HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1403 203 u - ..: :;:;:;:..~--.-;:--:- :-...:-- -:-:::..-::.- :-:::::-:-:::~--:-:-:.~'.H. -. -~W-:,-.::-::-:~.=--:::--:- '::~:::~::::-.'-.::-,::::::- ..~::;---::-::-:-;--:--.;-:--:-:--::.-- ~:.-_.-:. -:--:----. -:'.:''- -. ,. . 'iled eoorded thls~e 9th day ot Karoh . A.D. 1926. ~ /1 ............................................................................... o P.O. Bldred. ClerkClroul t Court. By( . . 0 - , :.,./-1'..., .../.1" (,,/, .~ .; ,r..- /0.:;', ./c__.. D.C. / ROYAL PARK COUPANY. to ll'REDERICK C. DORSCHNER. WARRAN'l'f DEED. I[ ~HIS'INDEN1URE, made thi8 the 9th day of Uaroh. A.D. ]925. between ROYAL PARK COMPANY, a oorporation existing under the laws of the State of ~lorida, having its principal place of bueiness it Vero, st. Lucie County. Florida. party of the first pert. hereinafter termed the Vendor, ond Prederick C. Doeschner of the County of St. Lucie and State of Florida party ot the seoond part. heTeinafter termed the Vendee, WITNESSE!H that the said party or the first part for and in conslderation of the sum ot Ten Dollars and other valuable oonsiderations Dollars to it in hand paid. th~eoeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, allened. remised, r61eased, oonveyed and confirmed, and by ~hese presents doth grant. bargain. sell, alien, remise. release, convey and oonfirmunto the said part of the second part and heirs and assigns forever, all. that certain parcel of land lying and being in the County of st. Lucle and Stat,of Florida. more particularly described as follows: Lot 17 of Block 1. of Plat 1I0 #2. of Royal Park, according to plat recorded on page 79 of Plat Book 4, in the office of the Clerk of the Circult Court of St. Lucie County. Plorida. Together with all the tenement&, hereditaments and appurtenances, with every privilege right, tltle, interest and estate, reversion. remainder and easement thereto belonging or in I: I anywise appertainlng: TO HAVE AnD TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. subjeot however to the following restrictions.c~nditionB, and limitatlons. It is mutually agreed that these presents are made subjeot to the following express con- ditions restrictions, and limitations and which Bre intended to be and ehall be accepted as covenan~s ranning with the land. Bnd which shall be binding alike upon the heirs, legal re- presentatives and assigns, or the Vendee, who by his aoceptance of this instrument agrees to abide by and perform Beid reatrictlons. limitationr and conditions BS one of the e~)ress con~ : f..,. l; Biderati~n8 of these pr~sents. to-wit: 1. 110 unlaw!ul or immoral use shall be made of the premla8s hereby agreed to be con- veyed. nor shall the same nor aby part thereof. Dor any interests therein be sOld,leased or otherwise conveyed to any person other than of the Cauoasian race. nor shall said premises or any part thereof, be occupied by any person other than of the Cauoasian race.prpvided that nothing herein oontained ahall preTent the keeping and maintaining of servants on the Bald property for reasonable use of the oooupanta. . Z. No building shall be constructed or ereoted on said property uAtil after the plans speoifioations Bnd looation ot the 88me shall have been approved in writing by said ~oyal Park Company, it. sucoessors or asdgna. 3. ~o r~sldenoe or bulloing, including porches or pro;eotions at any kind. shall be erec- ted at a less distanoe thab 25 feet from the front llne of the a~ove described pr.perty, or at a les8 distanoe than three (3) feet from the slde lIne of 8ald property, or at a less dis- tance than five (5) feet from the rear llne of sSid-property. Steps to porches may extend over the bullding line. ! . qf~~~~~i~i!~i{t ~ t .. . ~~ -. . ~ _~.~~.~~f.~{.:~~:~;:~~.:~{~';:~i'-.; - ,.". ., ';'-;S''l\-.:-. ""f~~c,. n .'. :\,~1t~i~l:{~~]: