HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL&hNNEQj my 4 rld, 1.1 2-2 ii '13CIS Home % Log In UwRegistr bon 1!0t Topics 1. Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications ]l FBC.Staff 1: ZCISSlteMa a P links Search Product"Approvall USER'. 1!ub11c,Usw Product 6npnml Menu FL #' App1w tlun:Type Code Version* Application -Status; Comments Archived Product Manufaidbrer Address/Ohdne/8rnall, Authoozed, Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email .Qypilty. Assurance Representative. Address/Phone/Emall' Category. Subcategory Compliance Method BRI12ft "i.�Applicnldunmetajl FL17443-Rl Revisibil 2017 Pending FBC Approval: E0 ).A TAYLQlk ROOFING 302; Mpit9n,Plive :Fr PIERCE, FL-34982 (7721460-4040� 4leWhite228@aol.cbm- 'Kyle Taylor kylewhite226Ca).aol.corn Roofing Metal Roofing; .Evaluation, R.epoft.frorn a Florida Registered Architect or a Ucensed Florida Professionartngirtedr EVai.ldatlolh. Rei:iq!t--. Hardcopy RecdlVed Florida . Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Locke 13owdefi, Evaluation Report Florida License I P9-419704 Quality, Assurance Entity PR1 Cons tiction Materials TeqhnQjog(eSz LLC-r 1 1.--tt Quality ,Assurance 'contr.a,ct.EXpiration Date 01/44/2023 Validated By Zachat* R. Prie PX; W Validation ChL-ckllst;-7Hardc#py:Rede1ve0 Ceftificate of Independence 171.17443 R C01 FL 1-7443 I A Taylor 2017"Cade Eval Report with Detail Referenced Standard.and Year;(of. Standard) WAR& XM US US 2003 UL 1897 .2012 U08o 2006 Equivalence of Product'§tandwds CeftJfled By Sections from, the Code Product Approvai Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted U1/24/2018 Date Validated02/14/2018 Date Pending FBC Approval, 02j.0/2018 Summary of•Products r FC # Model, Number or Name Description 17443.1 5 V Crimp I 26GA 1/2b rib height over 15/32`APA plywood: Limits:of Use Installation Instructions Approved for -use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside' HVHZ: Yes FL17443_R _U 'EL 17443 1 A Taylor 2017-Code Eval Regort with Details RSSS,pjf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By:,Locke.Bowden, RE, 49704 Design Pressure- +N/A/-129:2S Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other.:-129.25 6" o.c. -69.25 @167` c: margin of safety Evaluation Reports :2.1 with, 24" max: coverage Install per -manufacturers detail. FL17443 Qb��_FL.17443-J A Taylor 2017 Code Eval Rem Notfor use ln.HVHZ. witih Details RSSS.pd 'Created by Independent' Third Party; Yes 174412 _ VICiORIAN CRIMP SHINGLE 26GA'1/2a RIB- PANELS LOCK INTO PREVIOUS PANELS; OVER CDX/APA.15/32" PLYWOOD Limitwof Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ; No F1 ]J 43J31_dI_FL 17443 3 A Taylor 2Q17 Code E01 Reoait with Details RSSS:pd� Approved for.use outside' HVHZ:; Yes Impact Resistant• N/A Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 40704 Design Pressure. +N/A/ 105 Other:-105PSF margin: of.safety�2..,Install per ;manufacturer's details.=and incompliance with;FBC 2017 6th 'ed. Not for use In'HVHZ.. Created by Independent Third, Party; Yes Evaluation Reports; PL17443_91, AE FL 174431ATaylor2617 Code Evil Reps, with Detail"s RSSS.Of Created by- Independent Third Party. Yes Contact Us ;; 2.601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:-.850-487.1824' The S[atecof Florida Is an,AA/EE[) employer.; fQ Vright'2007-2013 Sfafe of Florida.: rf3lvacv Statement :c Accessibility Statement :::Refund Statement .. _, . Under Florida Iaw; email addresses are publk records; If you do -not yrant your,e-malladdress released in:response to a public -records request, do noasend electronic entity Y yp y'q p act 850.487.1395: 'Pursuant to Section mall to this entl ' :Instead; contact the office by phone ar b tredltional maO.;If ou have an uestlons, lease coma 45S.275(i) Florida Statutes; effedlve October 1 2012,11 censeesdlcensed under Cha ter455 F.S. must provide the D artmeni withan email'aadress if they.have. :one. The emalis. provided may be,used.for official communication with the licensee. However emall. addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply:a personal addrres%. please provide the Department.with.an' email address which can bwmade avallabte to the,publte. To determine;if you are a licensee under Chapter45S, F.S., please.dick here Prodact Approval Ac"PtS:. R Y. R t t Approvall11 Coenpllant with Florida Wilding Code Z01T (6h e Com 116fiewith Florida Pcotluct p Approiral Rula�#,� Cornpliani` Quality Assurance Program PRI CQN5 _ F9C 5ectivnsi 1 2,, 50Z, , ,_ .. ...X . ., min over m1n.15/32" thick CLIX plywood des connections: th fastener, length to.penetrat( and along the lap First fastener=to bd:within with less than 10-01" p( rood'(min orgreater andshall be coriipliarit With' FBC:2il 302 Milton Drive ny Fort'Pi[C7eyye,/;�F6L63/4�/9�1fi�/�� y r 20-3 ICnON'IlMATERIALS TECHNOLOGY ►` Plywood NON4iVHZ T fastener In -the center of•the panel, 24" net coverage, 24GA OR 26GA Sion Resistant fastener #$-19 I�WH with sealing washers, metal to wood tru substrate xFasten along the°crown of'the rib In the center of panel 7. al edges' ;MIn 8bx2" annular ring shank'rtaiis spaced 6" Mt. reroofing, raiment is to be used , addition.to,!xisting attaichmi i Deck slope 2:12 :-linderla ent,see FSC 4617 61� ed. It 1507 Table 1507A.1 s Pressure:. S cing3 15 PSF . , . • 36 O C 24GA,.'OR 266A; min Plywood attached ta` roof trusses: Corrosion iteslstaiit Fastener#i10 x;Z" 2inc plated, MNif Pancake dead, installed at 2 peroanel into lockseam Panels applied with 12A exposurE, adjargnt shingtes inserted Into Pock wain of previous;shMgle4 peck slope z 12 or greater ai d'shali kte compliant with u r. FSC Z017 6 ed:;tlndertayment .See FBC 2017 6r" ed ; Sec.'i50TTable;;15071.1 m _ : - s gn Pressure _ • r *,:' � � ;:--,_•*DEStGIV PStlRE)NCiUDESASA�'EI"YM�IRGIN.Of2•Z - .. ce Dabi _ TESTREPQRTS - zF ereii Hurricane TestCaboratnry{TS1 1527jr ii022d-tiS01.06; 4/i5:125:(Ui,580-941) ... PRi Construction Materials 7echnolog%s {TST 5878jl� #iFAE-Q2U2-p1 - UL 580-06/111.,1897=U4z r, s 1. UL 58"4.-test standards ore equivalent raVL 58"6 fest_sianddrds µ t. 2. Uk 897. 04 teststandar'ds pre`egtiivaJentto UL 1897.12 teststarirf� rds Limitations 3 tlnderiayment to`lae compliance with current Florida Building Code (Fi3C�Z017 6n{ ed see Chart1507.1`1 - 2 ' 4nimum slope to be compliant with Fiorida Building Code 2017 61hred , and_pervuith Manufacturer's installation reference. 3 Products are compliant with Sthte';of Florida product apptovai per Rule .61GZ0-3..Coance Method: 1-D 4 Eng neenng analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities w/jyrisdi6tion s'allowed by other registered engineets a ; 5 Fire-,`ciassifica"_tion is fiat partof this accepta*e Shear diaphragm values are outside this report., fi Support framing fin compliance w/FBC 2Q17 6 ' d , Chapter 22 Steel; Chapter.23 Waoci and Chapter 16Struciural Loading. 7 Tbis report;iioes fiat impiywarrahty,_instaita ion, recommended p oductuse ouisldi o#this"report. • eer flcate-of lndependence - Locke BoHrden, P.E: does not ,µhave, not wilt aixluire a.flnanclal interest in any company ttiitnufacturing or - distributing products under thls evaluatcon Locke 8owtlen, P E ig not oWned, operated,`Or controlled b ���ttittrr nafaeturer, or distributingproducts under••this - w,, report t �CEN c * �, /s ai ��. No :41 r •' ► .. + STATE OF 4 V N �P Fastener: Wx 15 corrosion resistant with sealing washers in Compliance with 2017 Florida Building: Code, Section 1507 Perimeter fastening: 6"oc. Main Flold.f6st6ning 1 2`b.c. Panel Width: 26" Panel Coverage:. 24"maximum 26'.GA Architettural Metal Roof panel MIMMUM 2 FASTENERS ATLOCK SEAM I CUT 1.1? SHINGLE REATESTAGGERED ERN AAN CRIMP 3LES VICTORIAN.CRIMP Fastener.*10 x 1"' 'Zinc Plated MTW Pancake Head