HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFSCANNED BCIS Home i' log In User Regfstration ( HouToplcs Submit'Surcharge :,f 'Stets & Facts' bs a _ Product Approval r� USERo-PublieUser n Product ggoroval'Menu >'Product or Application Search > AgoRcaiibn List > Appiieation Detail '; •• s. FL # FL17443-R1. Application Type Revision' Code'Verslan 2017 Application Status Approved! Comments Archived Product Manufacturer .3-A TAYLOR, ROOFING Address/Phone/Email 302 Melton, Drive: FT -PIERCE, FL 349132 (772)466-4.040 kylewh1te228@a ol,com Authorized Signature Kyle Taylor kylewh 1te228@aol.com Technical Representative 'Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance :Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Metal' Roofing; r*` ,_„es„o +'� .•�.-}ter: � t*, . r :nPPs-Noxe -a82at 3tiY2' nsPst-ar�fStorts- cm,7a�, betas Compliance Method Evaluation Report _from :e Florida. Registered Architect ora Licensed Florida ;Professional Engineer * ; -Evaluation Report -, Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name:who developed.the ,Locke BoWden, Evaluation Report, Florida License PE=49704 Quality Assurance Entity PRI Construction Materials Technologies; LLC Quality. Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01123/2023 Validated By Zachary R. Prlest,;RE'. i; Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of, Independence, FL11443 Rl' COI FL 17443 3 A Taylor 2017 Code Evai R' nnrt-wlfh nPtauc. RSSS.P.di Referenced Standard and Year (of'Standard) Standard TAS 125 UL 1897 UL580 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the•Code Year 2003 2012 2006 FA peoduct:Approvqj Method �Date Submitted, date Valldated Date Pending FBjC,,Ap pro-val Date Approved 4ummarw of Orndnr+c Method i; Option Ci 01/24/20M '02/:14/2618. 02/17/2.018, 04/10/2018 .FL# Model, Muniberor Name Description 17443.1 TCtImp, 26GA 1/2" rib K ' eight6ver 15/32"APA; plywood 11.1mits,of Use / Instaftation lnstructlons. Approved for msein HVHZ: No �.FL174-43 P 141 FL 17443 J A Taylor 2617 Code Eval Re Approved f0r.use. ou.-Oider. HVHZ:. Yes yyith DetaflW RSSS.ndf Impaet Resistant : N/A .'Yerlqiq By:.Locke, Bowden, PiE. 497 . 04- Desidii,Prewure+N%A-I29,25: CreatLd.bV'lndepehdeht Third Party..' Y6§ Other: ox. -69.25;@16r oc, mar0jr),of'safetv gyqjuation'Reports 2a with-24" max. co#ra e Instal. pormanufaciurers,'detall, A FL 17443 3 A TaVlor-2017 Code Eval, Repp _d ' wot-for, u seAnWHZSSS A . 'df Created: yIndependentI T*4 Party: Yes; SHINGLE t266A f/Z' RIB- PANELSIOCK INT.0"PREVIOUS PANELS; OVER- CDXIAPA 15/32"' MY.WPOD, :Limits* Use InstallatioriInstructiobs, Approved for 'use in 14VHZ: No- W, Approved for, use, outside "V�MZ: Yes ,IL.FL-i7443-!A'Tayfor2Ot7todi�tyal,Report t 5-W - - I .. 'V , .'.. . - Resistant Impact Res4starit'NIA. Verified BY: Locke Bowden;, P; E. 40,764 Design Pressure, +.N/A./;-105 bqIndependent Thlrq Pqrty. -Yes Ot6el;' -1050SF'M�r'g'lh.of safety'Z-1; Install per -,Creat6d Evaluation Reports ,�rnanufactu4!s details arra.lh compliance'With FBC 201716th FL.17443 III AE :FL'174413:A Taylor!26f7 Code' Eva! RepQIY Ped. Not;fo6se: ln,HVHZ. Zith b4tails fisssm 'Created by jridep6ndejATWrd: Party: Yes Eg EE PW'-Stkf4 of Mffdals ah;AAIEEO employer,, ' or' a" a0d re cords 1n:respvAF0 tO 0, Pub . iic�recqr4 requesf,-do T)bt §ehd.hILOdf9MC l 'a' , O�ai' s' '00c Y a this entj In ead,n act �6'olfte b 9 t 0 t ' . dd Statutes; �� - VO 1, 2012 questions, p.lea'se cantaffO5.0,4 7.' 395. *Fursuanr to section emafls Pro. _ Y b WIt provided - ed f J.1 Ust provide the Depaitra -Opg addrea If they hgVe _Pro�j Department or -fa On '_'11 However Ife. e d with dommunication with the S-Ofe POIICTOCOrM jf,:yod do-��it� ly a Personal. Made available to the "', /0 0 x0p ' please dlcki I(C. .70 isknoe: if 'Youa, re a IldcMe b-d& e6btjt #;5J F;A,, 03 Credit Card A* 0 .mdth Florida 8dilding Code 2017' Compliant -With: Florida. ftodutt,ApproVal: Rule # 61d20-3 Compliant dualit:V. Assurance.PrograrW PRI CONStRumbN MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY FBC Sections: IS04.3.2, 1507 Fort, Pierce. FL 34962 (772)466-4040 !jVCrimp thru4astened W.rib at each, panel edge and Ift . istener in the center ofthe panel, a4l"',riet cover4ge,,,2WAJ%STlVl A714Z4.90', OSS,.Oig 56ks(MIn., over thin. ispr,t'hlik CDX plywood deck. Corrosion Resistant fastener #1_15 T HWH Wit sealing washers,smetatto.wood.connections With fag gtfito,pefidttatbSAVI�ft riteiz in along . Ahe.crown fastener gq ktubgua Nstc. of the rib In. -the center of-panel'and. along the.16p. First fastener tope withiq V of pa ringshank- neutdges. Min..SW 'anhulat nails ,pacdd,6":O. C. reroofing, wlthless,than I9/32' plywood (min. iS/32"j,ah s attachment isto'beused iiiadditioi*t6 existing attach - . Og meAt. Mckslope 2:12 o(greater and shaltbe comp Wit with,FBC'2017 611i ed. Underlaymen.t.;See FBC 161.7 0- ed, j Sec., 1507-Tabre'IS07.1,1 "Design,kenure: I _SpacI:ngTI 49.25 PSF _129.24PSF Z6GAASTM A792G-50,,AZS5,,..018,. SOW Victorian Crimp Shingle.overlS 2C N/APA-P!Ywciodattachidto'i6dftr—Usses.— Corrosion Resistant Fastener #10 x'I" Zinc plated, MTOakak Ikeadi ifittaildd,at Zpdr,oanel.into lock seam..Panels applied with W­exposurq; adjacent shIhSles.insertediptci lock,sbam of vs.tfilhgldi' D prdvlo _Otkslope -2,12orgFeater.-and-ShalI be compliant with MIC 1017 0-ed. UnderlayMent: See FBC Z017 6T" ed., Sec. 1SO . 7-Table.AS07.1.1 **Desig n� Pressure: 1: , I .1 -10S PSF ."MMUN PRE55URE,INCLUVLE5A 5AFETIMARGINDF2.1 Reference Data: TEST REPORTS MirricartgIest Laboratory (TST-1527,),, #0224-0501'-06 TAS 115:(QL 586.041) PRI,Coilftfucltidn Materials-,Tethnologibs'(T.St-S878): MAE-023.02-01, U L.58.0-9.6/UL:1897-64' I.,UL 580-94 test standards.ore.eqpival6rit. to. Ut 58_M&te_g-$tqnddeds.. 2. IA 1897-04 test stondards are equhalkit. to UL-2,80742.test'storiddrA I irriitafinftv 1. 1.11fdorlayffient to -be, compliance with cuffent-,Florida. Building - Code. (F8C)20176TH ed.. see Ch S -,art-ISO7.1.1 I 'Minirrium sldpe to be compliant with Florida Building - Code 2617 Wi'led, and perWt -Minufad(prer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant With State of Florida product approval per Aul0 0IG26 ' -3. Compliance Method: 1--Q _0 4. En&[neerIng.analysisIf6r "project specific approval by local qut!)Qrki.es W/jurisdicti6h; is allowed by, other registered- engineers.. I S. Fire classification Mnot.'partofthis acceptance.. Shear diaphragm: values are outside this repp(t. S. Support framing - fra JngIncomplianc e w/FBC20176�:edl Chapter aSteel,Chapter23 Wood and.Chapter 16 StructuralLoadirg. YrNsx0port does not imply warrantyi, installation; recommended product use outside of this report. Certificate of lnftendence: :Locke- Bowden, P.E. does not'have, -not Will , acqU !al 1000est Fri Any company manufacturin ire aifin.onr V(Iq,(MfttiI)g0rod,.uch undeethis evaluation. A, Off 18 Ul fe', Locke.boWdqn, 0.1E.. It not qiohdd;. Operaitedi.-&- controlled, by any compari%maripfactueor, or, 1 wa 'this report seat 5 V Crimp Fastener- 49-15 corrosion resistant w/selaling washers 24" .Fastener: #9 x 15 corrosion resistant with sealing -washers, in Compliance with 2017 Florida Building Iding Code, Section 1507 Perimeter fastd ' ning: .6�'o.c. Main Field fastening'12"O.G. Panel Width:, 2.61' Panel Coverage: 24°maxim.um 26 GA Architectural! Metal Roof':panel VICTORIAN CRIMP MINIMUM 2 FASTENERS AT LOCK SEAM ) CUT 1/2 -SHINGLE ' REATESTAGGERED ERN CiRIAN CRIMP QLES .9".EXPOSURE W of D (1) 0 n x W Fastener.*I 0 x I" Zinc Plated'MTW Pancake Head