HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1381 1.~1 _. ,_.~. .__ _0" __." _ ..____.__ .._._...__.,,~_.-.._. __..i_..__......._.......___ ...____...._....___..._ __ -""___-.._________.._..______.._____..._ .____ u_____..___...______ ~ _....... __'"0 . _',_'" .,,__...~......_.._._...........~-.~......"'$.'......~_,.__._..._._.'"...._.~...~........___ -." <_........ ..' --0 -.....,..,.....: .~..-..._.-~ l0ts oare of treee, shrubbery and vines th~reon (when negleoted). 80 tar as tbe amount 001- leoted will permlt, and whioh the 8ald ~endee agree8 to pay ae one of the 0lnslde~atlon80 of theae presents; the lien of suoh assessmentu to be plaoed and oolleoted in the eame man- ner as ls provided for liens for labor and materials under the laws of the State of 'lorida 9. Garages shall be ereoted 8ubsequent to or simUltaneousl, with the oon8truotlon of the dwelling, unless permisp~on to do otherwise is first obtained in writing from said Royal Park Compsn,. Garages shall be oonstruoted of the eame material and of the same. srohiteotural d~sign as the dwellings al10 shall not In any event be used for resldential purposes exoept for the hou8ing of servants. 10. No spirituou9 Liquor sholl be sold or kept for sale upon 8ald premises. 11. Nothing In these restriotions shall be oonstrued 80 as to prevent the oonstruotion of 8ohoolo and ohurohes, or so as to prevent any physioian or dentist from pardtlolng hls profession in any relsdenoe building, subjeot, however, to all other restrlotlons herein oontained pertaining to resldenoe bu1ldingQ. l~. The oaid Rpyal rark Company, its sucoessors or assigns, shall have the right after Januar, 1st, 1933, to release any of the above or foregoing restrictlons, conditlons, or limitations by sealed instruments duly exeouted in accordance with the laws of the State of '.r .' . . Plorida, for the oonveyanoe of real estate. l3. The privilege and easement is h6reby forever reserved to soid Royal Park Com~ny, its suooessors and assigns, to erect and maintd1n poles, wlrea and other suitable equip- ment for eleotrio light, power, telegraph, telephone and other public utitlites, and to oonstruct and maintain sew~rs , water mains, and gas mains on. in and under the rear fiTe feet, and the three feet on each sloe of each lot hereby cocveyed, and for such purposes a8 well as to repalr, remo~e or r.plaoe said poles, wires, equipment, sewers and mains, sald Royal Park Company. its sucoessors aDd assigns, shall bave the right, of ingress, egress and regress ss may be necessary or convenient for all ~f anid purposes. 14. 110 struoture except a fenoe of the kind bere'nbefore described may ever be upon any part of the strips of land in these ,pre9ises over which aD easement. for public utH tly purposes bas been reserved. 15. On and af:er January 1, 1940, all of .,;he foregoing condi tlons. restriotions and limitatlons numbered from One (1) to Twelve (l~' inolusive, shall become released without any action on the part of said Royal Park Company, Its successors or assigne. And the said party of the first part doth oovenant wlth the 8aid party of the second part that it is lawfully selzed of the said premises; 'that they are free from all incumbrances " ~> (, (exoepting all taxes and all instaJ.lments of assessments for municlpel imrprovements becooing due and payable after the date of this d~ed) and that it has good right and lawful authorlty to Bell the same; and the said party of the first part doos hereby fUlly warrant the ti'le to said ltmd, Bcd wIll defend the same sgainst the lawful clalms of 811 persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHENEO' the s81d porty of the first part has caused theso presents to be signed in its name by ita Preoident and its oorporate s8al to be sffixed, attested by its ~ear above written. ROYAL P.L'lK CCUPAHY, By Waldo E. Sexton, President. Attest Slgned, sealed and de1iverea In our presenoe. Kargaret E. Rogers, Wllllam Bl~ln Wheeler. '1.60 Doo. S~ampl Cancelled. ~;/~~~i~irq;~/~~~J~~~~':;c~!~~~:;1't!;.: . -,..~ "':'\......~...~~...'" .;~.., ;t~~~- ..>;< .. i'\it'i.--..r .....~ ~ "41..- ~~~r.~~lfl~l~f~i{!;~f~t~~: -'. . .-