HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTi-7 the PERMIT # — ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division :1 D BUILDING, PERMIT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNO DIV 5 t`t t!i,-J / ifc. 7r-r c- 'TA e- (Cele- punName/Indlvidual Name) c-T r , z e� / Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID (PrimarY Contractor) have agreed to be It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT -q- �-z COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of - The foregoing instrument was signed before me tbi,� ` day of '� \6by who is personally known -9—or has produced a as identification. Signature of Notary Public STAMP V604 RA OR SIGNAT (Qualifier) .2a ".'It%V. PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Co, anty Of Q, The foregoing instrument was signed before me tbis'� ddy of �19 by v I t U i tt� who is personally known-V--or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature�Ntary�Pnbfie PrintName of Notary Public PrintName of Notary Public t Notary ¢ l379543 Publtc Staff$ 09 R ..; !AURA CU98EDGE Kerd Budka ,;' ' cammisston # GG 022076 a M COMMIss"F Revised 11/16C1016 � �d� Expires 05126120?A IT"�° FirPires October 2l, Z020 .P,,I k6l IINTroIRMInuranesatl .6- 0f9 -PgRMIT# MRS ELOPWIMT RURVICES D'vilding, CDEVOO Comphap-wofthslon f For aw p9j"'t 10god #t bgv'g-qgrw4 ow Wynne Mvp opmont NOW,& i§ MY -Amp of Owpin-191paW w low 1w gtbpv@ ondono proj"t, tjw vading Md Cod@ "wajon Djvj§jon of St, LwJf' epuntymn w gdyi.qgj -wnm.;h@ Ming a- chmp. 'of 0,04ontr9wr nod9@1 L WMftw Lyle Wynne RoWit Lwidlym Osseo bg fOfqWJDX 1A*#AeMt fYff§,jpo bgfvrg w sw doy Of or of MIMM09901 Ate' ,g'A.V-Xv%�,, DOROTHYANN BASKIN JISSION # GG 030145 MY comMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES; 0 to r 2 2020 XPIRES: October ' W2,2020 40tary Public Underwriters Bonded -Thru NdtBrY Public RPM HIM)"M Tbg forwijin'Opfrokept . Ni'N Robert Ludlum Rhonda Wffetty.:. PERMIT# ISSUE DATE SOU NTY F L O R I D A PLANNING & DEVEL0PI MENT SERVICES Du ildinig & Code Compliance Division smD*G PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRIZEM ANT Comfort Control of St. Lucie County_, Irxc. have agreed•to'be (Company NamelIadividual Name) the HVAC __ Sub-contractorfor Wv.nne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) Otfinary Conttaetor) For the project located at '(Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status, regarding our participation with the above mentioned.. project, the Building and Code Regtrlationl Division of St. Lucie County will be adirised pursuant.w the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CON•t'ttACrOR S A&URE (Qualifier). Matthew Lyle Wynne PPUNT NAM — NO.. 2'2: COUNTY CERTMCATION NUMER State ofMori8a, Coanty.of S\-, A Qre \'P, ,` ^ he foregoing instrunfentwas sitmed betorie me thre _^ day of WAD is personally known 1/ cr has produced a • as idewification�k.j� T. RSTAIVII'• 'goatareorND ifte , • DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: October2, 2020 ,BondedTh[uNotaiy PoblicUnderwriler Revised 11/16/2016 8288 COU" Y• CERTIMATIOON NUMBER stata;of Florida. County 5+. Th fib' iaE instrument was signed before me this day of VI! I!! i� aa�b�•�ClC�, �s�,�tvt,•gfvvt„�it� whoYis personaDy k.. ✓r has produced A as identification. STAW ftature of Notiq Publ' o Ram yniASr�..� Print Name of Notary Pubtle DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 Bonded ThN NotaTy. , blic Underwriters LOG-d 3000/3000d tL0-1 999L9L83LL dAo0 Suiplin8 auuAM -WOdd gL=ZL 9L,-60-ZL Did, su" sub mg --our. MR th --b ji tatu iadl ea, iqimt..� '611--be-M. cv.q wion;.lxvi.�f -of 'Sr.. L. - e_ 's W-1 sei :.p.z aa4, 1�7 VOW COUN ' :Sta GQki* 66(S CIC Tie ...,koye1g. k0bie.wit*as'&jpWd befoWmv.thi 01� for, WW4 V.. A0\ .by- �6�. . 'Llb 20\_ y ,W]"Aa I"Mm. A w Whff l9--'P0dAM ,)r ldioww. -pt4diieta.. ffift.".NA*e-df Notary.h" DOROTHYANN BASKIN A* MY COMMISSION4 GG 030145 J_-kF__ EXPIRES: October 2,2020 P,*.Undemrbm . atiou. DOROTHYANN BASKIN JP. My COMMISSION 9 GG 030145 d-w" EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 SOndedThruNotaryPublic:uwemgtitoom