HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFING..> ,��+. *1� �. jaw """+�; a ^`w�' � �'* 'c+.� w �` s+. �..1 � ,,i ,.. �.✓ -.a sue"' w : ,. .: , �y `'`��1,�*+y'�i: � M'3""i +'� �,,� ��.� ems" �•��i•�' *¢•. pg};.. ! IhRf lyidd I -upFi��t �I {i,n �.%�1 f 3�" ^� +�1� .s?►.��11� C �`� _� r...r-= s.t,.'�-..��� �,^c�`:'"` ,•v9rtY•i3aftC �aea¢1"i$a�A° naiakuivCsmgs"-eaa.'iAc�ae,BR ti re ProductApproval USER Public User' Prodod Agproval'Menu.>-Product or Application Search > ApptitatiOn List > Application Detail FL # FL17443-111, Appiicatlort Type Revision- Code,Verslon 2017 Application Status Approved' Comments Archived Product Manufacturer J.A TAYLOR. ROOFING Address/Phone/Email 302 Melton Drive. FT PIERCE, FL 34982 072) .466-4040 kylewhite228;@aol.com Authorized Signature KyleTaylor kylewh1te228@aol.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email I Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roofing Compliance Method Evaluation Reportfrom a Florida. Registered Architect or a Llcensed Florida ,professional Engineer' .Evaluation Report-.H'ardcopy Received Florida Engineeror,Architect Name=who developed the :Locke Bowden Evaluation Report. Florida License Pi:-49704 Quality, Assurance Entity- PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Quality:Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/23/2023 Validated By Zachary R. Priest, P.E. ,y{ Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Ft17443 Rf COI FL 17443 J A.Taylor 2017 Code Eyal'Reoort,with Details. Bass P.0- Referenced Standard and Year(of'Standard) Standard TAS 125' Ul-1897 UL580 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Year 2003 20i.2 2006 product Approval Method Method i, Option 1) ipate. Sqtlmitted, 01124/2018 Date Validated 02/14/2018' Date Pending FBC-Approval 0/17/2018 Date Approved 04/10/2018 Summary of Products FL # E Model, Numberor Name Description -1744371-:7 5 V Crimp 26GA 1/2" rib height over 15/32", APA :plywood Umits,of Use instailation instructions. Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved fqr:use, outside Hv - HZ: Yes FL17443 RI 41. FL 17443.1A Tayfor 2017 Code. Eval Report jjjthR impact Resistant; N/A VerifiedLo!S ckie.Bowdeni, P,'E. 49704- Design- Pressure:.: +N/A/`-jZ9,4 Created,by'lndep"e'nd'ehtThitd Party: Yd§ Other:- 129'.25 W 6" ox. -69.25 @167 ox. margin of,safety .2:1 With-247 max.-' coverage Install per'man, ufadUrer'sdie'talf, Not for- i1se" in kVHZ. `,Evaluation 'Reports R1 AE FL 17443 1 A lor�2017 Code k-yal Re RDA 8SSqgd r - Ce at4d by'Indipdrident Third Party: Yes 17.4437.2 VICrORIAN P'SHINCLE 26GA 1/2" RIB- PANELSLOCK INTOTREVIOUS PANELS; OVER CD)(/APA 15/32"`PLYWOOD 1.1mits,of. Use Approved tot use in, 1WHz: No; Approved for use outsid.a. k1V14Z-- Yes� . q ., 'Installatiominstructloillis FU7443 RI 11, Ft- 17443.1 Ataylor 200 ltodelVal, Report _.Pdf impact keilstant- N/A Depign Pressure :,+ N/A./- 105 Other, -1G5PSF'm6rj(h. of safety2: 1i Install per, .manufacturer's details and in compilande with FBC 2017,6th :ed. Not4dr Usi!:1n,HVHZ. Verified By: -Locke Bowden„ P.E. 49704 CreatOd'by:Ihdeo.e.nd.entThird Party:.Yes tvaluailon,keports 'FL17443 RI AE FL 3.7443 J A Jayfor 2bf,7 iffbde bal Rea= with Details RSSSodf Created by.Ind p n eRtThird. Party: Yes Kid EE contad Us,:,J2601 Blair Stone`Road, Tallahassee FU32399,Phone* .850-487-1824 The.Stafe,ol`Florida is anAA/EEO employer.... olyright 2007-2013Staje 9ccesslbl1ltV6Wtement:. Refund Statement Udder Florloa,la#j ornaill addresses are publl6records. If you,,do notwant your e=malladdress�refeased (n.response to a public records request do -not sepo'ilediro6ic ma I iothlsentity. .Instead, contact the,offlceby-phone orbytr,aditioriaI Mail; lfyou,have-any qUegtions ' pldase'contact85,6,467:1395. -Pursuant to Section 45S.275(2),'Florida Statutes; effective Oct0b4f 1,2012, lic6hkes:k6sed under Chapter 455, F.S, must provide the Department with an: email address It they have bne�jhe einalk pro�.Ided.maybe-used l6rofficial commudication•wl I th the. licensee. However ernall addressesare public riec6it."Ifjoui do:not wish to supply e address, pl=provide the'DepaMnept with on,gn%jl address which ca' e d - -11"you are upply a personal nb iiiia, 6 available to the'public. To determine a: llcens;6e under Chaptitr 455, F.S., ?please dick b=. P.r6duqt Approval Accepts:1 . MMMHEM Otedit(ard, 'Safe Fort, Pierce, FL 34962 (712),466-4- 04-0 Compliclilt-With Florida BUildirig Code 2017(6'ledj: I Compliant -With. Florida ProduttApordvA We # 6162.0-3 Compliant Quality . .1tyAouraince. Pr6groar.PRI CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY FBC Sections: 1504.3.2, IS07 W-Crimp thrufastened -WAb at each panel and Vistener in the centereafthe p;!OOIW'�,.rke�tco-v-era'ge-;-,-26$AASTM'- A792.04t AISS, 018 50414filn. aver -1010, 1S131`fhl&CDX- Olywood-0eck. Corrosion Resistant faitener-0-15'HWH with - sealing ,washers, ,tn6tal-to;wood:connections,Wk fA$t6htfldngthrt6- h Sj16''*r',t0b0alon g # th ,crowfate, fatten e n of the rib in the.centervf panel and: along the;14p-. First fastener totii'Withl , rt r of pohetikojeL hllh)AWV4rifiulae, ring shank, nails oatdd,6" O.0iefooflipgo withless:than 19/32*7 pl od is t6'.be, Ono indddidoin to existing, attachment-YIWO . Deck' -slope and shalUbe comp iant with .p greater and sh thTSC2017 01 ed. Underlayrrierit;.SgeIBC2017 61", ed,, Sec. I507 161$141567.1.1 "Design0ressure: I .__;Spacin g: ' Corrosion Resistantfastener#Wx V'Zineplated, MM�Otirttake:*Oo,adi,ihttall6d at Z;per panel into lock ,seam. 'Panels applied With-12" exposurgi adjacentshingles.insetted into lotkiseam Of previous shingle. `,orgreater-andshall' e higlei 'Deck slope V12 -h comolli3nt.witivFgt2017614-Lid.'Ohdo Vrn#jjt:,SeeFBqZ0j7,sTi1 " ed6jSbc..1S07Table:1507AA Reference Data:. TEST REPORTS HUrricarfe1est Laboratory(TST-1527) #02M-001�06 US 18,101. 580-0414 .Pkt,Cbiistrijtddn,.Katerii3ls;Tethnolog!es'(TST4878)#FAE-093.0-01 tic .580-06/UL 1897=64? 1. UL.580-.94teststandards.ore,equivateni'taiJL'580-06:test istaii#qr#$., Z,UL 1897-04 test standards are equivalent to iAA99A-121eAAdhddtdi 1. tiode0a nt-Flofid' Building Code'(F13C)201-7-67t ed—see. Chart,15071.11 ymeritto be, compliance with curre a 2. Minimum niurn slope to be compliant with: Florida Building Code.20.7 6*-ed.,.and per ,with "Woufacturer's 'Anst0ation reference. 3. 'Pea ducts are compliant. With State of Florida product approval per RU16 61U0-3. `Complianee Methdd.,I=EY 4. er0ineering-ana!pisi for" "project specific approval by w/jurisdictiortis; allowed by.other re iste,d, - P 9 , re engineers. S. Fire classification i,s`notpart,of this acceptance, Shear diaphragm, values are oUtsidethis report. P.. Support-frami W/FRCZ017 61k ed-, Chapter 21.Steel,Chapter-23 ..-Wood and,.Chapter 16 Structural. -Loading., 1. TKWre ort.dodsn' "I'-warrantY, Installatlon- recommended productuse outside of this report. COrtilitate of Independence:. ;Locke: Bowden, P.E. d6esmothave, not will aC44tte 010001interest In .any company ,manufacturin�?(1411,�!Pus'log or0000t under'lihis evaluation. Of Locke-Sowdo, P-li-#s*lldt,d*hdo,,operat0ddt.control[Od'.byany,company, manufacturer; -or' I W ;this report. 1 91 C-drnp. Fastener- 49-1 5 corrosion resistant W/soalirig washers 24" coverage Fastener: #9 x 15 corrosion resistantwith sealing washers in Compliance with 2011- Florida Building Code, Section 1.507 Perimeter faste.n.ing; 6"o.c. Main Field fasteningil"o.c. Panel Width: 26" Panel Covera,g6: 247rhaxirhum 26- GA Architectural, Metal Roof,panel VICTORIAN CRIMP SH LO i MINIMUM '2FASTENERS F4stener*10x1ff A,TLOCK SEAM Zinc Plated.lIi1TIN. Pancake Head CU T I . T W -SHINGLE REATESTAOGERED ERN DkIAN'C91W GLES 9",E-XPO$URE