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for the purpose of renounoing. relinquloblng and oonv~ying ~l her rigbt. title and interest,
whether of dower.. homeatead or of separate propftrt,y. statutory or equi tabe, in and to the 1 !lhds
desorlbed therein. and that aha exeoutad the said deed froely and voluntaril,. and without an,
oompulslon. oonstralnt. apprehension 01' fear of or from her oald husband.
WITNESS my hand and official seal at Vero. County of st. Lucie and state Florida.
of Uaroh A. D. 1925.
Ch6tJter C Gow.
Botary Publlo, state of Florida at Large
My Commidalon Expires Februar,y 21. 1929.
D. 1925.
C. El~red, Clerk of ct. Ct.
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!HIS IBDEN~ Uade this 9th day of Uaroh A.D. 1925, between ROYAL PARK COMPANY.
a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida. havlng its principal place of
business it Vero st. Lucie county. Plorida. party of the first part. hereinafter termed the
Vendor, and Frederick C. Doesoruler of-the County of St. Luoie'and State of Florida party of
the seoond part. hereinafter termed the Vendee.
WITNESSETH, that the laid party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum
of Ten Dollars and other valuable oonsiderations Dollars, to it in hand pRid the receipt where
of is hereby acknowledged. has granted. bargained, sold. aliened. .emised, released. conT~yed
and confirmod, and by these presents doth grant. bargain. sell. alien, remiee, release, convey
and confirm unto the said part of the seoond part and heirs and assigns forever, all that cer,~
tain perc~l of land lying and being in the County of St. Lucie and S~ate of Florida, more
. "
particularly described ae follows:
Lots 4 and 10 of Block 3 of Plat #~2 ~f Royal Park, accordlng to plat recorded
on page 79 of Plat Book 4, in thG office of the Clerk of the Circuit CQurt of
St. Lucie County, Plorida.
TOGETHSR Wr?H all the tene~ente. hereditaments and appurtenances. _th every privilege,
right, title, interest and estate. reTersion, remainder and easement thereto belonging or
in anywi.. appertaining" TO HAVE Afro TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever, subJeot. however.
to the following reatrlctions. oonditions. ~nd limitations:
It is mutually agreed that these preac~te are made ~ubjeot to the following express condi-
tions , re&trictione and limitations. and which are Intended to ~e and shall be acoepted as
covenants running with the land. and which shall be bindi~g alike llpon the heirs, legal repre-
sentatives and assigns of the Vendee, who by his acceptanoe of thiB instrument egrees to abide
by and perform sold restrictions, llmitatlons and oonditionsas one of the expross considerations
of theee prosents, to-wit:
1. No unlawful or immoral uee shall be made of the premise8 hereby agreed to be oonveyed,
nor ohall the Bame.or any part thereof. nor 8ny Intereste tberein be sold. leased or other-
wise conveyed to an, person othar than of the Caucasian raoe. .or shall s~ld premises. or any
part th~reof. be oooupied by any person other than of the Caucasian rsce, provided that nothing
hereln oontained 8hall preTent the k~eping end maintaining of BerTan'. on the sald property
for reasonatle use of the oooupants.
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