HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCc� JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRC FILE # 4424972 OR BOOK 4121 PAGE .r NOTICE The undersigaed hereby given notice that improvement v Florida statutes the.foilowing infotmatioriis provided'in tl I. DESCRIPTION OF jZglpj�G egat dpsaiption- 1 JIT $UCft COUNT LUCIE COUNTY 88{�t�IISR . ,,YRt APTA; . go 01 pscrR 55 PM TRUE A ,D CORRE:CT C Y F THE ORIG A J _P . S ITE RK By: �f DOlfe; D"'tttlur�tl7xardtty;intn )e made -to certain real property, and in aeeordance with Chapter 713. 'OtiCC Of COnnneriCeMent. street address) TAX FOLIO NUMBERQ 4 '14 — 5 A 7 —I 7D F —O Q 015 2. GENERAL DESCRTP't`ION 0F.MROV9M1EN'T•_ i.1TC 3.OWNER INFORMATION: aName Wvanu u;t b.Address 8000 S. USI, Suite 4:021, P d. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if other thanowo 4. CONTRACTOR'SWAAM A]QVRFW AND PHONF 4MB I SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMBER 6, LENDER'S KAMP,:ADDRESS AND PHONE NUM EI R 7. Persons within,the Stare of Florida•desigriato bywner Onpo Section 713.13 (1)(a) 7., Florida Smtdt=: NAUA ADDRESS AND PHONE NEUAM. Doug �„� 'r Ia t li. In addition to himself or herself; Owner designates the folibv 713.I3 (I)(b), Florida Statutes: NAM& ADDRESS AND PRONE Ni)1iBER . 9 .Expiratipn date of notice of commeaceinent (the ezpirahorI date is.1 year from the date of t,eeording'uniess a different datti" speci5ed) a'- c. interest in property Wynne Development CorRoraton Signature of Owner or Ownees Authorized OEfcerMirector/Partner/Manager Slateof lorida County of St. Tai ie The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _. By Matthew. Lyle wynrle r (Name of person) vorwynne Building Coroaratiort (Name ofpacty on behalf of whom instrument was-wt cuti d) (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Siblatur6 Of I Under penaltiet of perjury, I declare that I have read the fo I g+ beliet'(se=d6n 92525, Florida Statutes). _ Signature(s) of Oivner(s) or Owner(4)1 Authorize By: 4v.oaro+mtnnt�rot el AND BOND AMOUNT: r.whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by ttley 1Silver Oak Dtr. PSL.,~ FL. 201�r8" ing to receive a eopy-ofthb:Uenot's Notice as provided in Section Matthew Lyle. Wynne. vice,-Pra:aident Print Name and Provide Signatory's Titte/Offit:e. ✓� l ` day of . 20—&— is (Type ofauthority...e.g. Owner, officer, trustee; attorney in fact) Personally Known t! tuprodueed the following type ofID: FrpjW%Nottujr Pubae State of Florida JuAe NlnesSl My'Ccmatl&Wm G0 036942 rotary Public) IJ'a' Fzylre� t0/78!2o2C ling and that the facts in it are true to the best of my knowledge -and N signt:d above: