HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1340 14() ... -~..-.-_.-. _.--.-. -- _. ._- --_........._--_.. -..'--_.- -- -- --_._- - -'--- ,,--- ---~_.. .---..- -- --_..".._---- ^ Signe4, Se.led ani DOllyered in our Preaenoe: Il, B. Hall Kargaret.L, Kuhn. State o~ 710rld. J Oounty of Salnt Luoie. I HEREBY CERTI7Y. That on this 21st d~ ot.Januar, A. D. 1925, before me person- ally appeared J. I. Kellems and Glad7e Kellems reaptotiyel, Presldent and ~eoretar.r of Bri e .Land and InTestl'lent Co., a oorporatlon undo l' the laws of th6 State ot Florida to m. known to be the persons desoribed in aDd who exeouted the foregoing oonyeyanoe to Alfred X. Larson. ana sey.rally aOknowledged the exeoutlon thereof to be their freeaot and d.e4 as suoh offloers for the usee and purposes therein mentioned: aDd that tbllaffixedthereto the offioial seal oorporatlon, and the said instrument ia the aot and deed of said oorporation. Wllfnzss my signature and official seal at Port Pleroe in the County of taint LUole oftPlOr1da the day ant '0'. last aforesald. ~ Kuru E. Hall (SEAL) lfotary Publio, State of Florlaa. MY oommlasion expires 8/12/26. P. C. Eld~dCClerk of the Clrouit Court) BY (lA-C ,,{"" 9. .1~ /J( ./'?/l. /-. :/:../ , . D.C . ,/ ----------------------------------------------------------(~~---------------------------------- HERBER'r HOLL AIm CLARA L. 1l0LL. thia Yare 6, 1925. - . '-J:1fI ~. KEY~'l'mfE REALTY COHPANY. TO ~ .. WARRAN'fY DEED It THIS Irrn~nTURE Usde this 2nd elay of Maroh. A. D. 1925, b, and between Keystone Realty 'ompany. a oorporation existlng under the laws of the State of Florida. haYIDt its pr~noipal place of busines8 in the County of St. Luoie. State of Florida, part, of the first part ~ i.i.~L.I )i~t{ ,....J.- anel Clara L. 11011 of the County of lIarl'Jl, State of Ind1ana. party of the second pert, 1 ) 1rI'lNE~9ETH: That the said pert, of the fi1'8t part for and in c0lJ81deration of t~ 8ua of tlO.OO and other valuable oonsiderations. dollars. to it in hand pald by the party of the 8eoond part. the reoelpt whereof i8 hereby acknoWledged bas granted. bargalned, sold, aliened. remised, released, oonveyed and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain. sell. alien remise, release. oonvey and oonfirm unto tbl sald party of the Beoond part theirs heirs and assigns forever. all that certaln portion of land lylng aDd belng in the County Qf st. Luoie end State of Plorlda. to-wit: Lot -74- In Uaravilla Subdivision of Section 21, Townshlp 36 South. Range 40 East aocording to a plat of sald subdiYislon reoorded in plat book 4. at page 68. of St. Lucie County reoords. Ifo beye end to hold the 8aIM in fee simple for ever; ant the 881 d party of the flrst part doth oovenant with the said party of the seoond part, that it Is law- fully sei.ed of the said premises and that it bas good right and lawful authority to oell the .' - 8sme, and the s8id party of the first part. d080 hereby fully warrant the title to sald land ond will dofe.d the 88me a~inst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoeT4r. PROVIDED, Nevertheless. That these presents are made, Bubject to the followlng express . to oondit1one. reetrlotions and limitationa, applying to the said lIaravilll'l. aooordtng!the n- oordeel plat.i)f, said Ua1'8vlllt.l , and 1'Jhioh oondi UODII, "striotions and liml tations are intended .. to be and shall be aooepted as ooyenante runolng with the lend and whloh 8hall be binding with.-' alike upon the heirs, personal representetlv.. and 8ssigne of the )arty of the seoond pert. who. b1 their aoceptanoe of this inatrumera egrus to abide by aDd perform Biid restriotion.. limitation. aDl condition. as one of tbl express oOlJ8ide.rations of this. presents. 1. No residenoe ahall be ereot.d or oon8tru~ted ot al.~B coat tha~ 13,000.00. J aDd all rel14enot. In~.ald UaraYilla shill be oonotruote4 0: ooral ~oOk. oonorete. etuooo. oonorete . . bloot, holl.ow tl19. briok or mixed oonstruotlon or venfered with ooral rook or ~Tlck, or frame veneorsd with stuooo and shall be along Spab18h, Uoorish, Venetian or .imilar barDOniOUD types ;li~II~~li~~~~ ....,~ .:/:.>':Jilfll~