HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOFING UNDERLAYMENTSSCANNED', 11 EE i' BCIS'Home i LagIn .� User Registration �� :HotTop(cs SubmItSilirharge 4 Stats&Facts '� PublIations: FkStaO I BCISSiteMap x links }, search' rIl'N IllCl r ` Product: Approval USER: Publlc,User it 1. 3 'Product Approval Menu > PrOuct ar Application > Aoolicatioh LisFS Appllcatlon.Dete11 FL # " FL9777-R1 l i Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments: Archived" Product. Manufacturer Owens Coming Address/Phone/Email One Owens.Cd Mhg Parkway Toledo, OH 43659 i (740):404=7829 greg.keeier@owenscoming.com. Authorized Signature Greg Keeler gred.keeler@owenscorning;com s Technical•Representad e 5 f kLe4(��li�4 � Address/Phone/Email ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR C014PLIANCE Quality Assurance: Representative REVIEW P Address/Phone/Emaii DATE `-7� PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPr ON JOB Category Roofing SITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) WILL BE MADE Subcategory Underlayments ComPliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida ProfgSsiohal Engineer % Z� Evaluation Report- Hardcopy.Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Zachary R. Priest ' FloridaitLic !nse THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK FlodLfeense PE-24021 ARErSUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS ,Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT Quality'Assurance Contract Expiration Date: 12/31/2020 MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO Validated By Locke: Bowden COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. �j, Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of"Independence FL9777 1111 COI OCRI4002 8a 2017 FBC Evaluation wwor► WeafherlocK / 22 HVHZ odF R ferenced Standard, and year (of Standard) Starfdard YME ASTM, Q 10,70 2015 ASiM' D 226 2009 ASTM G 155 2005 TAS lo3 1995 UL 1897 2012 i Equivalence .of Product Standards 'CONCEALED FAgRS OR ATTAGHMP� Certified ByTYOFTH9 ARE THE RESPOtas,TO CONTRACTOR OR REV:mq Sections from the Code % -FILE COPY . I I Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval. Date Approved Suriirtiary of Pmdurts Method 1; Option D 10/11/2017 10/11/2017 10/17/2017 12/I2/20i7' .FL # Model, Numbe or Name Description 9777.1 Weatherlock G I Weatherproofing Underlayment Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHt: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes ;Impact Resistant: N/A FL9777 P11 iI OCR14002.8a.2017'FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlock Non-HVHZ.Ddf Verified By: Zachary R., Priest 74021 Design Pressure: N/A Created by Independent Third Party-, Yes Other:: See evaluation.report•for limits] of Evaluation Reports FL9777 R11 AE OCR14002.8a 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlock I Non-HVHZ Ddf: Created by Independent Third Party: Yes: 9777.2. Weather.Lock-G (High Tear) "Weatherproofing Underlay"ment Limits of Use I Installation Instructions ,Approved for. use In,HVHZ: No, FL9777 R11 II OCR14002.8a 20.17 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlock Non-HVHZ.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary. R. Priest, PE-74021 Design Pressure N/A I Created by Independent'Third Party: Yes ; •Other:. See. evaluation report for limits of use. Evaluation Reports, FL9777 R11 .AE OCRI4002.8a 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlock Non HVHZ.odf I Created by"Independ'ent Thirda Party: Yes 9777.3 IlUeatherlock.MAT Waterproofing Underlayment Limits of Use I 'Installation Instructions Approved:for use in HVHZ: Yes ,FL9777' Rii II OCR14002.81b 2017 FBC Evaluation Report. Weathe ock HVHZ,ndf r Approved for use -outside: HVHZ:: No Impact Resistanti N/A 1 Verified By:. Zachary. R. Priest'74021 Design. Pressure: N/A. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: See evaluation report fo' limits of use. Evaluation Reports FL9777 R11-AE' OCR14002.8b-2017 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlock HVHZ'.pddf' I Created by Independent -Third Party: Yes I 9777.4 Weatherlock MAT Waterproofing Underlayment _ j Limits of Use I Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:jNo_ Approved for use outside'HVHZ:, Yes FL9777 1111 '11 OCR14002.8a 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherock Non-HVHZ-.Ddf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021 ; Design Pressure: N/A Other:; See evaluation report for limits of use.. Created by Independent Third Party'- Yes Evaluation'Reports FL9777. R11 AE OC1114002 8a 2017 FBC Evaluation Rrnnrh Weatherlock-Non-HVHZ, Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9777.5 WeatherLoek Metal Weatherproofing Underiayment Limits of Use Installation Instructions ' Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL9 177 :1111 II OCR14002.8a 2017 F8C Evaluation Report Weatherlock'Non-HVMZ:odf i Verified -By Zachary R: Priest PEc74021 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A I Deslgn Pressure N/A ' Created byindependentThird Party: Yes Other: See-evaivation'report for iimiis of use. ' Evaluation Reports FL9777 1111 AE .00R14002.8a'2017 FBC EvalUation'Repor -Y11 eath0ock :Non-HVHZ:Ddf Created. byindependent Third Party: Yes 9777.E I Weathertock'Metal Weatherproofing Underiayrnent Limits of -Use; Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approv-ed.for use.outslde:HVHZ: No Installation Instructions FL9777 RI 'II' OCR14002.86 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Weatherlock HVHZ:Ddf 1104'q ResistAnUP/A., Design Presturwi N/A :0ther: !gee evaluation report for limits of WeathelrLock.Specialty ve & metal Limits of Use ,Approved, foruse In HVHZ: No, Approved for use, outside HVHZ. Yes 4mpact Resistant: N/A 6eilin Pressure: +0/.;142.S. .Other: See,evaluation report The lim)of use, Thestati of Mrida one. tneemansproviaea:nw •addressj please provide the Verified By., Zachary R. Priest PE-.74021 Ceezikpd by.1pdepe dent TWO Party: Yes .Independent — EValuation Rdpdirts .M9777. P 11, �.AE OCRI4061.96 2017 FB( Weathercock HV - ' I Created OY Independent-ThIr'dTartyYes Verified By Zachary R. Prrest,74021 Created by1ndependent'th(rd'Pariy.*_ Yes Created by",'IndepefidentThird -Party: Yes QnWtUs , 2601 Ofalf Stone Kdad. TbllaWssee FL 32309 phone: 80-487-104 employer. Coayfight -160-7.66 State of korldii- FrWacv,Statemen Access] III tv Stat2qtin ::-Refund Statement iblic rko]rds.,JF you do not wantyoure-mill address released in response to a\publlc-.records request, do not'sdnd eledronic he offlce,by phone or bYtradit(6al mail. lf.ydij.have,any questions, please 6ontaci 8504W.1395. *Pursuant to , Secdon cthberl, 2012,11censees licensed under.Chapfir 455;F.s.-must provide the Department wth an email address If they have oMaal cor6rTidnicaUon'withfthe,ifedn-see. However email addresses are public record. If you do notwish'to supply a personal 411: 1 h an emiit.'addrisi Which can'be made availible%iotfie public. -To determine If you are Wilcensee under Crydpter'455 F.S., Produa Approval Accepts: rll le- CREEK. Certificate of Authorization No. 29824 17520 Edinburgh Drive Tampa, FL 33647 (813)480-3421 TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, & EDITION (2017) , Manufacturers OVVENS CORNING RO.OFING'AND ASPHALT LLC Issued October If, 2017 1.Owens Coming Parkway Toledo., OH;43657 (800) 438-7465 www.owenscorninq; com Manufacturing Location- Brentwood, N Houston, TX Quality Assurance: UL LLC` (QUA9625) SCOPE / Category. Roofing Subcategory: Underlaym , nts Code Sections: 1504.3.1, 1507.1.1 Properties: Physical properties REFERENCES / Enfi / Report No. Standard Year ,PRI Construction Materiats,Technologies (TST5878) NEI-039-02-01 ASTM D 1976 2015 PRI Construction, Materials Technologies (TST5878) NEI-042-02-01REV2• ASTM'D 1970 2015 PRI MaterialsTechnologies (I'ST5878) NEI=045-02-01 TAS 103 1995 .Construction PRI Constriction' Materials Technologies (TST5878) NEI-045-02-01 ASTM' G.155 2005a ; PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) 'NEI-053-02.01 TAS 103 1,995 PRI Construction MaterialsTechnologies,(TST5878) NEI-053-02-01 ASTM-G 155 ,2005a PRI Construction'Matedals:Technologies (TST5878) NEI-093-02-02 ASTM D-1970 2015 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF•213=02=01 ASTM D 1623 ' 2009 PRI Construction,Materials; Technologies (TST5878) OCF-237.-02-01 ULi897' -' 2012 PRI ConstructionNated s Technologies (TST5878) OCF-252-02-01 ASTM D 4.798 2001 ' PRI Constriction Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF=252-02-01 ASTM D:1970 2015 PRI Construction,Materials.Techriologies (TST5878) OCF-253=02-02 ASTM D,1970 2045 PRI Coostruction.Materials Technologies (TST5876) 0CF-272-02=01 TAS 103 1995, PRI Construction Materials Tectnologies (TST5878) OCF-296=02-02 ICO-ES.AG 1.88' '2012 11 ICC-ES:AC'48 2612 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF-297.02=01.1 ASTM D 19.70 2015 PRI Construction. Materials Technologies (TST5878) 0CF-3.18-02 01 ASTM D 1970 2015 PRI Construction Maierials Technologies (TST5878) OCF=320-02 01 TAS 1''03, 1995 r PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF-32"2-01 ASTM G 155 2005a PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) OCF-321-02-01 ASTM D 1623 2009 PRI Construction Materials/Technologies (TST5878). OCFI322-02-01 UL 1897 1 2012. PRI Construction Materials Technologies (FST5878) OCF-355-.02-01. UL 1897 2012' 'Determined to be equivalent io.ASTM D 226-09, Type I and II This eyaluation`report.is provided for State of Florida produc Technical Sery ices, LLC of any product changes or quality e This evaluation report' does not express nor -imply warranty, specifically addressed herein. 1 Page .1 of 4 under Rule 6,1020-1 The manufacturer shall notify. CREEK :hanges throughout •the duration for which this report is valid. i, recommended use, or other product attributes that'are not r f D �" OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND. ASPHALT LLC ems• CI_' ..y E K 'WeatherLock® Self -Sealing We & Water Barriers TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND LIMITS Ole USE WeatherLock G WeatherLockl& G`:is an ASTM D: 1970 self-adhesive undedayment:constructed from SBS (Brentwood, :NH? modfed .asphalt, : a fibe lass mat; remforcement and, surfaced with grariules. The product is supplied in 2 sq�... is -with nominal dimensions of 3A x 66.7,ft. WeatherLockc9 G is perrnitte i to, be used as prescribed 'in FBC Section 1507.1J for .mechanically attached nooliq coverings. Exposure on the roof deck'shall be limited ip a maximum 30 days. WeatherLock@ Mat WeatherLock® Mat is an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive ,underlayment :constructed' from i (Brentwood, NHor SBS' modified; asphalt with a fiberglass mat reinforcement.. The- product. is supplied in 'I.- Houston, :TX) sq; rolls with nominal dimensions .of 341 x:33.3-11 and 2 sq.. rolls.with nominal, dimensions of'3-ft x 66:74. �itted WeatherLock(& Mat is a to be .used as prescribed 'in FBC Section 1507:1..1 for p � p ._ . chanically,attached roof coverings, Exposure 'on: the: roof deck shall be limited to a: maximum 30 days. WeatherL' eieW metal WeatherLock® Metal Is an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive underlayment constructed. from (Brentwood, NH) SBS modified• asphalt with •a. fiberglass mat reinforcement -and plastic_ film surface. ,The product is supplied in 2 0"sq 1 rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 66.14 WeatherLock® Metal `is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 for mechanically attache."d roof, coverings, Exposure on the: roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 90 days: WeatherLock® WeatherLock® Specialty 11 ' & Metal is an ASTM D 19:70_ self-adhesive underlayment Specialty Tile & Metal constructed from SBS modified asphalt and surfaced with a non -.woven polyester fabric: (Brentwood, NH or The product is. suppi ed in 2.44 sq', rolis vuttii; nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 71 3-ft. Houston, "7X) ,WeatherLock@ Specialty Tile & Metal is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC. Section 1507.1.1. INeathert:*k® Specialty Tile & Metal is permitted to be used With adhered clay or concrete ttie,.roofing using either;ICP Adhesives' Polyset AH-160 (ICP Adhesives and: Sealants, Inca or TILE BQNDT"' Roof Tile Adhesive (Th.e Dow' Chemical Company). Exposure on the. I of'deckshall be limited to a maximum'90 days. The maximum roof slope: shall be 6:12 when used with clay or concrete the installations without battens. Tile. shall' be�stored. on battens for roof slopes greater than 6:12: Tiles ,shall -.not be -stacked greater 1q Vies per stack.. WeatherLockO:G {High WeatherLock(ff G (High Tear) is a:self=::adhered',: underlayment use.d'as an alternative to. Tear) ASTM D 226,. Type I or Type III roofing felt: and, ASTM D 1970 self -adhering polymer (Houston, 7XJ modified bitumen underlayment. The underiayment is composed of SBS modified asphalt with a fiberglass mat internal reinforcement andis surfaced With granules. The, product is- supplied with a nominal thickness of 50 mils in 1.95-sq rolls with. nominal dimensions of 34x 65-ft. i WeatherLock®G (High Tear)j is permitted to be .used as prescribed in: FBC Section '1507.1.1 for mechanically.attached' roof. coverings, Exposure on• the roof deck% shall be limited to a maximum 30 da', ys. 2 of 4 Technical Services, LLC of any product changes:or quality assurance changes throughout,the-duration for', ich this report is valid. This evaluation,report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, -recommended use, or other product attributes -that are not specifically.addressed herein. G f�EEK. TECHNICAL. SERVICES, 'LLC I - PRODUCT APPLICATION j OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC. WeatherLock® Self -Sealing Ice & Water Barriers r ,1 Min Roof Slope-. in 2_ 12 accordance with the FiBC Application: All underfayments shall be'Ih i ailed in accordance with the FBC. Deck. substrates, shall be clean; dry, ;and free from any irregularities and debris. AU fasteners in the deck shall -be checked for protrusion and corrected prior'to Oderlayrnent application. Prior to beginning installation,; 'the underlayment shall be unrolled and allowed to relax for a,minimum jof 3=5 minutes. The underlayment shall be installed with the release backer removed 'and pressed .firmly into place to ensure complete contact with the. deck. The underlayment shall be installed. with the roll length parallel to the eave, starting at the eave,, and with minimum 3" side. .laps and minlmum:6° end laps staggered min. 64frorrr preceding course: Additionally, if applying WeatherLock® Speciaity'THe & Metal, end_ laps shall be primed with.ASTMD 41 primer or sealed with asphalt roof cement a minimum of ,3-4 inches across, the width of the lap. I It is permissible to back nail the undedayment 12-inches on -center as needed (nails shall be. installed perpendicular to deck with the nail heads flush to the top surface of the: underlayment), .Additionally, WeatherLock® SpecialtyTile &-Metal shall be -back nailed: when installed on roofslopes gre err than 312: Min.. Application 40°F; Contact the.manufacturer w en installing at temperatures below the minimum' Temperature: application temperature. WIND RESISTANCE I, 'I The; Maximum Design Pressures shown below,were calculated uising a 21 margin.' of'safety per FBC Section 1504.9. Underlayment System No.1--WeatherLock Soecialty Tile & Metal Only Roof. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch CDX plywood :attached to wood supports spaced: a maximum 24" o.c. Underlayment: WeatherLock® Specialty Tile :&I Metal shall be: applied in accordance with manufacturer's installation .instructions :to the fasteneddeck. and backna led aiong the selvage with minimum 12ga., 1-1 Winch galvanized ring shank roofing. nails .through optionally primed,; '32ga, x 1-5ia-ineh 0 tin caps spaced 12" o.c. The applied uriderlayment: shall be, rolled with a minimum 751b. steel roller immediately following application. I i Maximum Design -142.5 psf Pressure: OUR14 JU2Xa, FL9777-1111 This evaluatiop report is provided for State,of Florida product approval under: Rule' Technical Services, LLG of any,product,changes or quality assuiance changes thrc This,evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,, installation, recomn er Specifically addressed herein, I Page 3 of.4 3. 'The manufacturer shall notify*CREEK the duration for which this report is valid. ;, or other product attributes that not' QW.FN&CORNING ROOFINGAND ASPHALT LLC Cw,, R W6atherLocM Self -Sealing ice &-Water Barriers E"Ir TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC GENERAL LIMITATIONS 1) This evaluation report is not use in, the HVF ,2) Fite Classification is not W I thin.the scope:of of 3) Installation -of the evaluated product, shall c4 application instructions.,. Where disoreipaq compjiaht installation detaiVshall prevail. ,4), The roof deck, shall be -constructed of closel 5) The space under theAedk area shall be pfc 6.). All,�ido lap seamis'hail be, intialledio shed' ed 7) The undbrlgjyrnent'maybe used as,descdbi 8) Design wind load pressures shall be det( 1,609. :9), The roof deck shall . be designed by others load pressures -for, components an&claddln 10 Maximum Design Pressures for a given 'determined for the �rqof assembly. 11) All products listed in,.W4 report shall. be. mai Rule ,151020m-3. The products; evaluated 4qrQln b ,.- yZachary.R. Cole 6"'tclition'_(2017.) as evidenced'in.the ref No, 746,94 STATE :OF CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE` I evaluation..report, the r8t, and y Wiffi-the manufacturers published jhl.s exist betWeeh'these sources, the more restrictive. and FBC itted plywood she.athiiing lot. -new or existing construction, id-Ve.nOlate.O,ih,accordance-with the FBC requirements:. ater from the deck. in...other current FBC,product approval d6cumeh ' ts. pined for components and cladding in 6ccofdahce with' FBC � accordance; with: FBC requirements to' resist the design, w.frW ridert6yrriqnt shall meet or exceed the, design wind loads ractured under a quality!assurance ptogram in, cqmpllahC6, with P.E.bave demonstrated compliance with the, Florida, Building I documents�submitted by the named 0400facturet'. 201 T11 0.11 0 9 -.10, 6: -2 -9 -041001 Zachary k. Priest, P.E. Florida Registration No, 74021 Organization No. ANE9641 CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not b&b� -norwill it i cquire, a, financial interest -in any company wanuf6clun-*ng or distribUfln.g productsunder this. evaluation.CREEK Technical Servlc6s,, LLtC:jt, hoowned, operated -orcontrolled by any,companymanufactUring or distributing, products- under this evaluation. Zachary, R. Priest,. P..E. does not have,- nor will. acquirej, a financial interest in any company manufacturing -or distributing products under thisevaluation., Zachary R.-PriesIt, R.E. does nothave,. nor will'acquire,-a fin ancial interest'in any other entity involved in the approval:process of the product OCRUW2.8a; This evaluation report isprovided for State�c Technfeat'Services„ LLCof:any,product.c . her This evaluation 9 report does I not express nor Specific'elly:addressed hereln- i EN'lJ,OF REPORT' or. quality 4 throughout the duration for which this; repoh.s'viaid. vended Use,, or other product attributes that are: not