Gmail - Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Invoice# INV2018426Q4714904 Payment Confirmation
MG m i t °�� Shane Barber <shanebarber1467@gmail.com>
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Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Invoice# INV201842694714904 Payment Confirmation
1 message
Fort Pierce Utilities Authority <no-reply@invoiceYoud.net>
Reply -To: Fort Pierce Utilities Authority <cs@fpua.com>
To: shanebarber1467@gmail.com I
b � r
ll�FS A'4
Dear Michael Shane Barber
Thank you for your payment to Fort Pierce Utilities Authority.
Your payment has been successfully processed and your account has been
You will continue to receive an email each time a bill is ready for your review.
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If you have any questions regarding your account, please email us at
cs.@fpua.com and include your account number, first name and last name on
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Thank you for being a valued Fort Pierce Utilities Authority customer.
Please Note: To ensure delivery of account related email notifications, please
add no-reply@invoicecloud.net to your 'safe senders list.
Below are the details you entered for this transaction:
Account Number:
Customer Name:
Shane Barber
1317 Lone Pine Dr
Fort Pierce
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 10:51 AM
Payment Confirmation
Invoice Number:
Payment Amount:
09 Loo&pek,-�
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Lvdia Galbraith
From: Lynn Swartzel
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2018 10:27 AM
To: Lydia Galbraith; Benjamin Balcer, Jennifer McGee; Aimee Cooper
Subject: RE: 1317 Lone Pine Drive, Permit 20180264 and 1804-0392
Attachments: Chesser, Jeffrey.docic
Good Morning Lydia,
The veg permit that was issued was only for removal of
will be more than happy to speak to them.
Thank you,
Lynn Swartzel
Environmental Regulations Technician
Environmental Resources Department 12300 Virginia Ave I
Office: 772.462.6423 1 Fax: 772.462.1684 I ERA gbsite
B11vitont:rx eItfal
..-..mot �Teepaztmejnk
St. Lucie County
From: Lydia Galbraith y
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2018 10:22 AM
To: Benjamin Balcer <BalcerB@stlucieco.org>; Jennif
<CooperA@stluci eco.org>
Subject: 1317 Lone Pine Drive, Permit 20180264 and
Good morning,
We are working on the building permit for SFR for a
your Department?
Thank you,
Lydta CGalbraitk
Zoning Specialist
Building and Code Regulation
2010 B, 2 lZ_
p a
w_ tJA work,
Han pepper trees. They will be required to submit a permit for the SFR. If they need clarification I
: Pierce, FL 34982
-2070 � 077._
entai Resources is committed to greatservice and your feedback is vital.
take our shortsurvey to let us know how we're doing.
McGee <McGeel@stlucieco.org>; Lynn Swartzel <swartzell@stlucieco.org>; Aimee Cooper
property. They have an issued vegetation permit see above number. Do they need anything else from
Please Note. Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officals regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the
policy of St. Lucia Counly thatall county records shall be open for perpona] inspection, examination and t or copying. Your e-mail eommunicaGnmh Will he subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the
communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers.
Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most wittenlcommunicatirs to or from Counly officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the
policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and 1 or copying. You,, e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless on exemption applies to the
communication. I yoo received this email In error, please notify the sHndo by reply e-mail and delete all maleriAs from all oomputers.