HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEYI M` S t CANNE9 . By b UND NAIL IN PJARE CUT LOT 9 (VACANT) FOUND IR UNNUMBERED (0-89'IN 4k D-Ors) LOT 27 (VACANT) 8.2' FOUND IR UNNUMBERED—, (0.24V & 0.62'N) -RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE W b 0 b P 0 0 z LOT 8 LOT 7 (OCCUPIED) .(OCCUPIED) WE ri-------- L-4 U- Oj PPIC 1. ' TANK C411 0. WOOD DECK & &3❑ POOL 3 POOL tn L_C��ONQDECK� WOOD FENCE7 X 18.0 ON= FON-90ARDS -UM W IF F01111-50AW 0"Alm SHIM! DIRT DRIVE NOT 51i0WN LOT 26 LOT 25 0 NIc. 1 (TYP.) - 17.8 17.9' V_ 31.5' CMP I -4� t 6 (VACANT) LOT 24 (OCCUPIED) FOUND IR UNNUMBERED (0-51V & 0.46'S) ig 860.04!(C) 860.00'(P) DAMOO DR= 051Y RIGHT -OF -WA'* 17.8 17.87 SOO-00-00-E �17 T_ -16 '(P) 1550.08!(C) 50.00 21Y ASPHALT PAVEME14T RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 0HU CHU NOn 1) Reproductions of this map we not wild without the signatureand original raised seat of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. DBSCRIPTION 2) Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office far rights -of -way, easements of record, ownw,dilp. abandonments, dead restrictions, or Murphy Ad Deeds. This information should be LOTS 25 AND.26, BLOCK 86 OF PLAT OF'INDIAN RIVER obtained through- appropriate title verification.- ESTATES UNIT NINE AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, AT PAGE 3) Underground foundations and Improvements vei not located as part of this survey. 4) The lost date of field work was July 16. 200& 74 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 5 The center line of Bamboo Drive to assumed to bear SDOWOTE. and all other bearings shown eon qMY00" 1140reto- 0,9­,'' uig ofid dief6ceie"shiiien hemah are based an Plat and field measured Information. 7) Shi"k existing an this property not permanent structures and not shown on this site plan. 8) Said property Is located within a Rood Zone Designation . with a base flood elevation of 17 feet, by the Pod" Emergency Management Agency. on Road Insurance Rate Map No. 12111QD281 G with an effective date of November 4. 199Z for Community No. 12028% In St. Lucie County. Florida. 9) ElevatIons shown hereon are based on the F.11O.T. Benchmark 1-95 85 A 29 RM r with a. published devotlon of 50-16 fact, based on the N.C.V. Datum of 1629. 10)Thi specific purpose of this Survey Is to as-bult the existing Farm Boards and show them set back to the property lines. 111) Boundary Information shown hereon is based an a Boundary Survey performed by George M. SPECUIC PURPOSE SURVIRY JOB No.: Aylor. Jr.. job number 11403-99. dated March 31. 1999. 7 FILE- JOHNSON.dwo PREPARED FOR DATE: 7-21-03 IL SCALE- 1"=30' DAVW & )RCHEII.E. JOHNSON BCS DATE MICHAEL T. OWEN, P.S.M. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 5556 DRAWN: BCS; GRAPHIC WALE 19 FEET jam 0 Found Iron Rod FFE = Finished Floor Elevation R/W = Right-of-:Wdy Centerline CONC. = Concrete A = Central Angle R = Radius L = Arc Length h PSM = Professional Surveyor & Mapper ELEV= Elevation TRAV= Traverse .12.0 = Existing Grade Elevation TYP = Typical CATV= Cable Television A/C = Air Conditioner *CBS = Concrete Block Structure OHU = Overhead Utilities = Wood Power Pole CMP = Corrugated Metal, Pipe NGVD= National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1FDOT = Florida Department of Transportation V "\ = Typical Elevation 9 o Ilk Rm FOUND PK NAIL & DISK UNNUMBERED Sheet 1 of 1