HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFINGl a osAiEke aB�}ti7',�9R�" paPLD��i�i4rts"-coV7ACT.UaER BCIS Home' r Log In User•Regfstrot on } Hot:Topics ,�` SubinitSyrcherge ,{_ Stets: & Facts` l: Nblicatiom ? FaC,Staff ` BCIS,SIte Map , Unks Search' 'k ar;Product Approval USEB,Pu61ic User ProdtjCtAQprovaf Menu.> Pioduct'orAQplication Search > ApWlotior, list > Appliea wn Detah �f- FL # FL17443-R1. h Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application -Status Approved: Comments Archived .Product Manufacturer J.,A. TAYLOR, ROOFING Address/Phone/Emall., 302 Melton: Drive. ET`PIERCE, PL34982 (77254664040 kylew.h ite228@aol, com Authprize d,Signature / Kyle.Taylor kylewhite228@aol.com` Technical Quality. Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Evaluation Report from:a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer .Evaluation Report Hardcopy Received engineer or.Architect.Name who developed.the,Locke Bowden' ion Report. License: PE-49704 Assurance Entity PRI Construction Materials -Technologies; LX Assurance. Contract Expiration Date 01/23/2023 d By, Zachary. R. Prlest, RP.E .. ;vi Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received of. Independence, FI 17443 Rl COI FL ��ea� n-T� ylor 2017:Code Eval GPnnrr.Kif{, Detaila Referenced Standard and Year (of`Statidardj Standard TAS 125 t1L 1897 ULS80 Equivalence of Product Standards Certifed By Sections :from the Code Year 2003 201.2 2006 -7 Product. Approval Method Date Submitted. Date Validated Date Pending FBC_Approval Date Approved Method 1.Option D 01/24/2018 02/1412618 02/17/2018, 01/10/2018 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number:or Name DescNption 174:43.1 5 V Crimp 26GA 1/2" rib height over 15/32" APA plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions_: Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL17443 R1 1I FL 17443 1 A Taylor 2017.Code Eval Repor Approved for.use, outside HVHZ: Yes with Detalls RSSS,pdT Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Locke. Bowden, P.E. 49104 Design Pressure: +N/Aj-129,25 Greated.by Independent Third Party: Yes Other:-129'.25 @-6" o.c. -64.25 @16" o;c. margin of safety Evaluation Reports 2:1 with..24" max coverage Install, permanufacturers detail. FL17443 R1 AE FL 17443 7 ATaylor.2017 Code Eval Reps Not for- useAn'HVHZ, with Details RSSS.pf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes .17443.2 VICTORIAN CRIMP SHINGLE . -26GA 1/2" RIB- PANELS LOCK INTO PREVIOUS PANELS; OVER CDX/APA 15/32" PLYWOOD Limits -of Use Installation Instructions, Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17443111 1I FL 17443 J A Taylor 20.17 Code_E_yal Repg Approved for use outside; HVHZ: Yes with Details RSSS,0j Impact Resistant N/A. I Verified By: Locke Bowden,. P.E. 49704 Design Pressure +N/A/-105 1 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other:-.105PSF'marglh of safety. 2/, L Install per, Evaluation.Repolfts manufacturer's details and in compI ante with FBC 2017 6th FL1,7443. R1 AE F1 17443 1 A'Taylor`2017 Code.Eval Rep= :with Details RSSS,odf. ed. Not for use:In HVHZ. Created by Independen_Mird Party: Yes .'.. .back' Nekt Contact'Us ::2602 Blair Scone Road. Tallahassee' FL32399 Phone: 850.487-1824 The State of Florida Is an-AA/EEO. employer, S`ggLrjght 2007-2013 State of Florida.:, F_dyUy Statement.::. Accessibility Statement ::.Refund Statement Under Florida law; "email addresses are/public records. If you,do not wantyoure-mail address released in.response to a. public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.. Instead, contact.the:office by'phone.or'by traditional mall. Ir you have:any questions, please contact.850.487:1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1)„Florida Statutes, effective Octobee 1,2012, llcensees;licensed under Chapter455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email addressef they have one.,'rhe einalls provided may be used for official communication with the. licensee. However email addresses. are public.record: If you donot wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Departmfnt with an email address which can be -Wade avaliable to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F:S., please dick here . Product Approval Accepts:, M.in®WR® Credit Card Safe Compliant with Florida ProductAppr&al:'We # 616204 'Compliant OU NStRUCTIbN Quality Assurance Prograft: PRI CO MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY FBC Sections: IS0.4.12, IS01 SV-Crlrnp thru-fastenedLW r1b,at each'panetedge an A702,449' 001.6-k SOW m*10., bver.rhK 1S/32 . sealing washers, m6tal to-wood.connections with f#., of the rib In the centerof panel, and along the.'16p. K nallstspa;dd.6" O.Ci*erooft with lessthan 19/32" existing, attachryletit. Mckslope 2.12a(greater and ed,j Sec. IS07 Tabfe'1507.1.1 **Des fin.Pressure: - J...,Spad7nr.,_J 4 , 9 - .25 PSF -16*04- -219.2S PSF 302 Milton Drive Fort Pierce,, R $4962 ­ (171) 466,4040 stener in the center,of the ppriel, 24* net cdver6g0j- 266A ASTM Mxplywcioddeck: Corrosion. Resistant faitener'#9-15 H - WH with 1109th Wpenetrate SA' V thrO sObstrift;- Fasten along--thecrown tener tobe within 1' of panid edges.. Min.DWannulatririgshank, - , ... - ges.. Doil attachment Is to be Used ih.adiditiort to, be comp iant with.,FBC'2017 611!'ed Underlayment: See FBC 2017 6TH Corrosion Resistant'Fastener #10 x V lincplated, h4TW-Pantake'l4eadj_ ininall.ddat 2,06r panelinto lock seam: :Panels applied wlth:12"� -exposure, adjacent shffiglesinserted irit� lacl�lseam'of previous, thlhglei_Dec I k slope 2:1Zor greater andshall be compliantwith WC207 O:ed. UnderlwVwnettti,�'iee Fi3'C 20ii6T .N ed"Ser-,1507.Table:lSO7.1.1 -*Design Pressure: -10S PSF Reference Data: TEST REPORTS Hurricane Test Lab6ratoofTST-1527y j #0224-061-06 TAS 11$ (UL 50-941), PAI,Coiistiuctidn',Materials;TethnalogiO--s'(T.St-S$78): #FAE-013-61=01. UL580.0j6/1.11. 2897-641 1. UL.580­94test standards.ore:equivalent to UL �86-66- test -st - standards. Z . UL 1897-04 test standards are eauivalent to bi 1'8974ite'st standards.. L UncterlOymerit; to -be. compliance with c'urrentTlorida Bu - 11dihg.-Code (F13C)20176TM ed..-see Chart,18671.1.1 2-4 'Minirtiuh n slope ,to be compliant with, Florida -Building Cbde-1017 6�h ed.,ea-nd. per with.:Mopufadturet.'s,ins.tat(ation reference. 3. Prod.uct§ irre'rompliant with state of Florida product approval per Rule 61Q0-3 Compliance .Method: ,1rD 4. .Engineering -anaiysis, for "project specific approvalby localauthorities w/lutiWictl6h- isaliowed by other registered: engineers.. I / S. Fire classification l5not partO this acceptance. Shear diaphragm: values are outsldethis report. 6. Supp6ftfra-m.inglin-eatnpliaiice w/F6C 20176": ed., Chapter 12 Steel,.Chapter 23 Wood and.thaptgr 16 Structural Loading. 7. This:report does not warranty, installation; recommended productuse outside of this report. Cettifid6te of Independence:: Locke : Sowden, PX. does,not have, not Will'actipire A fiftan0pi Interest In any company-manufactur%qyff 1%PwIng productsunder6is evaluation. 501W ""if4er,this 'lLoike Bowden, P.'C. ls.not -6whed, operated, or by any company, manufacturer; or report I I s CIT , ea Avol �-Jl FL 5 V Crimp Fastener- g-l& corrosion resistantwlsea'ling washers 241 coverage Fastener: #9 x 15 corrosion resistant with in Compliance with 20111- Florida Building Perimeter fastening: V'o-.c. Main Field fasten Ing 12"o.c. Panel Width: 26" Panel Coverage: 24" Maximum 261 GA Architectural! Metal Roof panel VICTORIAN CRIMP MINIML ATLOC ) CUT 1/2 R6A'TE,SI ERN DRIAN=CRIIMP OLES .9",EXPQSURE washers Section 1.507 Fastener.*10 x V Zinc Plated'MTW Pancake Head