HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1343 t' i I. I I; 14;1 '''''''' - ...... ...__--.,.._-~~- ---_._.._._~_.._..._-_._--.--_._-<...-----,......... ........-----.--- -...--.----.......--. l 3. !hl oOQstruotion or ereotion of 6 building i8 limited to one residence buildIng aDd one prlY8te garage on eaoh lot, lOOx160 feat frontlnl on Sunrl.e Boul'Tard. 4. Ifbat no unlawful 01' immoral us. shall be made of the premlees hereby be oonv.yed, nor ahall the seme nor an)' part thereof, nor an)' Intereat thereln..be 80ld, leased or otherwise conv,yod to a~ person otlwr tbln of the Cauoaslan raoe, provlded that nothtlg herein oontQin- ed shall prevlnt the ke.plDI and malnteining of servants on the aaid property for reasonable ~emlly use. 6. No building commonl, known as an Ipart~nt house for ocoupation of more than one femi17 nor as,lum. nor hospital shall be ereoted or u8ed ~or Buoh purpoae8 on aD)' lot 01' lots In llara- villa, exoept thrt designated for bU8iness property by part, o~ first part, 6. That if 8aid 8800nd party thelr heirs, oersonal representatives or 8esigna. or 8Qy holder or bolders of the propert, hereb, oonveyed by Tirtue of 6ny ju4ioisl prooeedings ahall fail to oompl, wlth any of the aboTe and forelOing restriotions, oondltiona or limitation8 wlthin slxty days after written notloe to the seld seoond party thelr heirs. personsl represen- tetlve8 or a8s1gns, or a~ of them, et ------------, thelr last known addrese ~ the said party of t.ha first part its auooes8ors, personal representaiTea or assigns or elther of them, then the said above desoribed and oonveyed property shall immediately revert to the seld first part, ita BUooessors or assigns, who shall be entitled to immediately enter upon seld propert, wlth- out notice, and take posseBslon of the same with fUll tltle in fee simple, together wit~ll improvements thereon, snd no waiver of aQy of the.e oonditione, limltatione or restriotloDS expreas or implied. or failure for an)' length of tlme to enforoe the eeree. shall oonetitute a bar to suoh ettforoement 114: any time. 1. That the party of the first part, its snooessors or assigns, shall have the right, from time to time, to release an, of the above or fore~oin~ .e~rir~!ons, oondltlonB or lim- itatlons by sealed instrument .dul, exeouted in aooord8noe wlth the lsws of thl State of ~lor- ida for the oonTe,anos of real estate. , ! i ~ '[ , i i i I" , i l . I I' I t i I t l I \ ![ . ' , ' . , 1 i i ~ I AJlI) THE SAID PARTY 0' TRE PIRS! PART, for itaelf, Ite suoce880re am 8ssigns, does hereby covenant and agree with the sald party of the 8ecoDl part, their helrs aad assigns, in the fol- lowing mariner: 1. That the above and foregoing restrlotlona, limltatlonD and conditlons shall be inolud9 ed In all deeds and awre.ments fo~eed in the 8ald llaraTllla, except in that portion set apart for business purpose8. -- III WITNESS 'lflffiRE01, the said party of the first pert has oaused these pre8ents to be signed <lttt'51e.) in its oorporate seal to be affixed by Its seoretary, the day 84 d- I , ) KEYstONE RUtH COllPAllY yeer above wrltten. Corporate" geal. Attest BY ,Paul G. EDns V. PRESIDENT Signed, seoled and deliyered In our presenoe: J. S. Jaokson $1000 Duo. Stamp Cano. [ David Plinn State of Plorlda County of St. Luoie. I HRH8BT CERfIPJ that on thia 3rd day at llaroh,..l. D. 1925, before me personally appeared " Paul ~. lune and t. W. Halbe! respeotlYely Vloe President and SeorQ~r.r of ~eystone Real\7 COIDpeD7. . oorporation under the laws 01 the StaG of '101'lda. to me knOlfD to be the persona deSOri"d 1n 8D.d who execuhd the fore801D@' oonTlyano.J to Karl Bo.... t.c wife aa.d severally ~OknOWlodlle the exeoutlon'tMreof to b. their fr.. aot and de..s suoh affioers . for tJa uae8 and purpon8a thoreln m&ntlonea; end that the, atflxel t~r.to the official 88a1 of said oorpor- r~~ii~~~~li~