HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1362 1()~ , I I - ---...~.._-- -...---- ...-- ------.-. taln paroel ot land 111ng and being in tht Count, of st. Luoit and stat. ot Plorl4a. more partloular1y desorlbed as lo110..: OOIlll.noing one hundred teet South .f tht Southeast oornar (Jf the w. I. Allen traot of land. this belD8 the point or beginnina and belog looah4 in GOT't. Lot one (l) and Lot Two (2) of Stotion .1eYen (ll) in Township 37 South of Range.l Eastl from tb8no. run Wtst threo hundred (300) tee': thellOt run North' one hundre4 C100) ft. to the South-line of the W. I. Allen traot; thence, run West along the South boundar1 line of the Allen lands to the shore of the Indian RiTer; thenot. run southerly meandtring the shore of the said Indian RiTer. to the Northwtst oorner ot tht L. D. Jones traot of land; thtno~ run East on th. North-line of sald L. D. Jones lena. to the shore of the At1antio Ocean; thenoe run Norther11, meandering the shores or the !tlsntic Ocean, to the plaoe of be- ginning. and oontaln1ng fourteen aores of land, be it more or be it less, ex- oepting the right of way of fltt7 Peet for the purpose of building a dock, as J as reserTed b,.W. I. Allen, deceased. The deed is giTen subJelt to a mortgage dated Kay 5, 192.. reoorded in Mortgage Book 20, page 32 for 15.000.00 pa,able 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 leal'S with int.. est at elght percent. TOGETHER wl th all the tenements. hereditaments end appurtenances, with eTerl prlvllege, right. title, interest and estate, reTerslon, remainder and easement thereto belonging or in anywlse appertainingl TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same In fee alaple foreTer. And the a&1d partl ot the first part doth COTenant with the sald pan, of the seoOl1d part that it is lawfully sie.ed of the sald premises; that they are tree of all incumbranoes, and that it has good right and lawful authorit7 to sell the samt; and the said part, ot the flrtt part does hereb, fully warrant the title to said land, and will defenA the same &galnst tae lowful clalms of all persons whomsoeTer. .' . ) IN WITNESS WBEP.E~ the sa14 party of the first part has oaused these presents to be sisned In it~ nome by its Presldent, and its oorporate S8al to be afflxed, attestod by Its d~ and lear &bOTe written. al CHESTER PLORIDA LAND CO.. Ino. }I. E. Chappel Secretary B, Paul P. Sohroers PreBldent. Slgned, Sealed and Delivered in our Presenbe: 1. a. 1I1ckels Helen KoCord (.7.90 Doc. stamps oanctlled.) state of PLORIDA Count7 of EALK BEACH 1 HEREBY ClmTUY, That on th1B; d83 of Ilaroh, A. D. 1926, before ..e personall,. appear- e4 Paul ',.Schroers, and K. K. Chappel. respeotlTel1 Pr~sident and Secretarl of Chester Florida Land Company. Inc.. a oorporation under the law8 of the state of _.. York, to .8 known to bt the persons desoribed in and who exeouted'the foregoing oonveyanoe to K. A. Henderson, and s'Teral17 aoknowledged the execution thereof to be their free aot and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that the,. affixed thereto the offioial s8al of s.td corporation, and the saId instrument is the act ana deed of sald corporation. WIlfnSS my signature aDd oftiolal seal at West Pale Beaoh in th~ Count,. of Pale Beaoh and Statt of Plori48 the dq and 16ar last aforesaU. J . ". 1~~~ii!~Xit~ .. ........ ...:, ;'~'~.::,J}llii