HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1391 191 [ ,r'\ ( C H. P. Sea ) . ~ .1) , :l thls lOth day J. B. Taylor Notal" publio state of rLORIDA K1 Commission Bxpires APRIL lIth 1926. - -- .....~.__._... .---.-- -.._ ____~_. ____ _~____.n________-..____. .___ ..~'__.........._._. . .._.... ":"...._____._.....__ __ _.. __ ___.____ ____...._.._. . ---...~. ""'-..... .......,.:.,.~:. ,.>.-.... .-.r-......'..... -. ,-.'. WITHKSS lI,J hand and .ffloial Beal at ~'UART. Count7 ~f PALM SBACH and State ot 'lfrida. tale SIXTH day If OCTOBD A. D. !l~2., ~.y.) ~. ..~.. .. )~ 1 .........--: .i . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . of Maroh, A. D. 1926. P. C. Eldred. Clerk of the Circuit Court. By 7(1-.rtt.....t-:f /1/-,1;:(, D. C. ....... ...................... ROYAL PARK COIIPAJY IlARRAHTY DBKD. TO PREDERICI C. DOESCHNER. f \-. mIS INDElI'flJRE. Made this 9th day of llaroh. A. D. 1925, between ROYAL PARK CONPABY, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Plorlda. haTing ita prinoipal plaoe of business at Vero, st. Luoie County. Plorida, party of the first part, herelnafter termed the Vendor, and Pr.deriot C. Do.aohner of the Count7 of st. Luole and State of Plorida party of the Blooo4 part. hereinafter termed the Vondee, Wl'lBESSETH, that the sat d party of the firat part. for and in oonaideration of the SQm of Ten dollars and other yaluable oonaiderations Dollars, to it in hand pald, the reoeipt whereof ls hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained. 8Old, aliened. remlsed, released. c~nYeyed and confirmed, and by these presents doth g~ant. bargain. sell. alien, remise, release, 00Dye7 and oonfirm, unto the said part of the seoond part and heirs and assigns foreyer, all that certain parcel of land lyl~g and being in the County of st. Lucie and state of Florida, more particularl, descrlbed as folloVl8: Lots 2. 3. II & 12 of Block 3 of Plat No 12 o! Royal Park. according to plat recorded on page 79 of Plat B~ot 4 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of st. Lucie County. Plorida. fb TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanc9s, wlth eYery privilege, right, title, intereBt and estate, reyersion. remainder and easement thereto belonging or in any- wise apperts1nlng: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple foreyer, -.hJeot, boweyer, to the following restriotlons, condltions and limitations: It i8 ~utuall)' agreed that these presents are made sUbJeot to the fOllowing express oon- ditions, restriotlona and limitations, and which are intended to be and shall be accepted as ooyenante runnlng with the land. and whioh shall be blnding &like upon the heirs. l~gal represen~ tatlYe8 and a8s1gna of the Vendee. who by his acoeptance of this instrument agrees to abl', by and perform said restrictlons. limltations and conditlons as one of the express considerations of these presents, to-wit: 1. llo unlawful or immoral use shall be made of the premises hereby agreod to be conveyed. nor shall the same nor any part thereof. nor any interests therein be sold. leased or other- wise conYeyed to any person other than of the Caucasian race. nor shall said premises, or any part thereof. b. oooupled b, any person other than of the Caucaslan race. provlded that nothing .. Ie I hereln contained shall preyent the keeping and maintaining of servants on the 8aid property for reasonable uae of the occupants. 2. no building shall be oonstruoted or erected on sald property untll after the plana, . speoifications and location of the same shall haYe \eon approved In writing by sald Ro,.l Part Company. ita 8ucoessora or assigns. 3. no residance or bulldlf8. Including perohes or proJeotlons of any klnd. shall be erected at a le8s 41etance than ~feet~from the front line of the aboye described property. .01' at a less 4istanoe than three (3) feet from the 8i4e-llne of Bald propert7. or at a les8 dIstance than five (6) fe.t from tbe rear 11ne of sild proper\l. ~~~lv1~~rtIf~~~;~ ~~ ';~;.~ ~~:I~~.~~~~ ~~)!f;;".~~ ~~~ ~ _ :.l;:-iJ~:T~y!i\~~,~~~~ '"~ k~~~~l*~~ {:.;.~--:':-}..~:.~~~~~