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•y. MOD 9JI4 Alunoo alanj •43 4110R1Nedea 6mlllw.lad Owl ..0 330 A GaA137311 Project Data Project Name: Laberge residence Street Address: Lot 2, Eden's Refuge City: Port St. Lucie County: St. Lucie State: Florida Scope of Work New One level CBS Single Family residence with loft ©O O -- o Hl 811 11'-211 111 2rr l L L-4 34 -1 o Pad C HB 25 ety Safety L-1 o o �* HR w" w� Glass Bdrm.2 � Bdrn1.3 1900 0 00 coo•o o•as - o n r•� a - o 91 A 11 Cing. 0 9'4" clng _ d.w. .,/; �/yq I Load o0 1 'n 46�„ a Q 1 n 6-8 /� " 1 u -2 2 i 4 r 2 4 2 n r n� /� 141� r ( 3 (�Wt o e" r n 2 4 -10 r u 5-6 r n r" 1- 7-8 `o o ~ 18� X� [� .. 0 .1 � C� Y11 5080 t� l 2080 eat Cing, 36 ❑ `O N 0 Range & ` 22.5 x Attic Ace. N water Softner 91-4" O Exh. Hood o - ..� " d. 23 s� O Cing. $ Kitchen Great Room "-1 ��/ X cv - x? Cn Lea Sloped Ceiling ®r Sloped Ceiling - ++ ^• o API - l G �� l��l�v 9r�1 ❑ ench Cing _ UN 91-4a �.�r, Cing. 2880mb Pocket p HB 1 0L m V 4 O2l• � + O -in ❑ Z$ 2$80 ❑ -1 �r1n ) �q 1`� �V r 01 -2 1T-5 5r_10 3_13 31-10" 51_6r1 1.4r a� 4x4pt Colrrmn - o ' o Office <n O °° 25 s.h. Egress e ❑ .r 91-411 Cln�l N ❑ �t v •. Q t' °g (2) 2 x 12 YYii�eF cold 3080 aster Bdrm. L-3 Frenc 288CO) jam° (4)ply2 p.L x4 suds Limits of Flat Cing, te Pad Out chnn. ;p flush to LVL 9'-4" Cln g' o o o LVL,Beam A.C. w.h ins ate c Wal • ` (3) Risers & • OF f r q Cond. Ballard lfnergy Code to _ L-2 0 Garage 508010� 14�') Handrails 6i Guardrails l °O ~ 3080 8'-6" " Wood Deck 15 -1 Cing• Clf�/�/('1 /�• ¢ N "1 �o pada Garage 9'4" Cing. � L7 � ❑• El MIMI IO � C•7 ❑' ❑ from F.F.E. ��, 5 L_ l 3080 Dr. & L- -,5 L-1 L-6 (2) 25 2 14" Ten (? Sidelites s Entry 6 x 6 p.t. clean. s.h. HB Sloped wrap with 1 x N Ceiling cedar (2) 2 x 10 Beam o ~ 22'-8" Wood Deck Wrap with 1 x Cedar 00 Wood Cing. (] 0 16080 Overhead 4'-0" 1 16'-0t1 Floor Plan scale: 1/4" = P-0" 24'-0" u 4'-0" 5'-0" T-2" 1 T-2" 1 5r_211 51_2" 1 F-211 1 51-2" 1 5'-2" 1 T-10" 10'-4" 101 All P 81-0" T-511 44'-Ott Q1 011 1i 52'-0" tion 9 s.f. F:3,843 s.f. �1C CcLI C S�4 s.f. s.f. n'�'�K alc-cr 3 s.f.CAC Building Code Design Loads Roof Live Load: 30.0 p.s.f. Floor Live Load: 40.0 p.s.f. Wind Speed: 163 MPH Wind Importance Factor: 1.0 Building Category: H Wind Exposure: C Internal Pressure Coefflcent:.18 Structure Designed: Enclosed Soil bearing capacity: 2000 p.s.f. Guardrails & Handrails: 200 lb. Point Loading Guardrail In Fill Components: 50 lbs. PLF 2017 Florida Building Code: Residential 2014 National Electric Code NFPA 70 Building Data Occupancy Type: Group R Construction Type: V Flame Spread Index & Smoke Developed Index Insulation Flame Spread: Not to exceed 25 Insulation Smoke Developed Index: Not to exceed 450 Wall Finishes: Not greater than 200 Ceiling Finishes: Not greater than 200 Climatic & Geographic Design Criteria Weathering: Negligible Termite Area: Very Heavy Safe Load Table Notes L All values based as minimum 4" nominal bearing Exception: Safe loads for unfilled Ulirnels must 6 1/S". 6e0by 20% if bearing ingthis less it= 2. N.R. -Net Rate 3. Safe loads are superimposed allowable loads. 4. One V rebar am, be substitated falwo k5 rebar in 8 inch Ulimels only. S. All safe loads in units of pounds per laic foot 6. All safe leads are based on simply supported span 7. Safe load ratings based on rational design analysis per ACI 318 Bad ACI $30, u�Famd� 1-r s—F T16-1B/1T s."a,xts� a.:d rwrp Lintel Type Designation Cast Crete Lintel Schedule Installation Notes 1. ultmllation mild betels mustCOnlp}y wield auChiteuumi antic swconal drawing. 2. U binds can be field net to the required Iwo. 3. Ont in place mnecete may be provided in composite u lineal l lieu of conaUe masonry unit& 4. The extedor surface AN lintels installed in aderior Marsala masonm%yr shall haveacoathlB other o Kiev Wolinn& with ASTM G926 or other 5. Coecmte masonry aim used a Composite U Hotel shall be midm a ruining bond, 6. Sbore composite lintels as required. 7. U lintels are manufachual wills a 512" long LLomh at bode ends m aaomodare venial cell reafotcia8 and Composite U Lintel Materials I.Gmat per ASTM C476 with mmrimum 3/8 mohaggcegateand anal inch sllrm;. 2.RebarperASTM A615 Grade60 3. Comm masonry aim (Geld) pcASTM (,5o vrim minimum net area compressive sbm0 -1900 psi 4, Mortar per ASTM C70 Type M or S All ad.o. M 1w 8G r..•r. An ...:.. MARK LENGTH OF LINTEL. ALLOWABLE GRAVITY LOAD APPLIED GRAVITYLOAD ALLOWABLE UPLIPPLOAD APR® UPLIFT LOAD BEAMSPE05. L-1 V-6- 6113 926 2724 934 8F16-IB/IT -2 4'-8" 9311 722 4594 605 8RF35-IB/1T Ir4 5'-10" 4360 801 2093 875 8F16-1B/1T I�5 7'-&" 1568 801 1135 875 8RF14-1B/2T 7-8- 1843 794 1133 782 8F16-1B/iT L-7 T-2" 1 2459 1 1013 1 1462 1 835 1 8RF14-IB/2T L-8 174" 2047 550 8721 150 1 8F38-IB/1T 1.19 5'-10" 1 4360 1 550 1 2093 1 150 1 8F16-1B/IT Mim. Beam depths shown, beams may be increased without comment At Lintels larger than 24" provide (1) #4 vertical rebar at 24"o.c. along length of lintel comer bars at beam (outside only) (2) comer bars at footing (mia) - vet dowel lapped with wall reinforcing, all laps 25- (ma.) in grout filled a0 all comer bars to "a same sia, number, and spacial as horizontial bars in footing, beams, and walls Corner Reinforcing Detail co co HON M Con w W "v.rn z a � r �i `" o0 t` 4) -o �z� A 3 0 rn Cn W o h � qqr�' O) Cn 03 pip U�^ �/CC�3, N �1 �J 00 M W � U A O �" z W o w U z W A Q 0-4 W w z a w a H z W � w O CIO date revision 6/5/18 plan Review _ Comments I1/12/1 Pushed �A�1 E Added Stair Plan and New Section drawn � sL O checked sl. daze = 11112117 O Scale, L as note > job member fA w lson � sheet O U A-1 E COPy REVISION v U LL �rrsr r NOISIn3?l MOD 911I-4 Connector Schedule Troy Bearing Point Truss Uplift ConnectorConoawr ID uplift Fasteners 17 1618 BETA20 1 1810 (9)10d x 1 12' A02 11 641 MTS18 I 1000 (14) lOd x 112• 16 1325 BETA20 1 1810 (9)10d x 1 12' A03 10 795 MTS18 1 1000 (14) IOd x t I2" 16 475 BETA20 1 1810 (9)lodx112• A04 10 798 MTS18 1 1000 (14)10dx 1 bT 17 1023 BETA20 1 1810 (9) 10dx 1 1/2'CO3G 12 1633 MTS18 2 2000 (14)10dxIW"per strap 16 615 HETA20 1 1810 (9)10d x 1 12• C04G 11 2145 HIS20 2 2900 (20)10d per strap All other trusses ALL 1000 MTS18 1 1000 (14)10d x 1 1P2" to Frame All other trusses ALL 1810 BETA20 1 1810 (9)10d x 1 12" to CBS Supporting (4) IOd Valley F1°�g <250# VTCR 1 370# valley (3) 10d x 1 1/2" Trusses Truss Connector Schedule Developed from the Truss Placement Plan and Engineering from East Coast Truss Job Number J33917 Dated 3/22/18 Connector Notes: Do not substitute connectors Do not sheath trusses before all straps are in place Attach valley trusses and piggy back trusses, if present, to main trusses per truss manufacturer drawing. Truss to truss connection by truss company, installed per manufacturers spec's. Lateral forces perpendicular and parallel to wall has been considered (less than 300 p.l.f.) Contractor to approve temporary bracing to prevent toppling of trusses, see HI13-9. Other specs, if different frorn above, have priority. A.T.R. = All Treaded Rod Drill and Epoxy Set all A.T,R. Use either "Hilti" C-100 or Simpson Epoxy Tie Epoxy 2 x 4 diagonal " X" bracing at 8'-0"o.c. Mtn nd with ()MI aid eacfi end -\ 2 x 4 blocking at 4'-0"o.c. starting from ridge between (2) 1 [cusses 24"o.c. both top and bottom cords see layout for two truss spaces from gable end ( See truss shop m I r t v r t drawings Continuous 2 x 4 Lateral bracing at 113 points of span. Nail with (2) 16d each truss btm. cord Continuous 2 x 4 bnt'eing� fastened to beam with 5/8" x 6" wedge bolts with 1/8" x 2" washer 24"o.c. Gable End Bracing Detail Galv. drip edge 6" /-min. 4" lap 1 x 3 p.t. over 2 x 6 Paint Grade Fascia Gable end truss by truss mfgr. 19/32" c.d.x. plywood siding with 8d nails 4"o.c. Cement Panel Siding over one hyer of House Wrap 2x "L" web stiffener as required by the truss Mfg. "Simpson" BETA16 truss to bond beam with (14) 10d x 1 1/2" located at each truss vertical Concrete Bond 0 fV rn 24'-0" 4'-7" 14'40" 3' 4" -3' T-5" 71-5" 1'-10". 5'-7" 5'-7" 35 h. I L-9 CBS Rake Wall UNFINISHED Attic Stub out plumbing for future bathroom 0 O (3 (22)Treeads at 10" CBS Rake Wall 4'-7" r.4n I T-7n I Closer L-9 35 s.h. 1'-10" 5'-7" 5'-7" 1'-10" 3r-rr r-3t 7'-511 7'-5" 1-31 T-41' 4'-7" 14'-10" 24'-0" Loft Plan scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2'-0" 17-0" 9'-0" 00 00 d' n ('7 rn w W z 75 a `n �.J � 0 no • H Cie Cd y U � A U O ~ � W o Cd 0 H xo�J� or'o �U5^N 00 cfu 5'-10" T-2" �o Handrails & u Guardrails UP N 00 U A O Z O ° W O �t ��`1���� 1Ceiling 1Y-6�d �`�� N 00 U Q w 00 z WFn A W a r~ V*U 00 z v 24 s.h. 24 s h. 24 s.h. 24 s.h. T W W Safety Safety Safety Safety UU Glass Glass Glass Glass W iyi W ry" o O W U 00 a � � U a 0 r, 6-l" 1 4'-10" 1 4'-1011 " 4'-101 6'-1" 26'-8" C;)o�,C�CC�cs --Fm - 04C Iga-0I dare revision 6/5/18 Platt Review Comments 11/1211 limoPorcchd Rear ) Added Stair Plan and New Section drawn s.L cheded s.L da e c mlvn wait as now ca rob numbs she[ U A-2 = FILE COPY REVISIONall u-