HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1349 14~) , I. i- . - _..i_ .~.___.. __ _ _ "'_~_ ___..__ .__..._. _._.__ .__...'..___....._._._.._.__.__.._....,.___.. _____ ___.__...._..._....._...___ __. _ _ _____ ___________. _ '" ____". _. ____ __.____ resaid. ;(I ~- .") . o ~ $ a tJ) a. Raohael Brooksmith (SEAL) Notary Publio fo~ the State ot Plorlda at large. NY oommission eXPire~April 9, 1928. P. C. .EldredCCler ot thelllrouit Cou") . .c:;:--? ..-..........-.. "-. ';,.,'.' .,,-......,~, --"""~""-':'r~1 A( 11 in deeorlbed. ot 881d wivee 6nd each ot them and that the, end eaoh ot them exeouted SRit instru ment freely and VOluntarily, and without any oonet1'8int. tear. apprehension or oompulelon of ~r from their 8ald bueband8. 8 m1 si~nature and offioia1 seal at Vero, in 8ald ~t8te and County, the d87 and orded thie Yar. 28, 1926. BY ---- JOSEPH J. HElM TO '/ ' ~--------------------------------------- TRENT BOYER ----------------------------------------------------- " ..,., -0 ....., " .. nORIDA WARHAun D~D tt "l[ TInS INDENTURE, llade this 11th dIG" of Pebrua1'7 A. D. 1926 BETWEBN J08eph J. Helm, a' wld~w.r, ot the County of Jaokson and State of Uissourl pertJ of the first part, and L. Trent Boyer of tbe County of Jaokson am State of lt1esouri pertJ ot the seoond part. :nTlfES~ETH, . that the said party of the f11'8t pert, for and In consideration of the SUm ot 'ren Dollars and other good and valu~ble oonsideratlona. to hlm in hand paid. the reoelpt whereof is hereby ao- knowledged. haa granted, bargalned. sold and transferred and b, these presents, d098 grant. bar galn, sell end transfer unto the seid part, of the second pert end heirs and aS61g08 forever, all that oertain paroel of land lying and being in the County of Salnt Luoie and stete of Plor- Ida. more partioularlY desorlbed as follows: The South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the lorthwest Quarter; South east Quarter of the Southeast Qlmrter ot the Northwest Quarter; C Si of HBt of SEt 01 NWi; set ~f SEt of ~) all in Seotion Twenty-one (21); Township Thlrty-PlTe C~6} South; Range 70rty (40) Ea~. oontainign Plfteen (l5) acres I. i I i more or lees. SUBJECT H07lEVER To any and all'~hxe8. gwneral. speOlal, - or drainage. and to all assessments or l6Ti88 subsequent to Deoember 31. 1924, and aloo subJeot to any d&duotions for riyhts of way for publ10 highways 01' for ditohea or rights of w87 ot the Horth St. Luoie Rlver Dralnsge Dlstrlot TOGETHER with all the tenements. heredltaments and appurtensnoes, with every prlvile~e, rlght. title, interest and estato. dowel' and right of dQWer, reversion, remainder and easement thereto belonging or in auyw18e appertai ning. !O HAVE ADD '!O HAOLD the same In fee simple forever. And the said party of the flrst part U.. bovenallt with the said pert, of the seoo(\nd part, that he is lawfully seised of the s81d premises that they~re free from all incumbranoes and that he hall good rl~hSr and lawful authority to Dell the saml; and the said party of the :first part does hereby funy warrant the ti tle to said lam and "111 defend the same against the law~l olalUl8 of all persons whomsoevor. r..,[.. , III 1JITHES~ 'lfHERE07, the 8ald part, of the first pGrt has hereunto eet bis hand a III s811 the day ecd year above written. Signed, Sealed and deliT8red in the fresenoe of: Davld Plinn H. B. Chamberlin Jot.ph J. Heim CSBAL) 12.69 Doo. Stamps Cano. State of 710rlla County ot~ LuoU ss. .../ \ \ I HEREBY CBInIn that on this 16th'da, of Pebru817 .A. D. 192ti. before me persona117 appe.red_ Joseph J. Helm to me known to ~e the persona deBorlbed in ana who executed i~~I~~1~~~~]~i{t1It