HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1373 1 r, ($ '[ Said purohaee oontraot 8hall, among other thinge, provide: (a) that time i8 of the essluoe of the oontraot; (b) that at the tlm. of oloslng, the taxes ehall be app.rtioned as of the dste of [ the exeoution of the purohase oontraot: (0) that in the event that the title to any portion of the premlses deeoribed in the purohaee oontraot (whloh shall be the same pre~lses as are desoribed in thle optlon). whioh portion shall oonstitute not more than ten pel' oent. . (l~) of tho entire aoreage above men- tionea, shall prow. unmerohantable, the purobaser shall complete hie purchase and shall be allowed a proportionate rebate, whioh shall be at the rate of elght do~lar8 ($8.00) per aore of whioh eight dollars. two dollars elxty-six and two. thlrd oents ($2,66 ~/3 ) per aore shall be returned in oa8h and the balanoe of five ~ollars thirty three and one tbird oents (.6.33 1/3) per aore shall be oredlted proportlonately on the two notes to be given. and the oontraot shall not merge in the deed as to the lands to which the title shall have proved unmerohantable. and the purohaoer ehall oomplete the purohaae of said 18~da, or any portion thereof. the title to whioh may be perfeoted and made merchantable.within twelve (l~) months from the date flxed for the delivery of the deed as in sald purohaee oontraot to be provided for, end at the olosing of title to any of suoh lande the title to wbioh baR been perfeoted, said Byington shall pay two Dollars slxty six and two third oents (e2.66 ~/3 ) per aore in cash ano shall pay the balanoe Tiz: flve Dollars thirty three and one third oents ($5.33 1/3) per aore in a purOba8~ money firat mortgsge"the note or notea s~our,d by 881d pUrchase money mortgage -P--:rA#..-. ........L 'r".....Q.,J,.t ./.tHl/ -{ti....<.-L -...-1'"","" ,'A \A.- ~l(LI' .(/01 to be,date of the Cloaing and the other three quarters of suoh balanoe tn fiTe years after the dete of th. oloslng, and to bearintereet at the rate of six per cent. (6~) per annum pay- able s~mi-ann~ll" and the purohase money mortgage to be aimilar to the pnrchase money mortgage to be given at the time of ~le olosing of the lsnde flrst purohaee4. 1be Company etipulates to use its beet efforts to per~eot and make merchantable the title to any of the above deacrlbed landa. the title to which m~ be defectlve if the defects are corr.otable and the expense to the oc:~ In so doing should not be unreasonable, considering the land to be worth eight do1181'e (.8.00) per aore; the Company shall not be responsible In damage a or otherwlse for its failure ~o oorreot any defeota in title, it being Intended that , . r 't'. I . . I . I the performanoe of this stlpulatlon shall rest on the good fal~h of the Company and nothing herein shall be deemed to ob11gate the Company morally to make good the title to any of such lands where there Is a failure of suoh tltle. (d) that in the event that tltle to more than ten per cant. Cl~) of tbe acreage mentlcned above ahall prove unmerohantabl~, the purob3ser shall have the option of completing the pur- ohase of that portion of the premises to whlch the seller can giTe a merohantable title and shall be allowed a oorresponding rebate on the prioe, viz: Elght Dollars ($8.00) per aore or of oanoelling his oontraot and receiving baok the amoUnt paid at the time of the exeoution of suoh purchase contraot, , together with hIs reasonable co.t. for the examination of title and V the emount paid for the option Tis: rive Thousand Seven hundred fort, six and 93/100 (t7~6.93) POURTH: Tho said purohase money mortgage abell, among other things, provide: Ca) t~At if the prinoipal of a~ of said not&8 la not paid at saturity or ff the intereat ../ on any of 8aid note. 18 not paid within thirt1 (3) d8YO after the date fixed for payment t~reof the mortgagee shall have the right thereafter and so long as any suoh default continues to de- olare all of said note. irome41stelT due and payable, and ..id nOL.a ahall become immedlately due end pa,able upon suoh atolaratioDj Cb) that in thft .vent that aD, tax.. or a.s.esm.nt. on the propert, oov.red by the pur- ohas. money mortgage shall r...ln unpaid untll a penalty aooruea on the payment thereof, the mortgage. may lik.wia. deolar. said not.. dut and payable: j~~~~~~[~~~:@t~1; - '~~3:~ "f"$;.Jff'~ ~!'.""~<:')1"'~"'~~;--""- :i-~~.0!r : :;~ _::t~!i~~;.~~i~:~~. ..tt;~:~?~1,~~f:~>:..~t;:~~~:;