HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFINGUpivil, WI Product Approval USER ,Hubllc User P'radoct AgpoyaEMenu> Pmdwd or Application Searck > ARWIcatibn List > ApplieaUon Detail Fl- IFL17443-R1, Appiicatio,.n Type Revision Code Version 20I7 Application "Status ;Approved' I Comments Archived Product Manufadwer IJ..A, TAYLOR. ROOFING Address/Phone/Email 302 Melton DrlVe FT:PIERGE, FL3,4082 (772}4b6-4040 kylew.hite22p..@aol.com Authorized, Signature kyle`Taylor kylewhite228@aol.comi Technical Representative I Address/Phone/Email QualityAssu.rance :Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory. Metal'Roofing; Compliance Method Evaluation Report:from a: Florida. Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professiorial Engineer �> :EValuation Report -: Hardcopy Received I Florida'. Engineer or Architect Name.who developed theLockeBowden Evaluation`. Report. Florida License PE-49704 Q . Uarktyr Assurance Entity, PRI Construction Materials Technologies; LLC Quality:Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/23/20,23 Validated By Zachary R. Prlest,:PX. +, t Validation Checklist - Harddopy Received Certificate of. findependeace- EL-11443 R1 COh FL 17443 3 A Taylor 2017 Code Eval Reoort-with Derails .RSSS.pdt Refetenced Standard aild Year (of`Standard) Standard` TAS 125 bl-1897 UL580 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified .By Sections from the Code -Year 2003 2011 2006 VF Rrodqq,. Approval. Method Method i. Option D Date, Submitted, 01/24/2018 Date Validated. 02/14/2618: Date Pending F13C.Approval N/17/2018 Plate Approved Summary of products FL # Model, N ; I umbew�or Name, Description Crimp '.17.443.1.1 , 112" ribheight',over 15/32" APA.-Plywood Limits,of Use f 1nstallatlon Instructions Approved fo'r,.ute In HVHZ* No Approved formse outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A FL17443 R1 -I! K 17443'j A Taylor 2017 CodeEybi Report. with Detaj a R A-df Verified By: L&ke. Bowden, P. E. 49.704, Desl§n Pressure.: +N/N-129,25 Other: -129.26g, 611 ox. -69.25 @161 ox. margin, o 2: 1 WltK 24!' rrlax.- coverage Install per manufacturers :Not for Use in HVHZ, safety detall. Created by Indepeindent Third Party,' Yes ;.Evaluation Reports FLi 744i u AE FL 1744 I A Taylor '2017 Code EvaL&Port ,.With Oetails Rssmd Created by, Independent Third. P;prty,. Yes, 174 43.2 VICTORIQN iLE 1/2" RIB- PANELS LOCK INTO •PREVIOUS PANELS;'OVER 1 CDX/APA 15/32"'PLYWPOD- Limits of Use Approved for. use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside: IJV14Z: Yes. Impact Resistant-. NIA. Design Pressure: +,NIA.1-105 Other: -.105PSF ma rilh, ofsa safety. 2: 1i Install per, :manufacturer's details and In compliatide 'WI.th'FBC 2017 6th �ed. Not1or 0s6: In HVHZ, Installation Instructions. EL1W43; -_q- II,'FL 174411 L]faylor 2Q17 tode" Evali Re "with :Details RSSS,W Verified By; Locke.,Bowden;, P. E 40704 Created ti�,'Irldependent-Thlrd'Party: Yes Ev ation Reports FL17443. R1 6E F1 174 'bde, EyaL&port Cr.eatL&d'6i�hd6pond,en.tT4tTd.,P%irty: Yes I Ea r-----R -Contad U -TaIIbhassfte!FL,32399 PlIone# 85!2-487-1824 The.Stetie of Florida GIs an AA/EEQ.empIoyer,. Ed=y-'ItatLrue-U.,::AccesslbillW Statement:., Refund Statement. Under Florida IaW, email addresses are pubIl6tecords. If you do not.wantyour e-mailaddress released . In.response to a public-recordd request,�do not send electronicmail to this entlty. Instead, contact.the,office byphone by tradItIo6al mail, Ify-ou.,haveany qdeswns; please contact-850.4117.1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida statutes, e"ve,qctobee 1,.-2012, llcensees,'Ik&ised under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an'emall address If tl�ley 0avq 0 ne, th6 e � alli provided maybe used for Official communication wtth th'e'llcenso�e. Howeve e all addresses are Public reco�.d.Jlf;ydd:do:not'wish 't0 supply a personal m 1r, m I - address, please Department address bemadd a'vallable:tothe,public. Toditermine:ifyou are-alleensee under Chapter 455, F.S'j please dick hqL. ProkltictAoor&A[Acciib:, E0 . M Cr6dit Card: Safe Complia'Ot"With Florida Building Code 201T(W" ed:)' Compliant -with, Rotida*oditct;ApordVal..Nle # 61G20,--3 Compliant 'Quality Assurance P-rogrA#h;,PRI CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY FBC Sections: 1504.3.2,1507 SV Crimp thrufastened :W!--rIb,at eacfi,,panelvdge-and I A792, G-!% AZ$S#.0U5�, okii Min'. over mffiISAk'41111 seallng,washers,:metalto.wood:connoWiDits. with faste of the rib In the center of panel and: along the lap. First. 302 Milton Drive Fort, Pierce;. R 34962 (771) 466.4-04-0 rt theventetof the ' pairtel, Z4";,,fietcoverage ;-, 266A ASTM Nood:deck-. Corrosion Resistant fastener #9-I5'HWH ' with: to,000fatd S/iO thrO substrate: Fasten along ,thea .own !,be-WiOilrf r of panel edges. ik.11in.. 60-0"annu'lai ring shank ,06;Is,spacdd,.6"-0.Ci reroofing, with lessthan 19/32"- plywood (min. 15132"),this attachment is to; . beused in;additI rt to ex,1910ft atta,thmiont.. Deck: slope 2.12 or.greater and shall be com I P lantwith+13C2017 61P ed. Uaderlayment:See ROW 0. ed.; Sec. 1071a6le'I507.1.1 "Design Pressu :1 Spacing: -229.2$ PSF Corrosion Resistant'Fastener,416 x ".lint plated, N" Oadtake Neaddrittalled.at Z.,perpaneiinto lockseaimi Panels applied withal"' exposure; adjacentshlinglesinserted into lock seam of1pr6'VI0UsihJh -12'or greater.and shall be gle."Deck slope 2* compl-tantwithti3tiO!70.,,.ed.uhdo.tloV;hL-titi.See F.B,c2oi7o*e.d6,-so-c..ls0*7�.Ti3ble.,IS07.1.1 "VesignPresiure: -16S Pso, Reference Data:. TEST REPORTS Hurr.ic.aiie,Test.LAboratbry'(TST-1527) 80224-4561-06 US 125 (UL 580-94"): -Pkl'coiistfutfidn'Mbterials:T.echnalogibs'(IST,=Sglg): #FAE-023.92-01 UL 580-06/.UL 1897-W 1. UL.580-94:test standards ore equivalent to Uf-59"&teststandords.. 2, UL 1897-04 test standards are eatrivalent. to I1L-1897--121est-standdfds. UrriltattOns, 1. Underlaymentto, be, compliance witKcurrent.FloddA Building Code (FBC)2017 -Vt ed., see Chart,18071A 2. Minimum sid eto- be compliant with: Florida Building C - ode2dij, 6w ed.,and p(!rWi.th"Mgriuf,attu.reet,ins.tal-l-etioh reference. �3. Products are compliant With State ofFtclodda produ , approval A e.r kuld.61qip-3. Compliance Method: 1ID 4. Eng.ineering.analysis for 'project specific approval by local, U.a ... th .1 1 �es w/ authorities �urisdicti6h is allowed by other registered' engineers. 5. Fire classification m.not' partO this atceptwite'! Shear diaphragmvalues are outside*this repo(t. 6. Support:;framing .incompliance w/FBC201761h!ed Chapter,21 Steel, Chapter 19 Wood and 'Chapter 16 Structural Loading, 7. T.his.report does not imply warranty, installation; recommended product:useoutside of this report. Ceirtificaite 6f'Independencez .Locke: Bowden,P.-E. doesmot'have, not will actl"I(0 affhan,dal Interest In ;any underthis evaluation. Locke Bowden, Pit, is not opetOtOd,-or; controlledby any,compani ry report. z 0 1-40 , � seat 10. FL A6 S 5-2 o:.Slo 5 V Crimp F a-stehet- #9-15 corrosion resistant w/se.aling washers 24" coveraqe Fastener: #9 x 15 corrosion resistant with sealing washers in Compliance with 2017 Florida Building C6de, Section 1.507 1. 1 , Perimeter fastening: 6"o.c. Main., Field fastening 1 2"o.c. Pa : net Width: 26" Panel Coverage: 241"rhaxirhdm. 26. GA Architectural, Metal Roof'.panel VICTORI,AN CRIMP SHINGLE LOCKSE MINIMUM 2 FASTENERS ATLOCK SEAM ) CUT 1/2 SHINGLE ;"EATE STAGGERED ERN DRIAN CRIMP GLES 9",EXPOSURE D CO 0 M X, Fastener* 10 x 1 " Zinc Plated'MTW Pancake Head