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2.. No bulldlng ahall bo oonstruoted 01' Greoted on sa14 property untIl. aftc-r the plane
opoolfioations and looatlon of the ssue ehall have been cpprove4 in wrlting by Ba14 Royal
Park Company, its auooeS80re or aS81gns .
3. No reeldenoe or bui14ing, inoluding porohes or projeotions of any kind, shall be ereo-
ted at a les8 d1stanoe than ,../ :teet from the front 11 ne of the aboTe descri bed property, or
at 8 less distance than three (3) feet from the side line of said property, or at a le88 d1s-
tanoe than flTe.fee1i (6) from the rear line of sald propert~...,.JZ'f-'Jt{.,lIl("Li'" "d(J".~It;../.....,.,..v
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4. ~o buildlnge excep' 88 provided In the following list showing charaoter of buildlng
and minlmum cost shall be oonattuQtea on an~ lot desoribed in ssid list, to-wit:
(Desorlptions are according to Plats of Royal Park Subdivisions.recorded in the office
of the Clerk of the Circult Court of St. Luoie County, Plorida. ).
Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, of Block 1, Single residenoe $4,600i or duple. flat or dcuble house
$8.000i or apartments $12,000.
Lots 7 to 14 inoluaive, of Block I, Single residenoe only $4,600.
Lots 1 to 8 inolusive, and Lots 14 to 24 incluaiTe, of Block ~. 81n81e residenoe only
Lots 1 and Lots l3 to 17 inclusive, of Blook 3, Singlft residence. t4,500i or duplax flat
or double houea '8,000i or apa~tments $12,000.
Lots 8 to 12 inolusive, of Block 4, Singl~ resiceDoe $4,600i or duplex flat or double
house $8,OaOi or apartments .12,000.
Lots 7,8 aDd 9 of Blook 6, Single residence only $3,600.
Lots 10, 11 and 12 of Block 5, singl~ resldence $3,60Gi or duplex flat or dou~le house $8,
OOOi or apartments '12,000.
All lots In Tract A. single residence only $5,000.
All lots in Block 14, single residenoe only $5,000.
All Lots in Block 16 Single residence only $6,000.
Lots 33 to 4l inclusive, of Blook 16, Single residenoe only $5.000.
Lots 28 to 32 incluelve, of Block 16, single residence t5.000i or duplex flat or double
heuse $lO,OOOi or apartments or hotel $16,000.
Lots 1 to 19 Inolusiv~, of Blook l7. Single residenoe ~5,000; or duples flat ta,OOOi or
40uble house $lO,OOOi or apartments $15,000.
Lots land 3 of Block 18, Slngle resldence $6,000i or duplex flat ~8,OOOi or double house
$lO, 000; or apartments or hotel $15,000.
All Lots in Tract D. fronting on Royal Palm Boulevard, single residenoe $6,000i or duplex
flat $0,000; or double h~se $10,000; or apartments or hotel $15,000.
Lots 1 to 19 inoluslve of Blook 19, single resider.ce $5,000i or duplex flat $8,000i or
double house $lO,ooOi 01' apartments tl5,OOO. provided that ~ots 1 and 2 may also be used
fo; hotel PurpOS68~
Lot 1 and Lots 27 to 48 Incluslve. of Blook 2l, Slngle r681dence $5.000. or duplex flat
$8,000; or do~. hcnse $lO,OOO; or apartments $15.000. Provided that Lote l.47 a~d 48 may
aleo be use4 for hotel purposes.
Lots 1 to ~ IncluslTe of~look 22, single residenoe $6,000; or duplex flat $8,OOOi or
double house $lO,OOOi or apartments tl6,000.
Lot 25 of Blook 24, Slngle residenoe only t6,500i
Lots 26 and 27 of Blook 24 Single resldenoe 16,600; 01' duplex flat te,ooOi or double
house $10,000; or apartments $16,000.
Lot. 24 to"26 Ino1u81ve, of Block 3~ 8ing1e re.14enoe $6,000i or duple. flat $e,OOOi or
double house 110,000; or apartments or hotel 116,000.
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