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WITNESSETH, fhat the said parties of the first part tor and in oonsideration of the .oa
of one Dollar and tther ~aluabl. ounslderation to th8a in hond paid b7 tbe partie8.of the 8eoond
part, reoeipt wbereof 1a bertby aotnowledged, han grantea, bargained, and 801d to the sald \'.
~ ....
party of tbe seoond part. hi8 beirs and assigns, 'oreyer. tbe followlng aesoribed land, situated
in St. Lucie Coonty, rloridn. to-wit:
Lot Three and 'our & Six of Bloot !!!! of !uot6r ~erraoe, being a 80bdi~i8ion
of the Southeast Quarter CSBl) ot the Stuthwe.t Quarter Cswt) of Seotion Nine
(9) in !oWDship Tblrty-flYt CS5) Soutb, Rango Port, (40) East, as sbtwn b7
Plat reoorded in Plat Boot 4, page 54, ot st. Luoie County, Plorida. Reoord8.
PROVIBBD, NBVKRTHBLBSS, These presents are made 8ubJeot to all of the following express-
ed oondltions. re8triotions and limitations, applying to the said property and whioh sre intend-
ed to be. and shall be acoepted as ooyenant. running with sald land, ana whioh s~ll be bindlng
alite upon the belrs. representative8 and asslgns of the said party or parties of the second
part, and on the partles of the first part, who by acoeptano. of this Instrument agree to abide
. - I
b,. perform and adhere to ssid conditions. restriotlons, and limitations, as one of tbe express
conditions of tbese presents, but only for the period endlng-January 1.1936.
l. That no buildlng Shall be ereoted on the Bald land except for private d.sIling pur-
poses, eXc8pt usual and necessary out-buildlngs, and that the said dwelling house exclus1Te of:,
the out-buildings. ead-that the B~4welliuK hum&e .y~lnR~ eat-bal1dinge, shall cost
not ItSS than $3,000.00 (fhree Tbousand & 00/100 Dollars), which prioe shall not inclwle ar-
ohitectural expenses or fees. and shall pot Inolude any other olass of Improyements saTe and
exoept the aotual material and oonstruotlon cost of the said dwelling house.
2. That not more than one resldence, together witA usual and neoessarT out-buildings,
sh all be erec ted on each of 8ai d 10 t. .
3~ That no unlawful or immoral us. shall be made of the premises hereby con~eyed, nor
shall the sam. be used !or any commercial purpose. nor sball tbe same or an~ part thereof, or
any interest therein be sold. released or otherwise conYeyed to any personp other than the
Cauoasion raCe. pro~lded that notbing hereln oontained Shall pre~ent tbe teeplng and malntalning
usual and necess&r7 seryants on the property for reasonable faaily ose. Thls proTision, how
eYer. shall not cause forfeiture unless the bolder of the fee is shown to be at fault.
4. That no buildlng shall be constructed or erected at a 18ss distance than twent,
feet from the front llne of said lot. or either of them.
5. Tbat if saId party or parties of the second part. their heirs. representati~es or
assigns. or any holder of tbe property hereby con.eyed by Ylrtu. of any Judicial proceedlngs. shall
fall.to comply wlth any of the above and foreg'ing restriotions. conditions or limItatIons wit.-
in slxty days atter written notice by mail to tbe said part, or partles of the second part. their
helre. personal representatives or assigns, or any of them at the last known address. 'y the saId
parties of the first part, their ouceessors. per80nal representatiTe~ or assigns, or elth.r of
th.., then the sald aboye described and cOnyeyed property shall Immedle\e17 reTert to the said
partie. of the fIrst part. their sucoeasora or ass18ae. wbo ~hall b. entitled to Immediatelr enter
upon 8ald pr~p'rty without notice, and toto pGSS8S8ion of the same ~tb full title In foe simple.
together with all improy.ments, ther.on. ano no walTer ~f &n7 of these oonditioDS, limitations.
or restrictions. expressed or implied. or failure for any length of time to enforce the same
snaIl oODstltute a bar to ouob enforcement at ant ti.e.
It Is furtber understood and agreed that partle. of the first part wIll not mate an,
deed to an,y lot In 1'11cter '!erraa. SubdlT1alon prior to JoaU8rl 1. 1936. wi thout the aforesaid
prOviSions and rostriotlons.
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