me. an ot"tioer dul, entboris.d to take ao-
knowledglNnQ of deede. eta., "1111t'U1 L. JJredr\keen. to _ well mOlrD ana known to at to be the
esori bed in ani who exeouted the wI thin AftIdavi t and aoltnOllledged before me that he ex.
oame for the UBe, ana purposes tbenln ..a.t1I'Il.I. .tf~4-.w.L#
'0 ~
WI'lIfESS l1l3 ~d and offloial ..~th1a the 6th 487 of Jl8rob~ A. D.. 192&.
). ,'.
. .,
tbia Jlar. 9, 1926.
.. B. JI10kela
lrota1'7 hbl1o.
}!y oomm188ion expire8 JUne. e, 88.
P. C. B14rld(01ett ot '_I Circuit Court)
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