HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCSTOMPS E. SMTtI!.,,.CLERK OF THE 'CIRCUIT COURT — ;SAINT LU.CIE COUNTY LE*jt!4,9.69 OR BOOK, 4121 PAGE,.87,7S�Akt*.6"AOA/17/2018' 61,:,23:55 PM IVED JUL 2 3 2018 - ST Lucie Co 7he Vridersiped hereby giveh notice that improvrmebt Florida statums t6:f*Il6 wing infbrambolp'n proyide.d in, 1. description 2. GENERAL DXSMWTIG.N OF, DIPROVEMENT:� 3. OWNER XNFORM&T' ION :-- b. Address—L0.0 0 —S. U S I SU i te . 40 d..Na= and address of fee simple ddeho;der.(if odker tb 4. CONTRACTORI-NAMA ADjDRWS AND, PHONE 5- SURkT.rS NAME,,AYDDRM AND PRO] AD D'R= AND PRO] ,7 P«soaB within.tfir: State of Florida designated. SectiohI13.13,(j)(s) I. Aoridiltztatrs4 NAM, ADDP­XW AND PHONE NUME, I R., I. In addid6rito himself.pr herselkOwner dedv NAW.ADDRPM AND PHONE NUMER.-_ g.'Expintion data of notice of eommegicern-tAll sP .20_ Chapter 713, interest in property_ Own ;Mmn.- wynne gevgiop�m_ent Corporatio n AND BOND AMOUNT.; R.. on whom aoUces rod= d6cuments*1114y"Ibe se .. as: rv;d, provided by ntl6yll :Silver- Oak. Dr. PSL., IZ FL. 20 wins to receive &.copy of thb-Licnoc!s'N66cd,as; provided inSaction I year from the date of r6cordin w I '. . ate I ,suti.lea differea,dis Matthew ty'le My-Arie, Vice-preysrjent Signature -of Owner or Prir&Name,and Preivide ftnarorya Title/Ofte Owner's AuthoriiedOffi,cerID$iector)Parbw/Ada.nager State olmorida County of at'. . Farr ja - I Th. foregoing instrument was acknowledged bef6rti,018 this of ay LY-le Wynne Las (Name of.person) (Type of au th0rftY.,,c.& bwncr, officar, trustee, attorney in f=) ElUilCling Corporaejori Z10 (NaMe of party '.*alf of1whom jnstru=t.w ona Know 0 products the following P on as executed) Pers ow of pw,ing,type ofID: a 5 33 ONS42, (Printed Maine o(Votary Public)' Y kO2O Under penaltievotpedwyldecIft that I Kava read "the ford9oihi: ad.that :the factsAn,it am el 0 �a.rq.kdowt and belief (se:664A 92.525, F I loridit Statutes); Slpatpre(o) of.q"ir(s) at Pwder(syAuthor ized Officei)D)rec6r/ftrfher/,M'axi4er whoAgnabove:. ST. By