HomeMy WebLinkAboutKSM SOIL COMPACTION REPORT07/18/2018 15:24 77258�9'AS9 KSM ENGINEERINF PAGE 01/02 SCANNED IV KELLTUP90Ei HER & MacWILLI) MARTIN (772.1&q7-7765 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SE PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 www.ksmc FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail- KSMPKS C.A.: 5693 yIL I J AYL M ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. ASTIAN, FL $2978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 389-0712 gineering.net MELBOURNE (321)768-8488 ENGINEERING -NET ST LUCIE (772) 229-9093 FAX (772) 589-64-69 SOIL COMPACTION REPORT ASTM D 15571 and ASTM D 2922 DATE TESTED July 17, 2018 KSM JOB # : 182360-1d/MH/ct PERMIT # 1804-0290 RECEIVED CONTRACTOR Wynne Development JUL 19 2010 JOB LOCATION 144 Mediterranean Boule and N. Permitting Departmerr Spanish Lakes 1 st. Lucie county Port St. Lucie, Florida ITEM TESTED Compacted Foundation Fill TEST LOCATION DEPTH *.PEN DRY MAX. DRY PERCENT OF SAMPLE READ DENSITY PROCTOR VALUE COMPACTION 1. N.W. 0" - 12" 52 2, N.E. IN53 3. Center It54 4. S.W. up51 5. S.E_ up 50 Soil Description: Brown Clayed Sand In Place Moisture: 6.2 Percent Optimum Moisture: 11.0 Percent Max. Dry Density: 114.7 P.C_F. @ Test Locations The Density & Penetrometer Readings Indicate the Degree of Compaction Meets Minimum I�uired for "'� '"Iti n. A �� �P to Natural Grade. E 1 G H T P C F D R Y tiA �(eaCounty Building Dees ?may ,ptishlakes.com �f97gA�4�saa R+arw.11d G. Kcoflc•:r, RF.; :'i >!:l? / 51 Lic. 112.6 114.7 - 98.2 113.4 Is98.9 114.6 it99.9 111.9 it97.6 110.7 IF96.5 Moisture - % of Dry Weight $60 / JUlic E. KClfc.i'. F.E.: 68366 - -- JOSEP$ .E SMITH, C7,,ERK OF THE CIR. EMMOReASAINT LUCIE :COUNTY FILE # 4424971 OR, BOOK 4121 PAGE s�•7.140 i imaged 04 .17/2018' 01 23:55 PM THIS l M CERTIFY TEAT T S IS A NgciR TRU .A ' GO RECT n 'OF TH o S. E SMIT :, UR B t a Pon nsQ cow, . I D- ' NOTICE OFF .00NMNCEM,ENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,, and in accordaace,with Chaptcr 713, PioriQa statri(es thmfollowing'iisfonnatioa is provided in the NI Notice of eommencemeat 1. DF,SCFWnoN OF P�iO �'�' ff egal drrs�ztptioa and street.addnss) TAX FOLFO NUMBER. 3 4'Ld 501 -1 70 7' 0 0 O g SUBDIViSiONSPanIs1rOC TRACI',__,J,DT_�LDG UNIT eccr R Section .26• s 2. (;M4MAL DESCR- j7MN.UFU4pROvEhp=,: s im le _ aiRz l r sicYen c e I3.OWNEBDWORMATI014:•• a r b•Address $000 S. 0511 Su1te 49'52 st,in property d. Name and address,of fee simple titleholder (if other than (owner) 4. CONTRACTO)t'S NAMp,.ADDRESSANDI9ONENUMBER. Wynne Deveioprmidnt Coro'oration 8000 Ste, Suite 402, g'St�. F 3�tgS� 77� AIR SSi / I , S. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. iENDERIS NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE 'NUAMER: 7.'Petsoits within the -State of Florida designated by Uwaer upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by (^� Section 71303 (I)Wa T, Florida Statutes: I J/y NAM,ADARESSAND'PHUNENVMER:Doug ,Brarj1 FL. 2 •tley .Silver Oak• Dr. �PSL,• '..0137 4 ,-8- 6, 71 .13 (o) b), It6rdf orherself, Ownpt designatcs,the following to teceiv'e a`�Y of tha ISenor.'s Notice as:provided in Section / 713.I3 (l}(b}, �oiida Sta'tutcs ` NAWt A.1DV0SS AIVD.P$ONE:iVUMBER, 9..Expirationdate 'ofnotice of cornmencem.2ant (the ei:pirat on d e is 1 year fiom the date ofrecordiug unless.a different date is speci5ed): ; 0 r SignatureofOwner'or • Owner's Authorized OtGcer/DirectorMartur/Manager State•off'lorida County of St. 1.11 i e The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before: rae:this _ By Matthew L.yle Wynne (Name of persony rWynne Building Corporation (Name.ofparty on behalf of whtim instrument was exccpte (Printed Name awdtnty Nblic), tsiglokura o Under penalties of pesjury, I, declare that I have read the fore beriet (section:92.525; }'itrridn Statutes). Signatnre(s) of Owner(s)`or Owner(s)' Author Rex 08r30hD07(Reea6�gg1 Matthew L:yle Wynne., Vice—PreA 'erit ' Piint Name.and Prdvide Signatory'3 Tltie/Offrce of 20 i authority �... e.g. Owner, officer,.trustee, attorney in fact) Iytown Y or produced the.foilowing type of ID: _ g and that. the facts in it are -true to the best of my lcnowredge and 011icer/Director/PartnerMattager who signed above: BY. —.. - r ..