HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1347 - ].47 ( . of P orids the day e~Jar last aforesald. Sial) U' :w tbis ~ 26, 1926. I' BY.. Ci . . . ------------::----------------------------___c:____________________________________...__ Jon W. KNIGHT, B'f AL. !O PRBBUAII L. KNY GH'l' . " POWER 91' AT!ORNRY " [ DOW ALL IIBN BY !RESB PRESBN~S, !hat we, Joel W. Knight. and Louise W. Knight. his wi fe . Jame~ L. K~ig~~. 3 nl Ger'1'U~e~ Knight. h~8 ~i ~e; Re. dden~.. Knight, end Nancy l{n,ig~t, .hie wi fe : Elbert ~~. Knight, and Betti i~" ~~g:;~..h~~~~::~~..~;:.;.'.~n~.;~~~~~.~..~;;Ao>~'-t~I~f~'i:t~: wife of Preemsn L. Knlgh~, do hereby irreTooably appoint Preemon L. ~nlBht, of Vero, St, Luoie County, 710rlda, to be our lawful attorney in fact, for us and in our names and for our use to sell and oonvey all the right. title, Interest 01' olaim whloh w. 01' elther of us boTe In end to .the fol- lOWing desoribed pieoee, or parcels of land lying. sltuate, and belng in 3t. Luoie Count,. Plorlda whether suoh right 01' Intereat. be derived by U8 a8 heirs at.law of~. W. Knight, late of s~d Uartha E. Knight late of s8id County deceased, or from Count, deoe8sed, 01' from/aqy other 80uroe what.oever, the true intent and purpose of this in- strument belng to oonstitute the 8aid Preemon L. Knight the lawful attorney In fect of each of the makers of thi8 Instrument to oonvey all the right, title or inter6st of the makers 'herein in and to the folloWing described lands irresplotive of the origin of such title or Inter.st and to vest in the pU1'ollaser ,,'t purohssers of said la Dds here inafter described or any pa rt. of parcel thereof the full rlFht, title, Intereet. or olaim which we or either 0' any of us have in and to t/ 8ald hereinafter desoribed lands. as fUlly and efeotually as if the conveyanoe to BUoh ~uroh88er or purohasers were exeouted In person b, the makers hereof. the pleces, neroels. or tracts of land to oonve, which as aforesoid. we have hereby oonstituted the sald Freeman L. Knight our true and lawful attorney in faot. are more partioularly desoribed as follo.B. to-wit: All of Knight's Addltlon to EJgewood, Clty of Vero, St. Luoie Count" Plorida. being in the S! of th8 Jmi of the SEt of Seotlon 2. Townshlp 33 South of Range 39 3ast, aocording to the plat of t'- same reoorded in Blat Book 3, at page 56. public records in the offioe of tm Clerk of the Clroui t Court. of St. Luole County, 7lorida. Also. all of Blooks 1. 2, 3 and 6 of Knight's Addltion to Edgewood, City of Vero. St. Luoie County, 710r14a, aooor41ng to a're-plat of s81d Knigb~ Addltion to Edge.ood. recorded in Plat Book 4 at page l6. publio reoords in the offioe of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, St. Luol. County, PI_rida. Also, Al~ the undlTlded Inter9st of the parties hereto in Lots 19 and 11 in BlooJ 13 Edge- wood Addition to City of Vel'O, Plorida, except the West 'fhtrty.five and seventy-nine one hundredths feet of the s8id two lots. [ Also all other real estate owned by H. ~. Knlght or Yartha E. Knight at the time of their respectlve deaths where.er Situated. and whether the tltle or olaim of said Martha E. Knlgb~ be legal, 6qulta_l.. or otherwi8e, TOGETHER wlth all the eppurtenanc8s unto saId traots. pleoeR, or paroels of land or el ther of -t~elr\ belng belonging or appertaining in 8~ 1Ill!lD ner. To Be Conveyed ~nd sold b, hla, tho aaid Preeman L. Knight. either by private oont.aot or by publio auctlon. and either together or in separate lote or parcels. and for suoh prioe 01' aum of maney as to him. the 8ald Freeman L, Knlght, shall 8eem advlsable. ODd also in onr names and ea our aots and deeds to sign, seal. and del~Y~r any4eed. or other instrument in writing. and to do eTe1'7thing neoess8r.J or propel' for oarrying into effeot and eXGoutlon any 8greement, of sale made by htIII in suoh maDDer tbat all our estate, righ1i" f'itle.. or Interest In or to the ~~ 8aid above desoribed traots. pieoes, or paroels of land and allappurtenanoe8 therounto ~ppertaiB ing, may be effeotually and absolute1, oonve,ed and assured to tbe purohlser or tbe re8peotive i I . J I I . I I .',' '. .' .::..~.;;;f.~~!lt}~~