HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1364 1_64 .. -"--- --..- -. ~.- - -- - - --..- --.-+-_._. .-._---- ..---_. -.....-----"'"-. --.---..------ .-.~_..- .-....----- ._---, ..._.~-_.._-_.._--_._. _..-.. ----...- .--. - ~.._- ...... -- .-.- -.---. ..- .._- ... ....---. ~ - - WARlWIlfY DEED Charles C. Braswell and wife ~o Charl.. H. Metzler. Jr and wife !BIS INDENTURE, Made this 9th da, of Karoh, A. D. 192&. between Charles C. Br..well and Rub7 Braswell, hls wlfe. of st. Luoie Count" 7loriia, partles of the first part. and Charlee.H. Ke~zler. Jr. and Sophie L. p, Metzler, his wlfe of the Coanty of Philaaelphla and state of pennsylyania. parties of the ssoond part. WItlfESSETH, That the sald parU 08 of the f1rs~ part for and in oonsihratlon of the . sua of One Dollor and other yaluable oonsideratlon to them In hand paid by the p~rtlos of the second part, the reoeipt whereof ls hereb, aoknowle4ged, haye granted. bargained, and sold to the said parties of the seoond part. their heira and assigns. ~ore.er. the foll..ing desorlbed land. situated in st. Lucie Count7. .lorida. to-wl~: Lots 23 and 24 of Blook Pour (4) of Tuoter Terr~oe, being a Bubdivislon of the Southeast Quarter (SRi) of the Southwost Quarter (swt) of Section 11ne (9) in Township Thirty-five (35) south. Range Porty (40) East, as shown by Plat re- corded in Plat Book 4. page 64. of st. Luoie County. Plorida. Reoords. PROVIDED~ BBVBRTHBLESS. These presents are made subJeot to all of the following express- ed oonditlons, restriotlons and l~ltations. applling to the said propert, and whioh are in- tended to be. and shall be aoce~ted a8 coyenants running with said land. and whioh shall be bindlng alike upon the heirs. representatiyes and 88flgns of the Bald partl or parties of the second part. and on the parties of the flrst part. who. by aooepta~e of this instrument agree to abide by. perform and adhere to said conditions. restrlotions. and limitations. as one of the express condltions of these presents. but onl, for the perioo ending Januar7 l,1916. 1. !hat no bul1ding 8hall be erected on the sald land exoept for prlTate d.elling pur- posea. except usual and neoesaarl out-buildings and that the said dwelling house exolu8iTe of the out-buildlngs. Shall coat not less than 13000.00 (Three Thousand' OO/lOQ DOllars). whloh price shall not Inalude arohlteoturol expense. or fee8. and shall not inolude aD1 other CluBS of Improyements saYe and exoept the actual materlal and oonstruction cost of the said dwelllng ) ) ,. house. 2. That not m&re than one residen'e. together with usual and neoessary out-buildings. shall be erected on eaoh of Baid lots. 3. That no unla.-rnl or illlllOral use shall be made of the premises hereby conveyed, nor shall the same be used for an7 oo:zaeroial purpose; nor shall the sue or aD3 part thereof. or any interest ther.ln be sold, released or otherwise COnye7ed t. anI persons other than the Caucasian race; proTided that nothing herein oontained shall preyent the te.plng and maintain- ing usuol and necessarl servants on th. propertT tor reasonable fa.I11 use. Thls proYls1on. hor- eyer. shall not cause forfelture unless the holder of the fee is shown to be at fault. 4. That no building shall be oonstructed or erected at a less distanoe 'than twentl feet froa the front lln~ of sald lot. or either of theD. 5. ../ That if 8aid part7 or parties of the second part. th~ir heirs. repre sentatlYes or assigns. or 8D7 holder of the tropertl herebl oOnyeled by virtue of any ~udiclal proGeedings. Shall fail to oOllply wlth any of the aboTe and foregoing restrictions. oondltlons or 11mdtt~ions wlthln si%\y d81S atter written notioe bl mail to the said ~tl or parties .of the seoond part. thelr heir.. personal representatiye. or aS81gns, o~ 8D1 of thea. at the last known address. by tbe said part18s of the first part. thelr suooessors. personal r.pre..ntatiTes or aS8igns. or either of tho. then the sald ~OT8 de.oribed and OODT'7e4property shall 19me41atel1 reyert to the said partlea of the first part. their sucoes80rs. or &selgna, who .hall be entitled te ~ imaediate11 enter upon said propert7 without oot10e. aDd tat. p08.,ssloD ,f the saa, .ith full 1 ~~~~~~r-;;'tfJ~~:~~t~::?~!!tf/;~;~~l~: ~~~')~:t..Ci";;r...-,~..;.......l'r ~J 4:~"'-:'.".",,~....-~o ':::~:,!.o;. ~Q~~~i[;~~:c~~tj~J);;i~~~~~{~~