HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1386 1~6 ----_.~ ----- --_.-----~ ---------- -- -----.. --- -_.. --~--- - >--::-::-~.-:~, ::~:-.---~ :~,: -:-.'"::-,,;- :~-:.-.~..::' ::~-..:-::-:' .~-~:=-:-':-!-:-:~.~...:-':-_'-:.~=~.~:.'.-; .:::--:=-. .-'J:","" -,- --,.....~.. . -_' ~."'"" .'.-- 4 -.. . -V'" .' - '..- thereof to be their free aot and d..d aa 8uca offloGra, for the usee and purposes therein. mtntioned; and that the, affix.d thereto the name and .frioial seal ot sald oorp.ratton. that the .xeoution and dell.erl of thi8 deed -..authorl.ed b, the Board of Dlreotore of sold oerporation; and the 88id de.d i8 the aot and deed If eald corporation. WITlESS ml slgnatu~ and offloial aeal at Port Pieroe. in the Countl of St. Luoie and state of PloridA. the d83 and leal' last storesaia. J 01. P. Seal) llargaret E. Rogers Notal" Publio. State of 'lorlda. MY oommission explres sept. 10. 1926. (SEAL) .... " Piled and recorded thla 9 th d8.J o~tKaroh. A. D. 1926. . Of: ef S-1I. L .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , :.... P. C. Eldred. Cl~:r;k of ~ Circuit Court. ~.~: By 7 t~ rit, /tl It lA-(; D. c. . .J . --., . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '* . . . . . . . . . . . AGRREIIERT w. ~ KELLY AID .uK I. Il. MARTIN THIS AGRKEUEHlf. Made and entered inte ,on this 12th da, of ~aroh. A. D. 1926, by and between W. J. Kelll ~nd his wife, Hel.o Kelly. parties of the first part, hereinafter oalled the Vendors. and 1. M. Martin. partl of the 8eoond part. h~reinafter lalled the Purohaaer. WITDKSSBT.B: !hat for and in conslderation of the payment by the. Purohaser to the Vend8r8 / of the 8ua tf 16.000.00 cash. the reoeipt whereof is hereby cckn..ledged. and In further oon- slderation of the mutual promlses and coyenants hereln oontained. the Vendors agree to sell ~~d the PU~~~5~r agraaa to bUT the followlng described real estate. lling and being in the . . Countl of st. .~oie. Stata of Florida. to-wit: Allot.1o;s one (1) and two (2) in Seotlon ll. township 37 South of Range 41 east, except the lands formerlT oonY8yed to W. I. Allen and a strip of land containing 16 acres. ad30ining the W. I. Allen lands on the South line. from the Indian River on the West to the Atlantic OCean on th. East and far enough Souta to make the South 11ne of thls l6 aore traot parallel to the North llne. the lands here~y desoribed oonta1n1ng 19.67 aores. Also. the North 14.08 aores of lets three (8) and four (4) in Section 11. townahlp 37 south .f range 41 east. and runnlng fnm the Indian RIyer on tt3 west to the AtlaQtio Ooean on the East and so far south fro. the North line of aaid l~ts three (3) and four (4) to make or contain 14.08 aores of land. more J or le08. - V"'" for the total purchase prlce of Thlrt,-tw. Thouaand D.llars CI32.000.oo). payable a8 follewa, to-wit: .,/' ,~ 16,000.00 cash. upon the exeoutlon and d611yerl of this oontraot. tho receipt whereof Is heroby aCknowledgei bl the Vendors, which sum has been recelved as earnest money to be spplied. how.Ter. 8S a part of the purchase monel in case thls purchase Is oompleted; tl3.666 cash upon the deliyer, of warranty deed as hereinafter provided; t13,33l. by the assuaptlon of a first mortga8e now on Bald propertl. datei Aprll 18, 1924, seouring three notea of equal amount due respeotivell one. two and three leara fro. J dato. _It is understood that the sald real proport, containe 16.16 aores. more or le8s..has . frontage upon the Atlanti. OCean of 861 feet and upon the Indian ~Yer 1141 feot, Qore or 10...